


Mc. Flurry


Urist Mc Dwarf
Last battles
3723 played, 1384 watched, 150 missions

Posted threads
508 posts in 78 threads

Poll votes
- What would your preferred maximum match size be on the team vs. team autohosts? : 14v14-16v16
- Should commshare be enabled by default? : Enable - Players should be able to invite each other to merge.
- Should PlanetWars start again soon? : Yes
- Are you playing with text to speech (automatic reading of ally text) enabled? : Yes (default settings)
- Do you think your would rather use Left Mouse Button or Middle Mouse Button to move the camera with the minimap? : I would prefer Left Mouse Button.
First Login: 12 years ago, Last Login: 6 years agoForum karma: +330 / -1
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