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12 years ago
Liberty has learned a hard lesson - never let a nub take power. A person who fails at managing a few tanks on the battlefield would definitely fail to run faction's politics.

Vulte exceeded his jurisdiction by asserting his own opinion as his faction's, get rid of the self-important bastard!

The pirates have been running Liverty according to its true spirit of freedom for ages, let them fucking do their job! Support them, save your humanity!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
i came online and ... zomg what happened?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
im just wondering. youre talking like something terrible has already happened but as far as i can see the only ones that took any actual damage from this descicion of his are you dynasty folks. and whats it to you anyway what lh does internally? they put him in charge in the first place, he made the descision, and time will tell if it was good or bad. trying to now talk lh into removing him from his position does have a taste of dishonesty on it.

why does it have that taste? because youre trying to talk them into that knowing by yourself that probably what vulte did was the better option for lh on the long run. we all can only try to win by ourselves, if lh dont wanna just hand you the win then they will at some point have to fight you - and if they keep helping you, you keep growing stronger up until that point.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Klon, assume Liberty takes 50% of Dynasty planets. What happens when Dynasty collapses and FM need more planets to win? Right.... Pwnage of Liberty. How is that cool in the long run?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Im not even promising anything the like of having the alliance last forever. We wanna win. But what are you Dynasty guys gonna do when the time comes? So LH can choose if they wanna die when they are the last standing in the way of a dynasty victory; or they can fight you now and have things balanced out between factions.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
point is we had an political position. this was consens. one person didnt agree and obviously did not discuss his opinions. instead he rushes the whole faction into his position for a permanent duration with no long-term vision.

he does not speak for any majority. he has no support from the active members that i know of. as we are now binded for a period. LH dies with its active members.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
But there is a long term vision. Dynasty dont win the game anytime soon. Nobody does. I dont know what your long term plan was, but from my understanding of the situation you werent really getting much out of your deals with dynasty, and before that cybers. you were just helping them in a war against us, without getting anything out of it but shifting the balance towards the strongest faction in both cases. this cant be in your interest.
+0 / -0
you have no insight and no idea what exactly is in the intrest of our active members.

is this saktoth speaking?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Lots of politics here...
+0 / -0
12 years ago
this is of course not saktoth speaking. you are beeing a tad paranoid :)
if you want to imply that i want to manipulate you, yes of course i want. im honest about it, i want you to stop fighting us and helping us against dynasty until they are no longer a danger to us.

but im not lying to you when i say i think that dynasty is more dangerous to you when you are allied to them, as when they are in war with you. and i also think destroying empire would actually hurt you more than help you. this is of course on my personal observation of the situation but as far as that i cannot see how it is not in your interest to stop doing what you did before. you were just wasting your ressources on attacking us without any return, and giving away the advantage of beeing neutral in favor of helping those who werent in need of help anyway. you didnt really cause any considerable damage at any time, but if you didnt attack us at all, you would now have a huge, and i mean huge, store of dropships, bombers and warpcores.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Klon, be reasonable, alliances between factions in PW do not have to make sense to you or Saktoth or anyone else. Maybe we want to be friends because its fun? Or maybe we are both just pissed about how stupid the political system in PW really is allowing one person to seize diplomacy of the entire faction? How is that your concern? You have empire to worry about. Go ahead and improve their politics.

Help them take the galaxy! Ah right, you do not want them to take the galaxy, you just need their help for now. You keep them alive, just barely, so they are helpful, yet not too strong. And every time someone pushes you hard enough you just abandon them to fight alone. Like it happened during the cyber war, when Saktoth just agreed that its OK that Dynasty kills empire as long as we give bombers for FM. And hey, if not for Godde empire would be no more. But now suddenly everyone should forget the lessons and ally with machines, right until the moment when machines are unable to protect their allies and worry only about their own skin.

