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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome #1 (32p)
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.11.3.0
Engine version: 105.1.1-1485-g78f9a2c
Battle ID: 1590019
Started: 23 months ago
Duration: 60 minutes
Players: 28
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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east drp was not scouted, lul.

also: 10k metal advantage for east, since pala rez failed (and i shouldve know it was too risky, but let someone attemmpt rez). not 5k fur us, but 5k for east which must have sped up east drp instead of ours.

before 34min: east started drp
35min: west started drp, east at 14%.
44min: west finishes detri.
45min: west finishes drp (while east 59%).
51min: east finishes drp (still not scouted), gets grid at 52min.
54min: west drp disabled, east fully ramped up. basically gg (still not scouted, and didnt fully commit to fire blind into suspected pit).
~55min: west detri suicided in to east porc.
58min: west army looks completely idle except for some likhos, while east pushes fwd and builds silo. but its over for a while now anyway.

These are the extremely frustrating games. I did not see enough to clear enemy base with drp.
In the end east had ~30k metal advantage. Had more eco most of the game. Only went below west when singu cluster was destroyed, but took eco lead again after maybe 10 minutes. Ahead in total, army, def and eco value.

56:45: west drp ded. (west failnith 52%, detri 36%, 2nd drp 10%, army sill idle). east runs detri into west base, scylla still at the door.
01:00:15. west resign.

I need a break.
+1 / -0
Many aspects of this map promote porcfest: mountainous bases, sunken midpoints covered in water, and chokepoint beaches guarded by high cliffs.
+0 / -0
23 months ago
Swift is pretty bad at scouting when the enemy has built lots of layered AA.

It's also impossible to see the drp unless a swift happens to fly directly over the pit and can look down.

In big team games air should be renamed to The Scout, as they apparently are required to spend all their metal on making swifts to scout every inch of the map. It's pretty boring.

As a side, the drp spread is awful on high arc.
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