Commander 1
Last battles
411 played, 273 watched, 55 missionsB262074 1 on SpeedMetal
B262073 1 on SpeedMetal
B226631 16 on OnyxCauldron1.6
B226626 15 on FolsomDamFinal
B226612 16 on Icy Run v2
B223272 2 on SuperSpeedMetal
B223197 1 on Altair_Crossing_v3
B223194 1 on Altair_Crossing_v3
B223189 17 on CenterrockV12
B223173 14 on GhostPeak
Posted threads
43 posts in 1 threadsShieldbot balance
B222374 7 on Chess (Multiplayer)
Zero-K v1.1.12.4
Zero-K v1.1.12.0
Artillery barrage
Balance Problems YO
Shieldbot deathball balance thread
Finding a role for the Spiderlight
Much Awaited Orbital Sniper Base Cancelled, Licho Outraged
Where's The Epic?
First Login: 14 years ago, Last Login: 4 years agoForum karma: +38 / -1
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