Commander 1
Last battles
51 played, 1 watched, 0 missionsB1948177 2 on Bryce_Canyon_fixed_2
B1947521 2 on The river Nix 20
B1947505 2 on The river Nix 20
B1947482 2 on Badlands 2.1
B1947472 2 on Akilon Wastelands ZK v1
B1947009 2 on FrozenFortress_v2
B1946983 2 on FrozenFortress_v2
B1946978 2 on Industrial Revolution v1
B1946964 2 on Industrial Revolution v1
B1946821 2 on Ancient Vault v1.4
First Login: 12 months ago, Last Login: 7 days agoForum karma: +0 / -0
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