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Chili Deluxe Player List

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I'm releasing the first alpha test version of the new player list which I wrote about previously. I'm looking for volunteers to test it and give me feedback.

Features currently include:
* Shows econ stats for each player: metal in units, income, and resource bars
* Shows Elo rating for each player, color-coded on a gradient
* Shows team summary lines with team econ totals and average Elo of remaining players
* Sorts teams, and players within teams, by Elo
* Keeps track of players even after they've resigned or disconnected
* Moves players to the bottom of the list when they've dropped out of the game
* Calls attention to dropped players who still have units to be taken
* Shows which dropped players are still speccing and which ones have left completely
* Hides team summary lines when all teams are very small, e.g. FFAs
* Has many options for display:
Show or hide various columns
Show various columns as text or icons
Show stats in white or in teamcolors
Show or hide various sets of rows: team summaries, allies, enemies, specs
* Flexible placement: align to top or bottom, left or right
* Flexible sizing: variable name width, variable font size
* Can set a hotkey to show and hide the entire playerlist window

[u]Work planned for the near future:[/u]
* Fast-and-Easy switching between large and small views, or between a single view hidden or shown
* More granular control over which columns are displayed, and how (text vs. icons, etc)
* More and better tooltips, and options for controlling whether and how they are displayed
* Scaling x-axis dimensions proportionally with the fontsize
* Double-click on resource bars to share resources with allies
* Profiling and improving performance
* Tons of minor bugfixes, cosmetic enhancements, and code cleanup

Please note: This is an alpha release. That means that not all features are complete, and there are undoubtedly many bugs left to be found. In particular, performance could be a serious issue. I have not profiled this widget yet, and my computer isn't fast enough to do a meaningful test anyway. Your feedback is very important to me, especially regarding performance. I will keep improving this widget, but I need you to let me know what you do and don't like about it.

You can download the widget here: gui_chili_deluxeplayerlist-alpha1.lua.

[color=grey]To use this widget: place the .lua file in your Documents\My Games\Spring\LuaUI\widgets folder (or similar widgets folder if you're not using Zero-K Lobby). Then in the game click on the wrench menu: Settings -> Show Advanced Settings, then Settings / Misc / Local Widget Config -> Enable local widgets. Then use F11 to bring up the Widget List; disable Chili Crude Player List (or any other player list widget you may be using) and enable Chili Deluxe Player List - Alpha 1. Use Ctrl-F11 to enter "Tweak Mode" to resize and reposition the playerlist window. Use Space-Click on the playerlist window to bring up its option configuration panel.[/color]

Thank you for your help!
Please post any feedback or questions to this thread, or you can chat with me if you see me online.
+0 / -0
Here are some screenshots:

The default settings, showing a game in progress as a spectator.

Same game, same view, different settings: opaque background, no team summaries, clan/country/rank hidden, name narrower, resource stats hidden, cpu and ping as text instead of icons

Just the team summary line, showing my team as a player.

Just myself as a player, no team summary.

My entire team, with a team summary line.

My view as a player of everyone in the game. I can see the other players and their in-game status, but I can't see their resources.

My view of the same game after having resigned. As a spectator I can see all players' resources. My player status shows me as out of the game, with units left in play, and spectating. This view also shows all the spectators (in this case only myself) separate from the players.

The options panel.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
nice, I will test it.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
works great. It is a good improvement form the previous playerlist imo.
I did not saw any drop in performance, although I have not yet been in high populated games (8 people only). All buttons work for me.

(bugs?): I saw skuttle being calculated in the defence column. Is it intended to be in there?
+0 / -0
really nice work CrazyEddie, I really like that playerlist.

I miss some little things:
-that the Energy/Mass bars blink red, when you leaking Energy/Mass
-A share option for selected units to a player.

to you ressource share idea, i would suggest a slider, that plop up,
when you click on the players bar(s), it would allowed to
control better the amount of shared Energy/Mass.
+0 / -0
HEy really good work Eddie, I really like it. :)
When I set it to fotn size >= 15 it doesn't display full number of metal team income or energy income...
see here:

But I saw in your to do list you will add more control over large / small views. Column resizer would be awesome, if its possible.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
Great job!

One bug i have though, is that the lowest line is only displayed have (no matter, where the windows is located or which size it has)

I have a screenshot, buf how do i include an image in the post?
+0 / -0
Thanks for your feedback, guys. Please keep it coming.

