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Zero-K US Tournament 11/1/14 Sign Up In This Post

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10 years ago
Thanks guys! I hope you all had fun :)

+2 / -1
(removed offensive polandball)
+8 / -0
Wait duh. There's only been two Americans in the tournament.. and one of them didn't even show up. Did I get that right? So in the end we had just as many as in the past couple 1v1 tournaments. :P
+1 / -0
Lucky for you guys, because I'm pretty sure there are more 'muricans in the 1v1 top 50 than any other country.

Kind of sucks that I'm mocked for the country I was born in based on generalizations broadly applied to 320,000,000 people you've never met.
+0 / -0
Lucky for you guys, because I'm pretty sure there are more 'muricans in the 1v1 top 50 than any other country.

It was inevitable.

There are indeed more americans than players from other individual countries in top50 1v1.

However, for the purposes of this tourney, there's just one in top10 (@Faelthas) and he didn't participate; while other top10 players (mostly EU) did.

+0 / -0

10 years ago

However, for the purposes of this tourney, there's just one in top10

Seems like strange but convenient moving of the goal posts. Only two top10 players showed at all.

Good to see admins and devs sanctioning and participating in prejudiced anti-nationalism.
+0 / -0
Kind of sucks that I'm mocked for the country I was born in based on generalizations broadly applied to 320,000,000 people you've never met.

Polandball comics are all abaut generalization and sereotypes i am afraid.

However, for the purposes of this tourney, there's just one in top10 (@Faelthas) and he didn't participate; while other top10 players (mostly EU) did.

"other top10 players" wich were EErank[ISP]Lauri and DErankKlon. I would just like to point out that neither other 13 top10 players (couting team elo too) have participated in the tourney, including you EErankAdminAnarchid! Not just @Faelthas. Besides there are 2 top10 american players: the 2nd one being PErankatom2 (if you count teams elo).
+0 / -0

10 years ago
This all kinda reminds me of Starcraft 2, where the American and European regional championships are always inevitably dominated by dem Koreans... let's hope ZK never becomes popular in Korea.
+0 / -0
Seems like strange but convenient moving of the goal posts. Only two top10 players showed at all.

Good to see admins and devs sanctioning and participating in prejudiced anti-nationalism.

1) "Other top 10 players showed up" implies more than zero. Two is more than zero. Your objection is invalid, but i could have been less ambiguous.

2) I merely stated that given the inputs and how tournaments work, if any players from top10 showed up - as they did - the outcome was not unexpected. Therefore, given those inputs, you can't say it was "luck".

3) If this string of conjectures is flagged as "anti-nationalism" - in the (incorrect) interpretation of "nationality-based mockery" - by your mind, that was purely unintentional on my part and/or intentional trolling on yours. I apologize for the former, and i am exempt from blame on the latter.

4) Your use of the word "anti-nationalism" doesn't match its accepted definition. In fact, it's pretty much opposite.

(if you count teams elo).

I don't know why you would do that for the reasons of predicting outcome of an 1v1 tourney.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Maybe it's just me but it seems like in Europe we are pretty used to making fun of each other's nationalities in a friendly way. So when we make fun of American things it usually isn't meant to insult, but rather as friendly banter. As long as it stays friendly I don't really see anything wrong with having some of that.

You can make fun of us, too. I don't know, something something about the stereotypical Estonian being pale white and extremely introverted or whatnot :)
+1 / -0
I had to construct a phrase because prejudice against the US doesn't have a commonly used term. I might resort to the more traditional "xenophobia" or "bigotry" but those seemed a bit too strong. Feel free to nitpick semantics some more, it definitely distracts from your weaker main argument.

My complaint is that this thread in particular and the community in general vilifies and mocks the US disproportionately, even after adjusting for the "friendly banter" between other nations. I personally see admins complicit in this for doing nothing discourage it (despite being sure to distance themselves from it, indicating that they know it is distasteful). This double-speak of "it's not bad, but I definitely don't participate" only strengthens my argument that you know it's wrong and you do nothing, EErankAdminAnarchid (et al, I don't mean to single you out in any way).

Personally, I like talking to my European friends while doing something I enjoy. I would never ever want to make them feel like I judge them based on their nationality. The fact that I get to talk to people from all over the world is my favorite part of playing ZK.

I'm over it myself, so you can all enjoy your trendy anti-American circlejerk. The most important part of building a community is to pick a group and ostracize them until they no longer feel welcome, then pick another group and repeat.

