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Game modes for dev boredom

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Just in case our esteemed mod-devs are short on ideas, I'll just leave these here:


Monster madness

- Every second, commanders spawn a basic chicken next to them
- You get 1 or 2 metal and energy every time one of your chickens does damage to an enemy unit or structure
- Buttons exist to upgrade chickens HP, attack, speed, spawn rate (costs metal+energy)


Team chicken

- Each team automatically gets a chicken ally (spawns roost and has waves as normal)
- Buttons exist to upgrade chicken tech progress, wave frequency, queen stats (costs metal/energy)
- Roosts supply less resources to their team than in standard chicken mode
- Win by killing queen or other team


Air drop

- In addition to or instead of mexes, there is randomly located wrecks of increasing value that drop out of sky, and must therefore be fought over


3-team and 4 team Zero-Wars maps

- Waves targets random or alternating enemy team
- Could autogenerate depending on number of teams, similar to autogenerating FFA maps
+4 / -0

3 years ago
for the 3-4 team zero-wars could you do a like a king of the hill where there is a cross and everone is fighting for the middle and who ever has it for the longest wins? (idk how you would balance this but just an idea)
+3 / -0
3 years ago
Perhaps you could increase the resource bonus that currently exists for the middle a little to ensure a good fight.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
I think mini-mod ideas are useful. Keep them coming and someone might pick one up.
+3 / -0
Robot chicken mode - Nests spawn a wave of a random regular unit instead of chickens. Tech progress results in a gradual increase in total metal value of each wave. Small metal units more likely at start (fleas, swifts, bandits), large near the end (dante, paladin, detri). Queen is Nebula (that flying shielded carrier unit you can build in some modes).
+1 / -0
Neutral armed mex mode - All mex spots start with a mex (neutral AI faction). Mexes are armed and have a lot more HP than usual. On death they drop a bunch of metal for reclaim similar to nests in chicken mode. Optionally they spawn some basic defenders when attacked.
+1 / -0
34 days ago
Bouncy death mode - All units create gravity effect on death, similar to Sumo jump landing.
+0 / -0
Bouncy death mode - All units create gravity effect on death, similar to Sumo jump landing.

i have made this =)


i have an explode version too


Air drop

i liked the idea so i made mex that drop meteors like unpowered zen does.. but it needs work
+1 / -0
33 days ago
Genius SmokeDragon!! I'll post more in that thread.
+0 / -0