yea. and this just happend, when snoke knew i have mute after he sniched on me... so yea.. good work admins. you totally sided with the harmed party there...
[18:59] Nightwatch Team 1 resigned
[18:59] Nightwatch BATTLE DETAILS AND REPLAY ----> <-----
[18:59] snoke: hey rooks[vegan] whats up
[18:59] snoke: how are you
[18:59] snoke: you dont talk to me no more?
[18:59] snoke: :(
[18:59] snoke: you alright rooks[vegan]?
also same thing going on in B659765 B659767
keep on siding with snoke and you will sink this community even further...


Chesti @admins
its really retarded i have to go through "the appeal process" go outside guys, play some paintball or go setup a campfire,, i did it , its really cool.. do some snowboarding... ride a bike thorugh woods even at this weather... relax guys...