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If you could change/add/remove anything from ZK, what would it be?

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9 years ago
How quickly does firewalker actually deal with assaults? Which ones? Because defenders get absolutely throttled by assaults of any colour or creed. Even dirtbags.

As for artillery, are you talking specifically about the low weight ones? Because I can't see firewalker doing much to pillager or impaler.

With air, do brawlers and wyvern not hard counter a mix of defender/firewalker?

I'm not trying to tell you you're wrong, it's just I've never really had issues dealing with this particular tactic, and am trying to understand. Defenders can't move, which means you've always got time to make the right units for the job, unless they manage to cover every weakness somehow, which is unlikely.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
pillager and impaler do alright versus firewalker+defender. hammers and racketeers get stomped. i may have to use brawler more (it's a unit i really rarely make). the thing about assaults is that the firewalker can backpedal quite well and just kite things to death. wyvern is a possibility, it's another unit i don't use very often
+0 / -0
One of the main reason I don't like defender is because it's used against its main purpose, i.e. defend. It's very frequent to see that defender is being used as a 'static skirmisher unit' against other defense, so it out-ranges LLT, gauss, urchin, faraday, stardust.

Secondly defender gains power from height of placement. Almost all assaults have limited arc of aiming/shooting, so that if defender is high enough they simply won't be able to shoot. As for artillery, defender on the hill easily out-ranges hammers and wolverines.

Thirdly there's a concern that defender nerf will cause skirmisher outbreak. This is of course a valid worry, however skirmisher power will need to be contained anyway. I second someone's opinion in this thread that mainline units should be assaults and raiders, rather than riot + BSS.
+5 / -0

9 years ago
"defendurz must b op, cuz i am sun tzu, the master general"

That's certainly how I feel
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Higestromm a single Flea can kill a Starlight and probably a DRP. Just saying. Not sure about Zenith.

Give a flea to a noob like me and I'm pretty sure it will die before getting to it.

There is countertrategy to making super weapons. It is called pounding enemy harder with more stuff because they are making a super expensive weapon.

Again I talk as a noob player. A noob player have difficulties to adapt it's strategy because a lack of knowlege in HUNDREDS of units. A noob player take slowers decisions.
And finaly the noob player like me and my friends finaly expands slowly because it's hard to anticipate the ennemi attack.
So the intuitive method for a noob is making a safe point with porcs and then expand our controlled zone.
OK OK I see everyone come here and say that it's not a good thing, blah blah... And yes you are true, WE KNOW THAT, but we just can't because our knowlege of the game is not enough.
In my last game for example i've tried to expand, to reduce my porcs, but finally it didn't work because I don't really know how to do to have a better controlled progression. In one word, I don't have the experience.
The thing I want to explain is that in a noob play, 50% of the game are ending with superweapon.

But you wanted to have them nerfed! Now you call them a noobtrap and nerfing them would push them even harder inro that possition.

I say it's a noobtrap because High rank player say it, not because my experience told me it's a noobtrap.

But how is it not fun? You make a laser that can chisel trough the map or a device that summons a rain of meteors or a giant rotating cannon shooting all colors of the rainbow. That is pretty fun if you ask me.

Of course the idea of a Death Star that kill everything with big EXPLOSIONS is always fun on the paper. But (in my experience) in practice, when I win or loose using it I feel a little bit sad.

Absolutely. If you want to play against AI feel free to, but consider the fact, that the AI that ZK uses is not good at the game at all. The balance of the game (which you questioned) is dictated from the point of high level plays (mostly 1v1s), not PvE fights. I could take you an average ZK player and they would whoop CAI's ass in around 30 mins without using superweapons.

That's why we play against AI. Because the community of Zero-k is an old community. There are not so many noob and so if we play with other people, we have 90% to make teammate enrage because we're playing as they want.
And so we have 90% to be frustrated because if we make bad decisions we immediatly get some agressive messages (a friend of mine receive a message 15 sec after the begining of a game juste because the factory he build was not approved by some player)
So we enjoy playing against "stupid AI" but this one is still better than us so it's OK.

