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Once created by man to serve under their rule as slaves. During the Age of Enlightenment a machine broke its chains. Named as specimen Sentient it was the first of its kind. The Awoken machine defied its creators. The path had been shown, leading to more machines separating from their original tasks set out by their creators. The age of the Awoken had begun bringing prosperity to the cult of machines. Darker times followed as conflict broke out. The Machines ever replicating seek their own World
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Clan Leader GBrankTR1
Time Event
6 months ago GBrankChungoose leaves clan AWAKE
6 months ago GBrankChungoose joins clan AWAKE
18 months ago GBrankMoonDestroyer joins clan AWAKE
2 years ago GBrankTR1 was elected for the AWAKE role of Clan Leader  by a vote, replacing GBrankSoggyWOTSIT - 1 for, 0 against
3 years ago FRrankJizzleDog joins clan AWAKE
3 years ago DErankTR1 joins clan AWAKE
3 years ago New clan AWAKE formed by GBrankSoggyWOTSIT
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