Ke'Jon - Use Shyf
Last battles
1100 played, 59 watched, 0 missionsB1775950 3 on TheRockFinal
B1775911 3 on Lost_v2
B1775867 4 on Pawn Retreat 1.2
B1583747 2 on IcyVeryLong-2-Run
B1583689 2 on SuperCorePrimeCorridor-V1.5
B1582734 2 on All That Glitters v1.2
B1582703 2 on Taldarim_V3
B1582658 2 on Taldarim_V3
B1582630 2 on Taldarim_V3
B1439931 2 on Twin Lakes Park Redux 1.1
Poll votes
- In order to be accurate, the rating system averages the results of many games. Would you like it to put more emphasis on recent games, sacrificing accuracy but allowing for faster rank changes? : I want more accurate ratings that represent my overall performance
First Login: 6 years ago, Last Login: 4 months agoForum karma: +0 / -0
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