I guess what I'm really trying to say is "why can't we just be fucking nice to each other?"
+1 / -0
it definitely distracts from your weaker main argument.

I wonder what do you construe to be my primary argument?

My complaint is that this thread in particular and the community in general vilifies and mocks the US disproportionately

Citations please? In particular, i'm interested where have you found the following:
trendy anti-American circlejerk. The most important part of building a community is to pick a group and ostracize them until they no longer feel welcome, then pick another group and repeat

In particular, i'd also like any specific quotes of you being "judged by your nationality".
+0 / -0
10 years ago
can I eat kudos?no?stick yur kudos into yur blackhole,I want cookies!
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Warning: Excessive nationalism detected. Objective: Prevent locking of thread. Suggested action: Calm your honks. Alternative option: Exterminate offenders.
+3 / -0
Nononono! Don't do the political thing! Shush!

Well, I can't help but agree that, while the polandball comics are based on stereotypes, for someone not familiar with the "genre" the various displays ("U! S! A!") felt inappropriate: The intention of the tournament host didn't origin from nationality but simple time differences between parts of the world.

I still enjoy the presented irony, but maybe another format would've been more appropriate. Especially since political discussions were banned (and I was honestly pretty surprised to find PLrankAdminSprung being the author of such inevitably and predictably controversial material).

PS: I wonder when you last saw the US being mocked here outside of this thread?
+1 / -0
10 years ago
B-b-but GBrankTheEloIsALie! The comic is neither political nor a discussion. Don't you be hating on PLrankAdminSprung for cheering (almost) everyone up! :[
+1 / -0
The "no political discussions" rule sparked from a EU vs US conflict. Don't tell me this is nothing political. And apparently people did get offended, so there's that.

If you know that certain nationalities react upset about a display of their national stereotypes, then you should cut it shorter.
Nothing personal against PLrankAdminSprung, I'm just unwilling to believe he was oblivious to the ensuing reactions.

Just in the spirit of "why can't we [be] nice to each other?".
+0 / -0
10 years ago
If you know that certain nationalities react upset about a display of their national stereotypes

I think you might've said something evil without even noticing. You just generalized by implying that "nationalities react upset" when you should've said "people react upset"!

[honk]You are worse than USrankkaen! D: bannuna[/honk]
+1 / -0
10 years ago
The "no political discussions" rule sparked from a EU vs US conflict.

It did?
+0 / -0
Well, I don't record every instance of anti-US sentiment I encounter online. Usually I just roll my eyes and am grateful to know who is and is not worth my time. I'll make sure to do so moving forward though, will post results.

But let's take a moment to analyze the instance that sparked my original post:

Pictured, we see Australiaball inquiring about goings-on to Americaball, who is adorned with sunglasses (for context, sunglasses in meme images typically indicate a character who believes himself to be "cool", but is often unaware that he is in fact the subject of mockery). In the second panel Americaball responds, stating that "the most merican [sic] tourny ever!" is under way. In the background, three Euroballs stand on a podium and are drawn with eyes appropriated from the popular "trollface". This indicates that they are deriving pleasure from Americaball's ignorance to the irony of Europeans winning the "US" Tournament. Americaball goes on to chant "U! S! A!" to himself, indicating that he is not only too stupid to realize the irony, but is also so driven by his quixotic patriotism the he ignores the defeat and insists on the exceptionalism of his nation over all others.

This obviously depicts Americans as self-absorbed, idiotic hyper-nationalists incapable of even simple pronunciation. A very popular prejudice among non-Americans who are happy to put the entire US population into one neat little box of homogeneity. Which is fine, because one idiot making one idiotic cartoon does not bother me that much. But then, look at the upvotes:


Everyone on this list saw this cartoon, understood the implications as described above, agreed with the sentiments, and thought it was important to express their approval in no uncertain terms. And these are not just randoms, several of the names there are prominent members of the community. That is why I indict not just PLrankAdminSprung but the community at large (including admins and devs) for condoning this.

I've also done a brief search to find some old threads with anti-American sentiments. These are the findings from just the most obvious and minimal amount of research one could responsibly do. The initial posts are not necessarily offensive (most discuss recent current events), but characterization of Americans as fat, hapless sheep unknowningly enslaved by corporate overlords ensues in the comments. Worth mentioning that two of these were posted by no less than CZrankAdminLicho.

+0 / -0
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