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Hover raiders rush

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13 years ago
last game i played 2 guys rush me with boats and hover scouts units, i didnt build defences bacause i didnt think the 2 guys will go for that so early i was setting up some defences but of course they were sending more units, 2 guys vs me is imposible since i was trying to get a economy lead they just destroy my buildings then i quit, they bs me i bs them finally they kick me, im not saying is a OP build or is totally unbalnce, i just want to know what should i do to defence myself, i was making solar panels to boos the metal income and i was staring to build some unit when it happen, i could not know they were going to push so early, im still a new player and maybe i dont get how 5 units on my base at 45 secs is a valid way of playing but ok, i gonna have to adapt but i will like to know how, since the manual does not do a very good job explaing this kinda of stuffs
+0 / -0

13 years ago
>i was making solar panels to boos the metal income

Don't do this. The cost of overdriving a mex is roughly 10x more expensive than simply making a new metal extractor. The best players win because they attack EARLY and expand to get new metal extractors. That is what killed you.

Seriously, you don't have to change anything else at start. You need to make JUST ENOUGH energy to not stall and you'll be fine. This is typically 1 solar per mex at start.

My rule of thumb: don't start worrying about overdrive until you cannot win new mexes easily. As long as there are TONS of unclaimed mexes on the map, you should do NOTHING but make units and capture those mexes. Once the game has slowed down and you are not making progress as quickly, then you should worry about overdrive.

Sorry if I seemed a bit harsh but ragequitting that early and then lashing out at everyone sort of pissed me off. Your com was powerful enough to kill the 3 hover scouts in your base and you would have only lost a couple mexes if you had continued playing. It would take FOREVER for 3 hover scouts to kill your solars or lab.

>since the manual does not do a very good job explaing this kinda of stuffs

Sure about that?
The final line of that link: "So attack. It's the only way to win."
+0 / -0
thx for the awnser and also sorry for the ragequit, i use to play: SC, SC2, company of hero, etc. im not use to deal with any harras taht early on,, also i have read before that part of the manual and i think is "usefull" in only some scenarios, i didnt know the a com could support such a attack, thx for the info once again and i hope to figth u soon to get my revange >:)
+0 / -0

13 years ago

Adicogames great thx u rusher <.<
Adicogames fuck u idiot
loveu2 !votekick Adicogames
loveu2 !vote 1
loveu2 good
ratio2 !vote 2
loveu2 what a noob
Antelope thats not rushing dude
Adicogames fuck u dude
Antelope thats regular gameplay
loveu2 go back to BA
Adicogames oh yeah? f u
Antelope if you're gonna spend your first FIVE HUNDRED metal making solars, you deserve to lose
loveu2 go cry back to a BA game
Adicogames if u send me 3 friking ship at 1 min in game ur a fuking rusher
Tomica !endvote
loveu2 rushing is part of game, go cry to your mom
Adicogames u gonna cry asshole

This type of behavior won't make you a better player. It won't improve the game. It won't make people want to help you. It WILL piss everyone off and (eventually) get you banned.

Chill. It's a game.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
u forget this part :P

Adicogames RTS my ass is "who get more units at the biginnig to fuck the ass of the other dude
Antelope you call making FIVE HUNDRED metal in SOlars a strategy?
Antelope Thats not a strategy. That's SIM CITY
Adicogames yeah taht requaries a lot of brain no asshole?
Springie [loveu2]that's what a rts is dumbass
Springie [loveu2]go cry to your mom
* Springie Do you want to kick Adicogames? !vote 1

yes, !vote 2

Springie [loveu2]!votekick Adicogames
Antelope A single 80 metal LLT would have stopped that "rush"
* Springie option 1 has 1 of 7 votes
Springie [loveu2]!vote 1
Adicogames i go economyc lead u dick, advancing making defences plannig attacks
Antelope And he chose attack
* Springie option 1 has 2 of 7 votes
Springie [Tomica]!vote 1
Springie [Tomica]!endvote
S27 being able to balance econ and military is the point... meh ....
Adicogames u didnt balance a shit u just make fuking units and mass up
Antelope Also, you say you chose "making defenses"
Antelope but you had ZERO defenses
Antelope ZERO offenses
Adicogames because i was taking the mid
* Springie vote successful - kicking Adicogames

yes i know its not the best way have a "debate" but when u lose (or not,now the i know the com can take care of that) is very hard to not feel angry. once agai n i say sorry for the bs.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
If you're sorry, don't keep the argument going.

Anyhow, here's the thing with ZK:

On land, there are a variety of small defenses available to keep you alive... those will buy you some time during the early raids. It's a trade-off compared to SC - you're scout/raiding with real combat units instead of workers, but you can put up some real defenses too, in the form of Lotuses and Defenders.

