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Widgets ideas

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Global economy priorities managment.
These are floating unit states buttons, grey/transparent that light up if not set to normal priority, they turn red for low and green for high. in clear cases a ai takes over lighting a little led to indicate ai activity. (like eco helper, when stalling energy past X metal inc. sets energy to high, when excessing metal sets caretakers and storage to high..)

Small energy
All energy
Factories/ Caretakers
Morph (?)

Production of combat units,
Utility units

Constructors priorities

Units by class, price
ai could act on these depending army composition and the enemies composition, (eg. detris ? -> ultis on high ..)

Stop global production of production, military, eco , def ..
just a button to tell builders to cancel those build orders

Pauses '' ''

Skip '' ''
basically puts at the end of the queue


Information awarness
Display information

Ratio of energy to energy used on production,
(could be layered on the energy bar)

Ratio of metal used on military to metal used on eco

Large project progress tracker,

Ammo counter and progess;
Raven, Nuke, Scyllia, Missiles in silo, Artemis, Zenith meteors

Seen units tracker for the opponent,
auto collapses, expands on hover and when notable unit is added to the count.

Excess counter lights up when excessing

Other mics widgets ideas

Hotkey to select the virtual group of units that has just been queued

F drag in fog of war, the unit waits to arrive to the last command before the F drag then does F drag with the new vision

idle builders flashing

flash unit icon (important units?) at low hp

fading color on icon to display the effect of, emp fire disarm slow

set units to be for everyone to use teamcolor becomes white

''enlarging lens'' panel that can move around to view parts of the map, and be played trough.
the idea here is to stay zoomed out and open a panel where there is going to be precise micro, it closes on its own once not used (after 3 sec not touched)

Hotkey to build the same unit as clicked on or same as previous ..

+0 / -0
4 years ago
In the category of information:

A widget that pops up a warning if you have more shields than energy.

I can't tell you the number of times my shields start getting shot and I find myself out of energy suddenly.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
A widget that puts some units on hold fire when they have a priority target. Like, say Lance, Harpy, Revenant, and other high-reload stuff.
+0 / -0
There is already a targeting ai widget which does this.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
On springfiles? "TargettingAI package"?
It's not exactly what I wanted. I want something where I can tell a Lance, or a Harpy, or a Revenant, to only fire on a specific target and it will only fire on that target and not waste its shot against everything else on the way to that target.

For example, tell Revenant to attack a razor in the middle of a base, and it will go into the base, dump a bunch of missiles on a random lotus or constructor, and then spend 15 seconds hanging around getting shot at while reloading. And while I can do that with hold fire, I do want my units to have that flexiblity to engage freely if just hanging around.
+1 / -0
place a unit on hold fire.. then it will only attack targets you give it =)

edit: oh never mind you already mentioned hold fire.. ummm place on hold fire and after you kill the target you can switch it to fire at will.. so you want a widget that does that? and switches from hold fire after a target is killed?
+0 / -0

4 years ago
@Thomas1 you should format the OP to be more readable.
+0 / -0