You machines are always talking of radical honesty and stuff, yet your only goal is to win PW. And you care not about who is your ally. Yesterday Saktoth proposed to me that we ally again and attack Liberty. LOL. Like hell. Make us fight each other until we are both weak enough to be conquered. Well of course. Right away sir Saktoth! We're gonna be your attack dogs and run for easy kill over the corpses of our friends. Nice plan. Not gonna work tho.
+0 / -0
i never said that i dont wanna win. i dont know about those dealings regarding empire you are talking of, mabe its true but what does it matter? its not like you guys are to be trusted. you were the ones that didnt hold up to their agreement. so what point are you trying to make here, that we are less trustworthy then even you? hmm.

and im not even saying that anyone has to trust us, thats what deals are for. im not advertising for trust here. were making a deal with liberty and after that we gonna see what happens. ofc it is opportunistic. what i am doing here is only laying down why we and lh share the same goal at the moment, and probably for some time to come.

but what im not buying is that you "wanna be friends" with lh. this is a completely different story that has nothing to do with game. it would be sad if it was any different, and the betrayal (which will have to happen at some point, if you wanna win) did actually matter on a personal level beyond the momentary outrage.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Hey Klon, which agreement? We had ceasefire? Yeah we did. Did we attack you through ceasefire? No. Did we play you for fools? Yeah we did. And you have let us. Now you are saying that we are so evil. Maybe we are, at least we are not naive.

After all it was your fault this happened. You had a stockpile of 200 bombers and did not attack Cyber planets. Saktoth was insisting I give Ee to empire and lose ability to bomb their eco worlds if need arises. Instead of attacking cyber empire attacked Liberty (that was very much against saktoth's promise that cybers will die first). A ton of tasty eco was sitting right on the border, although I suggested to saktoth that selling it would be a more stable and long-term solution. So YOU created the explosive situation. We just blew the fuse=)

And after all, do not forget that our primary goal is the human domination (read the faction description). Liberty has the same goals by the way, but they also aim freedom as one of the main principles, which we respect. Different political structure, but the main goal is human superiority. What made you think we'd just go ahead and start war with Liberty? When you are promised something - always consider it to be a trap, unless absolutely certain otherwise (first rule of politics).
+0 / -0
well you just said it, you played us for fools. you also played cybers for fools. and guess who you are playing for fools right now. im just baffled by the fact that liberty actually allows you to do it.

of course there was an agreement. it was the same kind of dishonest promises you are giving to liberty right now. there is nothing behind it.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Klon, Cybers forced alliance. We had to sign the treaty to save ourselves from total annihilation. And they took 6 our planets with them (Pivot, all down to former Roost, and also kamille). Of course we did not like them. Forced alliances never really work, at least not for long. Agreement with FM was made to stop cybers from winning pw, and that worked. After that was done it was no longer needed. Whatever delusions I let Saktoth to believe in were just to give him false sense of security.

Backstabbing Liberty was never an option. If we wanted that then why not? We could have cancelled the alliance just fine, take their eco and be idiots that essentially killed a true born faction instead of machines. Great plan.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
because there is no need to. since they go along with you anyway, you will just wait as long as necessary. but i dont really have to explain it to you, and i already told it to mojj. he apparanetly doesnt believe it or has some idea how to avoid it. any case, its probably not going to work out in liberties favor. i guess this will only become apparent to them when its way too late.

as for the claimed shared motivation of human brotherhood, im not really sure you oligarchic-fascistic purity-of-race nuts hold that principle of freedom and liberty for all humans so dearly. after all, its freedom and liberty for all, and not just for some privileged bozos. but who am i to understand the puny human mind, im just an immortal machine free of such faultyness.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
By Grabthar's Hammer, by the sons of Warvan, you shall be avenged.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
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12 years ago
ok i have others agreing with me and pirate is the one thats has not gained any thing for our own cuase i was leadr we did gain 18 planets then what happen pirate took over as you voted them in i waited you wernet satisfied with his work you voted me in and what you vote him back in shows that lh does not wwatch out for liberty and that our faction doesn't have a clue this sitting back not able to send ship any where for how long atleast half of pw which to me is not being able to play pw is that what we want no i want to be able to play and now gues what try sending ship now
+0 / -0
12 years ago
also mojj you havent lead us to victory as now we have no chance of winning as we cant send ships who we going to attack cant atack any one can we
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