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Map Dual Core

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
3/29/2013 6:25:04 PMCArankTheMooseIsLoose before revert after revert
3/29/2013 6:24:45 PMCArankTheMooseIsLoose before revert after revert
3/29/2013 6:16:16 PMCArankTheMooseIsLoose before revert after revert
Before After
1 [IMG]http://i45. tinypic. com/fwi2id. png[/IMG] 1 [img]http://i45. tinypic. com/fwi2id. png[/img]
2 \n 2 \n
3 I've been looking through a lot of these Kernal Panic maps lately. In general they seem to have good design and balanced layout, but metal layouts are usually not compatible with ZK (this one doesn't seem to bad). KP maps also have tons of geos which screw up gameplay and general aesthetic as well. Metal configs can easily be done game side but do we also have that ability for features like geos or is recompile required? 3 I've been looking through a lot of these Kernal Panic maps lately. In general they seem to have good design and balanced layout, but metal layouts are usually not compatible with ZK (this one doesn't seem to bad). KP maps also have tons of geos which screw up gameplay and general aesthetic as well. Metal configs can easily be done game side but do we also have that ability for features like geos or is recompile required?