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Make split auto start matches

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3 days ago
When a split vote is performed, these days one of the lobbies always dies before a match starts.

Please don't perform a split immediately. When a split is called, note it down, and when the original lobby starts the match, perform the split and immediately start both lobbies on the same map.
+4 / -0
i think maybe some people want to play in very large teams. this would fix some issues but maybe also force players to sometimes play in smaller teams?
+1 / -0

2 days ago
Since when is 11 vs 11 considered small teams?
+0 / -0
sorry godde for the confusion. i didnt say small i said smaller.. i believe perhaps naively that some people want to be in the biggest room they can

perhaps being in a large room eneables them to play without as much pressure on them individually.. maybe im wrong but thats ok i dont know everything..

when i play very large team games if i mess up or make something expencive to play with it feels like less pressure since i have a smaller fraction of the teams metal the more players there are
+0 / -0

2 days ago
I think DErankmadez is right. The game should automatically divide into two games when certain numerical conditions are met. For example, there is the possibility of playing two 8vs8 games, when you have 32 players and more all waiting in the same room.
Even those who like playing in a large team cannot say that having 7 other players is a solitary game
+0 / -0

2 days ago

And when the original lobby starts the match, perform the split and immediately start both lobbies on the same map.

Good luck getting 20+ votes to start a match when people on the waiting list think they will be left out and try to stall all the polls so they can get in, not knowing the game would split afterwards.

There would need to be a clear communication of a split command happening on the poll if it were to be implemented in the way you're saying. Even more so because these matches count for elo, and it would be kinda bad if you were dragged into a split you didn't know was happening.

Honestly I could see people simply alt+f4 the game on start and the lobby be forced into an !exit if that happened.

Maybe I'm biased :), I mean, I would spectate myself.

+3 / -0

2 days ago
Surprise split on game start would indeed just lead to people exiting the game. This was tried.
+4 / -0
Why not a start-split vote that clearly communicates the split will happen on gamestart? It could be done through the vote description.

From my thinking and ideasguying on the discord it should automatically tend towards the desired result through player behavior.

If there are too many players to fit in one game, there will be an incentive to vote for a split + start vote for the people who are on the waiting list.
If there are too few to justify a split (up to player opinion), then the players will see the lack of players (or declining number of players) and vote against the split vote.

You can adjust the ratio of vote yeses to players in the lobby needed for a split to get the desired behavior where a split happens when it should.
+0 / -0
perhaps being in a large room eneables them to play without as much pressure on them individually.. maybe im wrong but thats ok i dont know everything..

Kids don't know how take personal responsibility these days.

Back in my day, 4v4 was the biggest team size there was and if you didn't hold your lane everyone complained.
"How did you lose your front?"
"Why did you try that strategy? I know it doesn't work because I've played this map 500 times already and tried it before"
"Why didn't you counter their counter with this obvious counter counter? That's the meta on this map"
"Who balanced these teams? That guy was obviously a noob. Kick him or get someone on his level on that side of the map"

It is what made me the responsible gamer that I am today.
+1 / -0

45 hours ago
I'm going a bit offtopic here based on the title of the thread, but since it seems all important on-topic has been said and the thread devolved already, not much value is lost by continuing.

I wonder if the past has been better and some aspects are deteriorating as time goes by, or if simply most people are not willing or able to perform and based on selection bias the individual experience of those who perform changes in time.

So, in short, do most humans just suck?
+1 / -0
godde is incorrect when he speaks of the past as being only what he could see.. for i was there too.. not everyone complained.. there were players who wanted to play for fun and i did know because i was one and not alone.. we called ourselves the casuals.. we tried our best to remain unseen but were discovered and shunned for our lack of skillz.. our cause was simple.. together we seek less pressure in games.. to make fun a word thats free of the rule of laws..

but it was not to be..

our numbers dwindled.. some of us were dirven away or sought shelter in smurfs.. the rage quits.. the empty rooms.. not even BA survived unscathed... (although murtagon still plays ba's resurection)

godde is not compleatly wrong as he would lead those who understood his path.. one where he would join those who made him in echo of a cycle of pressure to be great.. destined to become the catalist for the next generation of hardcore gamers

truth is if everyone plays ultra copetative i believe some part of humanity dies along with the
machine-like perfect right way to do things.. the flowchart of correct decisions "CORE" vs the carefree experamental "ARM" in the spirit of TA's original premise.. man vs machine
+1 / -0

41 hours ago
I read that post with the voice of the Total Annihilation narrator in my head.
It was good.
+1 / -0

38 hours ago
I think what SErankPLT_Godde says is correct.
The average wellcome player often does not take any responsibility for wasting metal by building paladin or bertha after 3 minutes of play. In a 32 player game the contribution of the single player is diluted, until it disappears behind the spirals of the crabe.
Everyone entrenched in the middle of the field.
Maybe the programmers should decide what the game should do, not the players.
Also because this game does not offer many room alternatives, while a series of 4v4, 5v5 6v6 games would be much more fun. And then it is not clear why not make a matchmaking also for casual where the player does not know which team he will end up in or the number of players participating.
Maybe this is the real limit of this game, beautiful but little played
+0 / -0
28 hours ago
yes i too agree when it comes to responsibilities they dont avoid using big risk units based on there own skill.. making a detriment is probably never as good idea as smaller units.. locking units to rank was done. i beleive it does reduce player retention by some ?% but i noticed an even stranger conciquence..

when new players pilot a detriment:
less feeding is done all early game..
more damage is done then they normaly would feeding a stream of glaves to a stardust..
mex pay back more then 100% so since they often claim none at the back they gain less metal..
new players often dont have presence on the fronts and so dont eat the reclaim.. unless they are firepluck..

new players troops on a frontlines can sometimes be unsupervised and a hinderance with firewalkers and stuff..
often new players who make detriments will make eco..

for these reasons it may oddly sometimes feel a bit easier having a new players metal not being delivered to the enemy..

among the realy big sins is when a new player finishes a detriment and then walks it around his backline because they fear to use and loose it

it would be interesting to see two goddes vs eachother but one team has 10 greys making detriments and the other has 10 greys making random mixed move order troops sent to pool up behind godde's frontlines.. and then sent to die as balls 4 mins after he pings them.
+1 / -0