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Dragging games

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2 months ago
Its pretty annoying that many people are dragging games. I will not call out any names.

What happens is the map is lost 60-40.

-> Army is significantly less
-> Enemy has porc
-> Economy is low (obviously lower than enemies)
-> Reclaim is not available, etc.

I have seen this be explained many times to them, but they just do not listen, oftentimes completely ignoring the person. I know since so many people don't read everything I say, I need to explicitly state this: I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT ONLY MY EXPERIENCES. There are definitely many of mine in there, BUT IT IS NOT ONLY ME.

I don't know how to fix it or anything, but many people are losing precious time over this. Depending on your amount of games played a day, you could be losing up to 1-2 hours a day.

P.S. (I get that people could play it for fun, but I don't see anything fun in losing your army and being pushed in from all sides.)
+0 / -0

2 months ago
What happens is the map is lost 60-40.

-> Army is significantly less
-> Enemy has porc
-> Economy is low (obviously lower than enemies)
-> Reclaim is not available, etc.

Games are still comeback-able even when the map isn't 60-40, but 70-30. How? Because I've watched and played in those games.

But what is annoying is when the map is 90-10, the team with 10% of the map has quite literally below 1000 army value, and isn't resigning, and the other team is taking up 5 minutes to finish the game. Obviously the winning team cannot do anything about speeding up the game as their army is walking inside the enemy's base, but there should be an automated resign for when the game is very clearly lost, not something like the feature there is right now, where enemy units and buildings are globally visible when they have something like no constructor.

To add to the feature where everything is globally revealed at a point where I'm not sure, It's pretty clear that the team that had their units and buildings revealed have an exact chance of 0% of winning, so why not change this to something like an insta resign, and have it occur a little earlier?
+0 / -0
i agree that some games there is just a feeling that comes with experience that there wont be any comebacks and everything will fall apart.. i get this wrong sometimes wich is a cool supprise.. but when enemy has a zenith and the team wont push and just dies slowly for another 20 minutes with 3 failed resign votes i can see what you mean..

but i think also its worth giving a shout out to all the games where you have 80% of the map and your team resigns because they lost the army to a nuke.. a tear for all the games that can still be won but the team looses morale. so it can work both ways.

it sounds like your asking for more snowball mechanics
ways to win that accelerate exponentionaly
mex capture and reclaim is the current very slow way like you said

what about REZ as a solution? if a strider capable of REZ existed (ground based and stronger then athena maybe something like Necron Tomb spider inspired) it would help games snowball much faster then reclaim

as it is ~ mass athena is too late game to risk frontline aa and rolling puppies are very easy to stop
+0 / -0
2 months ago
what about REZ as a solution? if a strider capable of REZ existed (ground based and stronger then athena maybe something like Necron Tomb spider inspired) it would help games snowball much faster then reclaim

Sounds a lot like Funnelweb, tbh.
+0 / -0
2 months ago
yeah almost but reclaim into units can take a while to get them back to the frontlines.. i guess maybe you could just make a frontline factory but nobody does that because its too risky

so funnelwebs sometimes porc crawl instead wich is a slow process too
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