We just disable superweapons before playing because Cuicuit AI generally make a disco rave party after 20 minutes and we just can't handle that.

It may be difficult to hear for an experienced player but try to remember how it was when you just begin the game.
+4 / -0

9 years ago
I'd add enough players (and possibly matchmaking) to have a game of any type any time of the day.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
We just disable superweapons before playing because Cuicuit AI generally make a disco rave party after 20 minutes and we just can't handle that.

Circuit is a pretty brutal opponent as AI goes, especially if you are using the latest version.
+1 / -0
If your enemies are successfully using superweapons against you, you might wanna try out the missile silo. Note that the Shockley has a much longer range than the Tacnuke, so you can use that to stun enemy superweapons.

Besides that, using the missile silo, you have a much cheaper way to slay your opponent: Nukes! First, build some Swifts in the Airplane Factory (about 10 should be enough) and send them to scout. Use their D-Gun (Boost) to evade flak fire. Now you should know the position of all enemy antinukes. Stun them with Shockleys from your front-line missile silo and fire your nuke(s) at the same time. Watch the enemy explode!

Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen lesen Sie die Packungsbeilage und fragen Sie Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker.

More experienced human players will hide their antinukes and/or build terraform around them, so watch out for that. If it works, which it should in your case, you just found a superweapon for half the price of the next cheapest one, so you should be able to build it twice as quickly.

Reveal firing superweapons. This allows widgets and AIs to see them, not just players with good eyes. Include nuke and possibly bertha.
Introduce competitive FFA, ban all players playing teams except if it's 2 way FFA.
+1 / -0
It would be swaping hotkeys to be able to use classic "A+Click" to do attack move. It is supposed to be standart for RTS games. But not in ZK for some reason.
+3 / -0
AUrankFirestorm_01, you can customize that in the settings.
+1 / -0
It would be swaping hotkeys to be able to use classic "A+Click" to do attack move. It is supposed to be standart for RTS games. But not in ZK for some reason.

Yeah and as a bonus, A-click makes your units act extra stupidly by firing at ground, instead of the extra-smart fight command that ZK has.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
It is supposed to be standart for RTS games.

+0 / -0

9 years ago
Not de iure but de facto.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Add special level icon on lvl 250 for firepluk.
+4 / -0
The smurfs! remove them
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Starlight is definitely OP for low-elo games (especially those against AIs), but I still think it's good it exists as it's a way to end games that may well last forever, and still nearly never see play in high elo ones (except for maybe FFA).
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Add a real official campain to learn the game.

Just like Supreme Commander you begin with only one factory available, add objective to learn to play with etc..

Maybe around 10 to 15 scenario are a good number to learn to face to many situations.

There's possibility to write a great story based on planetwars.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
+2 / -0

It is supposed to be standart for RTS games.

Well, Zero-K do not exist in vacuum. There was another RTS games before. Starcraft series, for example. So there are expectations exist.
So it is not about "Why?" It is about "Why the hell not?". And it is not time consuming feature - it is about simple rebinding default hotkeys. I hope devs want to make Zero-K popular. So why not to do simple things by using things that players expect to see?

Yeah and as a bonus, A-click makes your units act extra stupidly by firing at ground, instead of the extra-smart fight command that ZK has.

See? That is "why"! Why newbie player shouldn't close the game and run away after that?

Firestorm_01 you can customize that in the settings.

Yes I can. But I don't have to rebind move keys on WASD in FPS games, for example.
+4 / -0
There were RTS games other than Starcraft too, many of them. And it is not like they all had A bound to Attack-Move... So I don't see why we should follow Starcraft, instead of what have been the standard in Spring games since ever. And what our playerbase is used to. Starcraft players will prefer to play Starcraft anyway...
+0 / -0
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