

To the skies! ,iO,

Come on and S.L.A.M

Striker STC-2C

Wake up brethren \m/

This is Engi No. 5

Did he just walk up?
Last battles
836 played, 99 watched, 26 missions

Posted threads
22 posts in 8 threads

Poll votes
- What would your preferred maximum match size be on the team vs. team autohosts? : 8v8-10v10
- Should commshare be enabled by default? : Enable - Players should be able to invite each other to merge.
- Do you think your would rather use Left Mouse Button or Middle Mouse Button to move the camera with the minimap? : I would prefer Left Mouse Button.
- Do you currently use the minimap to select units? (Left click on a minimap icon or left click and drag a box) : No
- Do you currently use the minimap to issue orders? (Achieved by right clicking the minimap). : Yes, sometimes.
First Login: 10 years ago, Last Login: 53 days agoForum karma: +14 / -0
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