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Supply route mod idea

8 posts, 183 views
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The recent discussion (Sleeves' post) got me thinking - what about a mod where you get metal via little supply vehicles that spawn and drive deliveries to and from your mexes.

Supply routes:
-You get a starting nexus/hub like in Arena mode
-Mexes don't directly produce metal
-Nexus produce energy supply vehicles (ESV)
-ESVs travel to a mex, disappear and boost the mex's energy supply bar
-Mexes produce metal supply vehicles (MSV)
-MSVs travel to the Nexus, disappear, you get metal

Supply tactics:
-Supply vehicles have very low HP and no weapons (raid opponent vehicles and protect your own)
-Mexes have improved HP but take serious damage if they run out of energy supply (raids focus on supply vehicles)
-(Optionally) buy upgrades for improved supply vehicle speed, HP, shields, weight

Economy curve:
-Mexes produce MSVs based on energy supply bar (more ESVs=more MSVs, diminishing returns)
-ESVs cost energy, number produced is percentage of overall energy income

Choose vehicle types to match terrain and your tactics:
-Supply vehicles come in several types (hover, spider, amph, air), which you select at the point of production
-Supply types have pros and cons (supply amount, speed, HP, flight etc.)

To make supply vehicles low-APM:
-Mexes can be given rally point order like a factory, which MSV inherit
-By default, this is a move order to Nexus
-ESV get a default move order to a random mex

I think this could result in a very visual, raidable, tactically interesting economy. I'm not sure whether supply vehicles should be controllable, and how often they'd be produced by default. What do you think?
+0 / -0
3 days ago
And please make them say "SCV good to go, sir."
+2 / -0
3 days ago
i can make this maybe but i have a few mods requested already.. but it shouldnt be me as i make rather hacky mods..

ill experament on it after i make the tower defence mode.. eta 4 days
+1 / -0
3 days ago
while im not too big a fan of a "main base" in ZK

this does seem to solve what most other RTS games that actually use supplier type units dont get right, actually making them go long distances!

in something like scarcraft 2 or impossible creatures the resource harvesters never actually feel like they're moving beacuse they dont move far at all, and even when you do reach out, you just plop a new base nearby the resource and call it a day
+1 / -0
2 days ago
I don't understand how this would change the meta? Wouldn't the overarching strategy still be capturing mexes and holding them? Usually if you have units/statics near the front lines, all your supply lines behind your front lines would be protected by default.
+0 / -0

2 days ago
And please make them say "SCV good to go, sir."

+1 / -0
I don't understand how this would change the meta? Wouldn't the overarching strategy still be capturing mexes and holding them?

IMHO, mex control = map control. Requiring map control is good because it discourages base-camping, which is boring. Most good mods don't radically change that.

But it does change the meta without tearing it up completely. Supply routes are a long path rather than a single mex raid point (you can't just send one raven once to kill a mex), and the path can be changed, so raiding becomes more unpredictable. The vehicles can run away, turn back, build up and go all at once in a convoy, be concentrated to some mex over others etc. I find logistical in general kinda fun too, though it's not for everyone.

I guess if the mod wasn't meta-changing enough, make mexes capture-able by logistics vehicles, so everyone can start sneaking them into enemy parts of the map and smuggling the metal back out again.
+0 / -0
i started work on a mod like this.. you have to pick guardian commander and i couldnt find anyone to help me test it.. ai will just explode because it chooses the wrong commander..

metal spawns near enemy units that are near your commander.. in huge amounts.. and you use cons to eat the metal..

its not quite the same as cons dont need to return.. but maybe i can work that out after i get the main part working better


Edit: reworking this allot to make it much better.. dont use it yet.. will upload a better version tomorrow ZZzz
+1 / -0