Commander 2
Last battles
21 played, 0 watched, 0 missionsB645810 3 on Iced Coffee v4.3
B644441 2 on Comet Catcher Redux v3.1
B644417 2 on TitanDuel 2.2
B644266 2 on Living Lands 4.1
B644246 2 on Ravaged_v2
B644240 2 on TitanDuel 2.2
B643646 4 on Fairyland 1.31
B643644 2 on Trojan Hills v05
B643623 2 on Otago 1.1
B643443 2 on Red Comet v1.3
Poll votes
- What would your preferred maximum match size be on the team vs. team autohosts? : 2v2-4v4
- Should PlanetWars stop until weekend? : No, keep PlanetWars running
- Should PlanetWars start again soon? : Yes
- What do you like most about Zero-K? : Teamplay, coordinating crushing attacks , helping friends and allies, making the team win
- What is your preferred team game size? : Small 2v2 to 4v4
First Login: 6 years ago, Last Login: 42 days agoForum karma: +0 / -0
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