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9 years ago
Man that reporter has a high pitch girly bark. Almost most blowout my ear drums. Probably not a good role model UArankDIVO.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
thats the sound DIVO makes when russian military fuck him in the ass every night
+3 / -13
9 years ago
Ask a lifetime ban on the forum, the player [Fx] Drone for the phrase:

/ thats the sound DIVO makes when russian military fuck him in the ass every night /

Private gross insult!
Inciting ethnic hatred!
Insult by ethnicity!
+1 / -0
If someone asks me not to reclaim their com then I most likely would not reclaim it. I think this can be said for most people playing. If sfireman doesn't want to respect DIVO wishes then it quite simple. Next time just reclaim his com if he ever loses it.

An eye for a eye!

On the same matter, I think if the player was rezzing a unit and someone else started reclaiming it then I would say that sfireman was in the wrong since I would conisder that the same action as reclaiming a unit being built from a factory.

My final thoughts is that if hte game allows you to do such action and it causes a distress to other players then the fault lies with the developers themselves.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
I choose, where possible, not to play with players who will insist that I do not reclaim their comm when the other alternative is that I lose the ground and the opponents reclaim the comm while my ally futilely rushes Athena.

Yes, I have a list of players I won't play with by choice, for this and other reasons. Yes, it's rather long. Yes, that's why I mostly play 1v1 now.

Neon follows:
+1 / -0
Next time just reclaim his com if he ever loses it.

The point is taht Sfiremans commander lose = insta resign. It would be quite wierd to ask not to reclaim the commander, while being a spectator...

+4 / -0

9 years ago
GBrank[Fx]Drone please dont make fun of the war in Ukraine, like 5000 people died there and was not a good thing for you to mentionjoke like that. Besides that you got a report from me because of what you wrote, good job ! hope you get punished in a way because what you wrote are not jokes, i can't even describe how disgusted i am of those words.
+7 / -0

9 years ago
"The point is taht Sfiremans commander lose = insta resign. It would be quite wierd to ask not to reclaim the commander, while being a spectator..."


More seriously, IMO com's wreck ownership (it never concerned any other wrecks interestingly, even striders) are in a grey zone for me, more a matter of gentleman's agreement than a hard and fast rule, that you should respect if possible the other player's wishes, but as a matter of principle, I'd say that if you lose your com, then too bad, it's a wreck like any other.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
The arguments about comm wreck ownership are a result of comm only being able to be rebuilt via rez.

The solutions would be to make comms buildable, or to remove rez. Imo the already-owled rez might as well be removed.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
The solutions would be to make comms buildable, or to remove rez.

Nooo, there is yet another solution!
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Yeah, you can play 1v1 to resolve all wreck ownership disputes in your favor!
+6 / -0

9 years ago
Metal from Commander belongs primarily to the player

It's technically possible in lua to restrict a comm wreck to be only reclaimable by the comm owner, or by all his enemies, which excludes his teammates. No choice has been made to do that.
+2 / -0
No choice has been made to do that.

Even more so: a choice has been made not to do that.

Doing this would would introduce both inconsistent wreck behaviour and yet another UI button so that non-noobs could disable that limitation.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
It's technically possible in lua to restrict...
+1 / -0
9 years ago
so that non-noobs team-players could disable that limitation

+0 / -0

9 years ago
yet another UI button so that non-noobs could disable that limitation

I'm not talking about UI, that would be silly. I'm saying it's possible in luarules to restrict it.


You are also being silly to compare these two things.

Disabling all damage done to allies by your units' weapons would change the game in such a huge way that it is preferred to keep it and let moderation determine if someone is hurting allies on purpose.

Making one wreckage out of a thousand in the battlefield would be only reclaimable by the owner/his enemies is a dumb waste of coding time but hardly as huge a change as the above.

Outlaw notwithstanding of course.
+0 / -0
DErank[2up]knorke y u scrub no use Ctrl+Shift or Repeat button? Get on my level m8. Honk.

Sorry I couldn't resist. :(
+1 / -0
9 years ago
because pleasant anticipation.
+1 / -0
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