Well, I don't record every instance of anti-US sentiment I encounter online. Usually I just roll my eyes and am grateful to know who is and is not worth my time. I'll make sure to do so moving forward though, will post results.
But let's take a moment to analyze the instance that sparked my original post:
Pictured, we see Australiaball inquiring about goings-on to Americaball, who is adorned with sunglasses (for context, sunglasses in meme images typically indicate a character who believes himself to be "cool", but is often unaware that he is in fact the subject of mockery). In the second panel Americaball responds, stating that "the most merican [sic] tourny ever!" is under way. In the background, three Euroballs stand on a podium and are drawn with eyes appropriated from the popular "trollface". This indicates that they are deriving pleasure from Americaball's ignorance to the irony of Europeans winning the "US" Tournament. Americaball goes on to chant "U! S! A!" to himself, indicating that he is not only too stupid to realize the irony, but is also so driven by his quixotic patriotism the he ignores the defeat and insists on the exceptionalism of his nation over all others.
This obviously depicts Americans as self-absorbed, idiotic hyper-nationalists incapable of even simple pronunciation. A very popular prejudice among non-Americans who are happy to put the entire US population into one neat little box of homogeneity. Which is fine, because one idiot making one idiotic cartoon does not bother me that much. But then, look at the upvotes:







OrfeliusEveryone on this list saw this cartoon, understood the implications as described above, agreed with the sentiments, and thought it was important to express their approval in no uncertain terms. And these are not just randoms, several of the names there are prominent members of the community. That is why I indict not just

Sprung but the community at large (including admins and devs) for condoning this.
I've also done a brief search to find some old threads with anti-American sentiments. These are the findings from just the most obvious and minimal amount of research one could responsibly do. The initial posts are not necessarily offensive (most discuss recent current events), but characterization of Americans as fat, hapless sheep unknowningly enslaved by corporate overlords ensues in the comments. Worth mentioning that two of these were posted by no less than
