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Post edit history
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1/9/2025 6:24:08 PMUSrankJenbak before revert after revert
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1 From a game-design standpoint, I think having the storage unit as an option makes sense and is not a problem in itself. The game sets a limit on the player but also a way to manipulate that limit, this gives them more freedom to express and play the way they want. Similar to how Souls-like games lets your increase your health or stamina (not really but to show my point). 1 From a game-design standpoint, I think having the storage unit as an option makes sense and is not a problem in itself. The game sets a limit on the player but also a way to manipulate that limit, this gives them more freedom to express and play the way they want. Similar to how Souls-like games lets your increase your health or stamina (not really but to show my point).
2 The way storage is now it's also very simple and intuitive, if it was baked into every constructor per talas's shower-thought then it would probably contribute to unnecessary convolution. 2 The way storage is now it's also very simple and intuitive, if it was baked into every constructor per talas's shower-thought then it would probably contribute to unnecessary convolution.
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4 It also provides the opponent with an additional way to sabotage your economy if your com is down. Allowing them to weaponize the metal excess mechanic even more. 4 It also provides the opponent with an additional way to sabotage your economy if your com is down. Allowing them to weaponize the metal excess mechanic even more.
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