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Helping with Russian localization

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Date Editor Before After
5/20/2014 5:33:27 PMAUrankFirestorm_01 before revert after revert
5/20/2014 5:33:11 PMAUrankFirestorm_01 before revert after revert
Before After
1 Some parts of manual and some tips already localized. So I assume that developers have plans on zero-k localization. 1 Some parts of manual and some tips already localized. So I assume that developers have plans on zero-k localization.
2 I can help with localization on Russian language. What can I translate and how? 2 I can help with localization on Russian language. What can I translate and how?
3 I am not professional translator but I can handle game texts. 3 I am not professional translator but I can handle game texts.
4 \n
5 Here is that changes:
6 * Rector -> Conjurer
7 * Jethro -> Gremlin
8 * Avenger -> Swift
9 * Vamp -> Hawk
10 * Shadow -> Raven
11 * Stiletto -> Thunderbird
12 * Licho -> Wyvern (by popular vote)
13 \n
14 I hope unit variables remain the same.