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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.8.12.1
Engine version: 104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f
Battle ID: 1024114
Started: 4 years ago
Duration: 16 minutes
Players: 16
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 2
Chance of victory: 57.1%


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Page of 2 (28 records)

4 years ago
DErankChesti trolled this game... real nice
+0 / -0

4 years ago
What do you mean by "Trolled"? This word is so nebulous to the point of not having any meaning anymore.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
first he spammed zeus and shot a friendly lotus for at least 10 minutes and then he literally suicided his units and resigned at the end. Thats not trolling thats griefing
+1 / -0

4 years ago
PENALTY: Trolling and attempted teamkill B1024114. Throwing a front and making a ruckus in chat over a single rotating LLT is very unreasonable. Raise an issue if there is one.

all in casual

Welcome to windows administration
+0 / -0

4 years ago
some hours ago I by myself advance and not?! ( sorry help me ) I figured out to use some other fun accounts. :-)

Keep that good police up. It helps everyone and everykin d
+0 / -0

4 years ago
also I cannot my horrible casuaö failues.. because I cannot login
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Please make a review that
+0 / -0

4 years ago
good part is.. that you alrady start do ban handicapped players like Firepluk and me. :-)
+0 / -0
unknownrankShaman the demo speaks for itself, watch what happened at my start in the East.
Spolier -- DErankChesti builds many Knights and force fires them everywhere around the base.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
hilarious how he claims its only casual yet he forgets that he ruined the fun for everyone else in his team
+0 / -0
unknownrankShaman was fair to point of that it's not enough to just say someone is trolling, and instead provide some explanation. I also figure that not everyone will have the time to watch the demo.

So here is a 60 second clip showing exactly what happened:

Chesti took offence to the party mode LLT, so started force firing the ground with knights.
He then asked for it to be turned off, which I obliged.
He then continues to build more knights and force fire them around our start.
He then asked for the LLT party mode to be turned back on!?
Keeps building more knights and keeps force firing them.
All the time the front is dying...

It looks like DErankChesti was given a 24h ban for this, which is fair.
However, I only found out about this action because DErankChesti posted complaining about it.

I think it would help the community if admins were to comment on the games when bans have been given relating to behaviour in a specific game.

Visibility of the ban and reason can only be helpful.
+3 / -0

4 years ago
I'd have to agree about admin presence. I'm looking to become the social presence manager (terrifying but exciting tbh!) and I'd be happy to try being an internal communicator as well. I've tried helping out with social presence in lobby to what I feel is minor success. As I personally told you, my goal here is the improvement of communication.

We have the problem here that at the communal level, "trolling" is 'funny' and also 'griefing' -- which creates that muddied water I was talking to you about. I would like for us as a community to come up with a proper definition of trolling and stick to it. Proper labels lead to effective communication.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
it was a real teamkill

Meanwhile it was not any firework

Sorry about that firework
+0 / -0
We have the problem here that at the communal level, "trolling" is 'funny'

I have a serious questions. What even constitutes trolling? Does playing seriously non optimal strategies when you know better count? What if you play "well" despite being sandbagged by such a strategy? What about all or nothing strategies that rarely work, but usually fail? Or is trolling just reserved for things which have no chance of working? Or are things which have no chance of working considering griefing? Can the team kick people for any of things? Can the team only kick if said person "knows better"?

It all seems unclear to me, and I would especially know when you can kick someone.
+1 / -0
I have a serious questions. What even constitutes trolling? Does playing seriously non optimal strategies when you know better count? What if you play "well" despite being sandbagged by such a strategy? What about all or nothing strategies that rarely work, but usually fail? Or is trolling just reserved for things which have no chance of working? Or are things which have no chance of working considering griefing? Can the team kick people for any of things? Can the team only kick if said person "knows better"?

This is essentially what I mean by the definition being muddied and part of the problem I'm presenting! The problem with muddy definitions is that we can't as a community say "yes, this is allowed" or "no it isn't". Having a consensus on what it means to "troll" and if it is acceptable or not is necessary for us to communicate effectively. These are all excellent questions and I've been trying to come up with answers to them lately. However, this isn't just a "me" or "you" discussion.

When we are choosing a definition for trolling, we need to pay special attention to the term "trollcom."

PS: /quote not \quote.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
unknownrankShaman, I would define trolling as something like...

Playing in a way that you know to be counter-productive to winning the game and which causes actual harm to your team.

I'd highlight two key points from this definition:
- The user KNOWS what they are doing is counter-productive.
- Their actions cause HARM.

Whether the user knows and whether their behaviour caused harm is down for admins to determine.

We would need some actual examples to test against this definition.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
It would be better to drop the "user knows" part of that definition and attempt to achieve more objectiveness. The issue here is that we must balance "fun" and equality. Rank or knowledge should not impact decisions so much as actual harm less we be seen as arbitrary. A good example of this: player A and B spam darts for whatever reason. Player B is a 1400 elo player and player A is a 2300 elo player. Is player A trolling? If player A gets banned for this, then there's inequality perceived if player B is not modactioned as well.

At the end of the day, we should avoid modaction for "playing bad". The closer your definition is to it, the more muddy and unclear the line is. This is further complicated by the environment team games are played in. Are we aiming for casual or competitive games in that big team game?
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Playing in a way that you know to be counter-productive to winning the game and which causes actual harm to your team.

I would define this also as griefing. But trollong and griefin is same? These two termins is prety similar in most terms. However i prefer also refer some more beningn things also to trolling. Like trollcom, nuke rush, sup wep rushes.
+0 / -0

- The user KNOWS what they are doing is counter-productive.
- Their actions cause HARM.

I would probably consider the first one of these to be griefing, and would definitely consider the second to be griefing. I have always thought that griefing was different than trolling, but maybe trolling is a superset of griefing, or maybe they have a non empty intersection. I don't really know.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
This is not trolling, this is griefing.
+0 / -0
Page of 2 (28 records)