> I saw skuttle being calculated in the defence column. Is it intended to be in there?

Does it get moved from defense to offense when it finishes building? If so, I think I know what the problem is, and I'll try to fix it soon (Roger also reported this).

>the Energy/Mass bars blink red, when you leaking Energy/Mass

Good idea, I'll see if I can add this in the next version.

>A share option for selected units to a player

If you're playing and have teammates, there should be a "share button" to the right of your teammates' names. You can see it in some of the screenshots above where I'm playing with CAIs on my team. It's a black button with two lines and a dot on it, and it looks and works the same as in the standard Chili Crude Playerlist.

The buttons and the column for them are removed when you spec.

>i would suggest a slider, that plop up, when you click on the players bar(s), it would allowed to control better the amount of shared Energy/Mass.

Absolutely, I'll try to put that in the next version.

>Column resizer would be awesome, if its possible.

Not sure about this one; I'll try it and see. But at the very least I'll make sure that the columns get resized along with the text, so that the text will always fit at any size.

Also, thanks for the bug report about unbuilt units showing up as defenses.

>the lowest line is only displayed have (no matter, where the windows is located or which size it has)

Yeah, that happens sometimes (but not always). I tried to fix it before I released it, but I couldn't get it working quite right and I decided it could wait. I'll try to fix it in the next version.

Posting your screenshot would be very helpful. You can post it like this, but remove the * which I added so that you could see the example:


+0 / -0
12 years ago
Can we share "x" (number/amount/quantity) metal/energy with it?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>Can we share "x" (number/amount/quantity) metal/energy with it?

Not at the moment, but you will be able to in the next version. Clicking on the bars will bring up a slider, and you can set the slider to however much you want to share.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Very impressive. It seems to have a lot of flexibility to it.

One thing I noticed is that unlike the other GUI elements, you can't scroll through the advanced player list. Not sure if that's a bug or not but it would be nice to be consistent with the rest of the interface.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
If you hit F11 and enter Tweak Mode, you can resize the Player List window. If you make it short enough, you'll get a vertical scrollbar. Is that what you were looking for?

You'll never get a horizontal scrollbar. The window is always as wide as it takes to show all the columns you've chosen.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
With all of the current GUI elements if I hover my mouse over one of them and then use my scroll wheel it ignores the GUI element and zooms the map in and out. However with the Deluxe Player List scrolling over the interface seems to always try and scroll the player list and does not zoom in and out the map.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Not sure i made myself clear, what i want is "give "X" metal or energy to player "Y", i am not asking general (to all) share like when i lower the max metal i can storage.
So the next version will have the specific share ("X" metal to player "Y")?
+0 / -0
nicemonkey: Oh, I understand now. Right, thanks.

I think the standard Chili Crude Player List has the same behavior (no scrollwheel passthrough), since the Deluxe list is just Crude with some extra stuff. But I'll add an option to change the behavior to what you're describing. The Chili Chat widgets have that option so I can just copy something from them.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
fortaleza: I think I understand you. Yes, you'll be able to give a specific amount of metal or energy to a specific player.

If you click on that player's metal bar or energy bar, you'll get a dialog box with a slider, and however much you set with the slider will be given to that player.

If you click on your own metal bar or energy bar, you'll get a dialog box with a slider, and a set of buttons with your teammates names. Set the slider and click one of the buttons, and you'll give that much to that player.

I'm open to suggestions if you have other ideas.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
That very good, and what i wanted, thx.

Sorry i have no new ideas, but will help by testing performance, performance is the more important thing for me too (every fps matters), but i can understand if it a little slow if it was more feature than another lists.

Bad notebook:
CPU: 2.5 GHz AMD Turion II Dual Core P560
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6370 (512 MB)
HDD: 500 GB SATA (7200 rpm)
+0 / -0
* Double-click on resource bars to share resources with allies

maybe you don't need new resource-share menu, maybe you could just make pressing/holding the mouse-button (on the resource-bar) share a continuous amount of metal/energy!

There's a widget called 'gui_ally_res.lua' that did just that, and it felt easy to use. You just hold mouse-button to share and you use your own storage to gauge how much has been shared by looking at the drop. I think this is more intuitive.
+0 / -0
Ok, here is the image with the half showing last line

+0 / -0
for some reason including the image doesn't seem to wor for me :-(

+0 / -0
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