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Helping with Russian localization

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Date Editor Before After
5/20/2014 5:33:53 PMAUrankFirestorm_01 before revert after revert
Before After
1 There is also problem - https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/zero-k/ 1 There is also problem - https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/zero-k/
2 It has OLD unit names that was before renaming! 2 It has OLD unit names that was before renaming!
3 \n
4 * Rector -> Conjurer
5 * Jethro -> Gremlin
6 * Avenger -> Swift
7 * Vamp -> Hawk
8 * Shadow -> Raven
9 * Stiletto -> Thunderbird
10 * Licho -> Wyvern (by popular vote)
11 \n
12 I hope unit variables remeain the same.