On naval games, the small defenses are generally ineffective, if existant. This means the naval game is hyper-agressive. If you're on a coast, the rule is you *push*. You push like you're in freaking labour. Because boats don't screw around. Defenses on the water *suck*, and the comm is basically a hard-to-kill nanotower. So you blitz.

Building solars in that scenario is the last thing you want to do. You want enough E to keep you alive, positioned around your mexes so any accidental surplus goes into overdrive.
+0 / -0
I remember the first time I was rushed with scouts back in the day. They played pop-goes-the-weasel around my factory, destroying all my starting structures and keeping my factory between them and my commander so I couldn't do anything.

I was floored that the game could be played like that and immediately addicted. Zero-K is very different to most RTS's. Combat starts from minute 1 and doesn't stop until the game is over. This makes games much faster and action-packed. It is also why you have your commander, and a range of light defensive tower options.

There are a few legit cheesy 'rushes' (wait until you get comm-dropped or jack-rushed, -THEN- you can rage), but hover scouts isn't one of them. This is a standard starting attack which happens almost every game, usually just to establish where the enemies are and pick off any expanding workers.

A standard starting build order is factory, metal extractor x3, solar panel x3 then a light laser tower or defender. Defender gives more coverage, while the light laser tower gives more firepower. The defensive structures exist mostly to stop the enemy from keeping your buildings between himself and your commander. Your commander is in fact more than capable of killing 90% of early rushes on his own, if he can catch them. Sometimes the enemy can get in a blind spot of your turret- if this happens, just pursue him with your com and make a raider out of your own factory. If he destroys a few structures that is fine, they leave wrecks behind, reclaim the wrecks and rebuild. It isn't as punishing as losing early workers in SC2.

If you want to execute this kind of probing attack yourself, it is really important to assist your factory with your commander. Use the guard command (right-click on the factory with the com). Often you'll end up blundering into his commander with these units and dying though, so spread them out over the enemy start box to establish where the enemy is, and then stay out of range of his defenses and try to pick off anything that isn't protected.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Try watching some 1v1s to get a feel for how the earlygame works. It is significantly different to Starcraft type games where you build up an economy then attack. (here's one, http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/53861 ) (replays here http://zero-k.info/Battles )

In ZK the best way to build your economy is to expand. It costs 75 for an extractor and 420 cost in solar panels to double that extractor's income. Clearly early on when there are completely unclaimed metal patches it is much better to expand to produce more extractors.

Constructors can be used to expand from very early in a game but are quite weak. Players would gain a large advantage from unchecked expansion so it is very common to start with a handful or raiders to see if your opponent is expanding. If they expand rapidly the raiders can slow them down as they will require guard for the constructor and extractors that it captures.

The defence game is different as well. Maps in ZK are generally much more open, there is no single choke to block access to your base. There are also defences that are very cheap and very cost effective. A Lotus (LLT) will commonly kill 2x it's cost in raiders and protects a decent area. Defenders can pick off scouts in an even larger area.

I recommend 2 LLTs near your factory such that they defend all sides of the factory and the nearby extractors. This is not particularly expensive and will prevent you from losing early due to raiding. There are strategies with less defence but for new players you are better to play it safe.

The Commander is fairly important early game. He can defeat about 400ish cost in raiders reasonably easily and has a buildpower of 12. The most common uses are as base defence so you can save on turrets or as a safer expansion route.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
thx u guys for the replys and also thx u google for the replays, im looking at them now :)
+0 / -0
If you have your commander alive, try to make 1 LLT and 1 defender.

NEVER build the same defenses directly adjacent to eachother - they can not overshoot other defenses of the same height.

It is a good way to make 1 LLT, 1 raider and keep your com at the other side of your base.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
It is interesting to compare the economy to Starcraft. In Starcraft, your expansions are expensive and pay off slowly, but 'developing' those expansions, or building lots of workers, is cheap and incremental and each worker pays off quickly.

In Zero-K, your expansions (mexes) are cheap and pay off quickly, and your expansion development, the energy grid, is expensive and pays off slowly. Basically, the economy is the exact opposite of Starcraft.

So this means that instead of building up your economy, you are looking to expand from the very start, and prevent your opponent from taking expansions. Later in the game you build up your energy grid when you can spare the cash.
+0 / -0
Unlike starcraft, in 0K and other Total Annihilation-like games, the resource can't be used up, and the possibility of economy development is unlimited, you can over drive a metal extractor to any degree you want.
So if expansion isn't much easier than economy development, there will be no good reason to expand, thus the game would become boring.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
If you want a Starcraft-like economy, you can play TechAnnihilation and make metal makers.

Don't forget about the maps "Greener Fields no wind" and "Bluer Fields no wind".
+0 / -0