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Jumpers are bad for High-Level-Games

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In Team-Games, Jumpers are really really oppressive. Maybe they are not that strong in 1v1, but in teams, they are incredibly annoying to play against.
Pyro makes raiding nearly impossible because you always risk losing all your units even if you make cost. For example: The fire just touches a bandit for a glimpse of a second and the bandit burns to death.
Firewalker kills all skirms including badger, it makes the pathing of your enemy a total nightmare, it decloaks stuff. Moderators are really complicated to deal with as well. Puppies can eat reclaim to deny it and are hard to approach as well. I just think this is a badly designed factory with nearly all units occupying multipe roles. The only decent units design-wise are skuttle and jack.





(Yes, you can see me suck with jumpers in those games as well, but I simply never played them and need to learn how to use them.)
+3 / -0
3 years ago
It's not just high level games. Firewalkers are the new tremor.
+0 / -0

3 years ago
The truths of DErankManu12 are becoming known to the masses!
+2 / -0

3 years ago
just make domi vs jacks
+1 / -0
I never felt they were an issue for other 'high-level-games'.

I watched two replays, both were mirror matches...

Seems to me you are externalizing your own issues and problems with the factory.
+2 / -0
I think the matches were lost due to expansion speed.
They are just send as examples of jumpy-play. They are NOT meant as demonstrations of how good jumpy is, but to show how prevalent they are in the games.
I will just post more examples.
I find Firewalker and Pyro an extreme annoyance for ages already, ask EErankAdminAnarchid.
And again, it`s not about whereas those units are really op or not. Its about oppressiveness as kind of a fun-killer.

I am also used to people just opposing ideas no matter what those ideas are anyway.

So, if you think those are just temper-tantrums: Show me games where one side is behind in map-control, then gets locked down by firewalker (or tremor pre-nerf) and makes a decent comeback.
+0 / -0
3 years ago
since skuttle cloak nerf it feels almost useless cuz it often gets shot down midair
+1 / -0
They are NOT meant as demonstrations of how good jumpy is, but to show how prevalent they are in the games.

If at least one person and frequently two played Cloaky in four consecutive 3v3s I am not sure I would say that Cloaky was unreasonably prevalent in those games. Maybe Jumpfac is judged by a different standard. Maybe it should be judged by a different standard. IDK.

I find pretty much every factory annoying to play against from time to time. Perhaps Jumpfac is more annoying than average, I would have to pay attention for a while. I don't really get to "every unit in the factory other than Jack and Skuttle is badly designed" though from these replays or from my own experience. That statement seems like it needs some more elaboration.

I don't think Jumpbots even had a large impact on the linked Fairyland and Red Comet games. Would have to watch the other two more carefully to say about them.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
I agree. Buff skittle.
+5 / -0

3 years ago
I would say cloaky is very prevalent as well atm.
+0 / -0
Firewalker counters all light units
Placeholder counters tanks,lv
pyro counters all raiders except blitz
Sumo counters spider fac
jack counters porc and everything else paladins scorpions goliaths like everything if it can get close
its constructors can kill fleas as well

one factory that can hardcounter so many other factories so well seems bad

Like i find JJ hard to use but in teams where they can do mostly support they are just too good for that role.
you ally is facing tanks? send 2 placeholders
your ally is facing cloaky send 1 firewalker
your ally is facing spiders a firewalker and maybe a sumo if they have crabe

the only problem is lance since it counters mostly everything JJ can make
+3 / -0
3 years ago
Pyro does not counter shit, it is terribly expensive for what it can do.
+0 / -0
3 years ago
If you have the right strategy and enough knowledge of the facs and units, every situation can be exploited to your own advantage.

I understood the game that way; that if you know the macro, it does help a lot to gain some micro, while it's not too important, although it's helping - and then get a lot of knowledge about the facs/units. How to counter what and be creative with exploiting.

And for me as lob, this is my biggest weakness: I don't know enough to react fast enough (not even manually, but also in my head: How to counter react) and my exploits are kinda buggy.

TLTR: Jumpers have advantages, which others facs don't and vice versa. No drama. All fine.

All about training ... and this is the thing: Youtube videos from Godde and Shadowfury333 do help a lot. But those are limited. So it would be really useful to have an filter option in the replay list (or better a replay list for all games, not for certain players), where you can filter according to more parameters. Like 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 etc. also which was the starting fac of at least one participant.

Eg. you want to know more about jumpers: Search for 3v3, jumpers, some random top player and see what you get. There you are, being able to have a beer/coffee and a relaxed game analysis.

Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
FWIW i almost always plop JJ in teams.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
A big shieldball with lots of racketeers has little to fear from JJ.

Skuttle sucks.

But otherwise DErankkatastrophe is right. JJ does everything well.
+0 / -0

3 years ago
the shortcut for the factory is B+S i think thats intended
+6 / -0

3 years ago
Placeholder counters tanks

Despite shifts in balance over many years I believe it has been consistently true that Jumpfac has had a strong matchup against Tankfac. Whether that is an indictment of Jumpfac, or whether it reflects the inherent difficulty of balancing the matchups of a factory whose cheapest unit costs 175 metal, I am not sure.
+2 / -0

3 years ago

please provie in every teamCLUSTER with more then 12 players ...........

jumper superiority
+1 / -0

3 years ago
+1 / -0
I don't really get to "every unit in the factory other than Jack and Skuttle is badly designed" though from these replays or from my own experience. That statement seems like it needs some more elaboration.

I think i can make a small paper out of this, how much are you willing to read/spend your time on?
+0 / -0
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