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ZeroWars v1.31

By petturtle

made for zero-k
Size: 16 x 6


Downloads: 164

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What changes do we have in 1.31? USrankPetTurtle

Ok from what I see fight command has been added to all units, limpets no longer op now :).
+0 / -0
Merlins are broken

Also, GS aboose is still a thing. I'll see if I can get a replay of that...
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Merlins very broken as you can one shot the bases with manual fire
+0 / -0

5 years ago
FIrankHuixtocihuatl : Nah, that's just a good rush. :)

If your enemies had used some screening they'd have seen that Merlin.
+0 / -0
revamped spawn system
removed unused mex
your units only deploy in platform you started in
moved turrets forward
deploys and turrets face proper direction
timed out units don't explode
idle unit bug fixed
ai no longer removed from units
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Can't replicate gs abuse
+0 / -0
5 years ago
GBrankdyth68 It doesn't matter if they see it or not. The only thing that can snipe that Merlin is player controlled air (or another Merlin), and if air isn't banned there are multiple other abuses at the same tier that I could do. Even if my team can't push to Stinger range, a controllable Merlin is an extremely strong buff to deal with waves.

Get another or even a third and it's pretty much gg. No way enemy waves can handle the extra damage.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
FIrankHuixtocihuatl : More player controlled stuff in the centre is good. People are going to have to actually think about what the enemy could have and pre-emptively counter.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
The problem lies in lack of choice. There's nothing to think about when your two choices are to either get a Merlin or be destroyed by one. Merlin mid has no downsides, no real threats to it (except a trollcom, but good luck with that?) and is extremely strong against everything.
+0 / -0
Any non-AI unit should get deleted if it leaves the starting islands. Everyone just keeps trying to cheese the map by building random things at the middle section, not making any units.

Also disable limpets and halberds. They just confuse the AI and make enemy stuck in their base since there's no way to ignore them.
+0 / -0

Move Stinger from where it is to that black area and give it a funnel-web shield. Also, we can pick a different defense structure like that sunlance. At the same time put it on a good 150+ hight so halberds on hold fire won't reach it

In the blue areas please put some advance cobras similar that we have inside our cloning areas

In the red area please put 1-2 fusions for the Ai so it will have the energy for the funnel-web shield.

I will wait for USrankPetTurtle to implement the commander metal gain when killing units :D. This way com morphers will have their style pleased. For example, killing 1 unit that is worth 300 metal will give the player some metal. What percentage exactly needs to be tested, it can be from 10% to 50% worth of the unit killed. We must be sure we won't make com morphing mandatory in this game mode so as of now a 10% would be fine I think.

+1 / -0

5 years ago
FIrankHuixtocihuatl : Merlin in mid will get murdered by pretty much any player controlled stuff...
A couple of Aspis will also counter it pretty well (and helps against Silo too!).

Merlin doesn't seem any worse than player controlled (and cloaked) arti with decent burst. E.g. Impaler/Emissary/Lance...
Or indeed Missile Silos or Ravens.
There's a lot of ways of destroying that Stinger for 3500 metal and a lot of ways to counter those ways.
+0 / -0
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