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Global mute in all games on me

15 posts, 911 views
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6 years ago
May i know why all of the sudden?

How long it gonna last?
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Check ur profile page.
+3 / -0
6 years ago

Not sure what snoke did tell you on me this time...

Deal is snoke kept unpausing my 30second lag. it was fucking anoying. I am not gonna yield to his bs trumped up claim of verbal abuse. He has proven track conducict of pissing people off and then crying to the admins that people yell at him. I thought you guys were smarter than that. Guess not, or thers some ohter thing going on against me... since recently people even yell at me for doing 70metal worth of terraform at start... not sure whats going on, this is pre christmass level so i wish you all a happy merry christmas and a big ball of chill-ie, vegan one ^^
+2 / -2
6 years ago
to be absolutely clear, i yelled at snoke, after he acted childlishly. not before. After he kept instant unpausing minor 30 sec lag. three times in a row i waited patiently yet he kept messing with me, so im sorry to be human. In most games without him people are not bothered with it and know i have computer that doesnt match current upgrades of zk engine

what happend is this, i hope youll be more mindful about snoke's crywolf/gaslighting in future, it will help you not to destroy zk community by overpolicing it which in some games is very rigid recently to the point of me considering not doing zk at all...
+2 / -4
yea. and this just happend, when snoke knew i have mute after he sniched on me... so yea.. good work admins. you totally sided with the harmed party there...

[18:59] Nightwatch Team 1 resigned
[18:59] Nightwatch BATTLE DETAILS AND REPLAY ----> http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/659765 <-----
[18:59] snoke: hey rooks[vegan] whats up
[18:59] snoke: how are you
[18:59] snoke: you dont talk to me no more?
[18:59] snoke: :(
[18:59] snoke: you alright rooks[vegan]?

also same thing going on in B659765 B659767

keep on siding with snoke and you will sink this community even further...

@Godde FIrankAdminAlcur DErankChesti @admins

its really retarded i have to go through "the appeal process" go outside guys, play some paintball or go setup a campfire,, i did it , its really cool.. do some snowboarding... ride a bike thorugh woods even at this weather... relax guys...
+1 / -1
i yelled at snoke, after he acted childlishly

all i done was i unpaused a clusterfuck... didnt even realise it was you.

you did not say any word like "hey i got connection problems, could we pause or restart" or anything like this
you just started to insult me, called me gay an stuff like that and totally out of context. and not for the first time
i havent talked even 1 word to you in the game your mute belongs to...

its not my fault you got muted, its yourselfs
+2 / -0
6 years ago

[18:59] snoke: hey rooks[vegan] whats up
[18:59] snoke: how are you
[18:59] snoke: you dont talk to me no more?
[18:59] snoke: :(
[18:59] snoke: you alright rooks[vegan]?

sorry for these so much
+0 / -0
6 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
lol. we both know youre just wanting to look good from it. your wife will leave you . women have lower tolerance for games like this..
+0 / -6

6 years ago
dunno what happened there but I did had occasions where I found snoke quite aggressive.
+2 / -1

dunno what happened there

so post here!


but I did had occasions where I found snoke quite aggressive.

feel free to open a thread or report me for that.
tho i know im not too polite, marking allies bullshit as bullshit
or even idiotic when im kinda frustated

some people learn from this, other seem to go mad

anything topic related?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Maybe i just wanted to pass you the message that you could improve your behavior somewhat.
+2 / -1
6 years ago
as you can see on my response i understand what youre about to tell me...
did you read it?
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Its hard to improve on perfection :P
+0 / -0
open a "i dont like snoke"-thread
or send me a message
or report me

but here its off topic
+0 / -0

6 years ago
snoke may not be the nicest person around but that is irrelevant. It seems to me that

PENALTY: Verbal abuse of other players (B659459). If you are lagging out and want the game to be paused try showing some respect.


Expires on: 12/21/2018 11:57:11 PM (1d 1h remaining)

answers your questions. Locked.
+3 / -2