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formation widget

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11 years ago
at the moment i am coding a formation widget which can put units in a formation (what else?). rectangle formation is finished, i am working on triangle/circle/ring/star formations. its configurable (space between units, exact shape, ...) and puts assaults in front automatically (raiders->assaults->riots->skirms->artillery)(and damaged units behind undamaged ones). if anyone could make the UI for that, it would be great because i have not worked with chilli/widget initialization and would like it if i get some support. thanks!

if anybody has suggestions, just post it!

anyway, in some weeks the full widget will get released
+3 / -0
11 years ago
How will it handle shields + cloaker?

If space per unit * unitCount > shielded area, which units will get excluded in which direction?

Can you take over skirm control so that the complete formation skirms or if it is facing a stronger enemy split into 2 - slow and fast - formation to escape?

If the guarded unit also guards another bigger formation, the whole formation could behave like one unit with combined stats (speed= slowest speed, range= median range, etc)
* Using guard orders don't break any existing behavior (as guard behaves so stupid that nobody is using it) and no gui work.

The only GUI work would only be one switch.
* For the GUI, simply put a formation (f1, f2, f3, none) switch on one unit (copy&paste from retreat or morph priority) and put all units guarding this unit into the same formation.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
This is going to make the game much better. Will there be a semi-circle too? it would be useful for hammers etc. Why do raiders go before assault units? it would be good if you could configure which units go in front of others.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
You can order units that way and use ctrl+click to keep that formation.

Also because this is not actual "in progress" widget im moving this to "general" section.
+0 / -0
1. i didnt know the shortcut, what does it exactly?
2. the widget IS in progress, i am currently developing
1. what do you mean with semi-circle?
2. good idea, you will be able to change the unit order in widget settings
1. shields and cloakers are spread out so all units are shielded/cloaked (if there are more shields than needed, the front shieldline will be stronger) (in case of shield + cloaker: formation split or "normal" mixing(like there are no units of the other type)
2. ill try to make that the units go under the shield anyway even if the original shape is a rect, it will be a bit like a circle, but you can also set that the units remain in the shape(in this case shield is centered 1/3 shieldrange behind front)
3. ill try skirm control/kiting but it wont be easy...
i will make some split functionality, but how should a WIDGET know how to retreat? it would be an AI which handeles only battle and no eco XD
(PS: when i have all important features implemented, ill try to write a formation AI (FAI) which uses different formations to battle, raid and even expand(1con-formations))
4. i will make guarding units take over the set formation
5. this is a good idea, but if i have implemented ALL features, its probably better to use a own tab on the control panel (formations, settings, formation commands, ...)

i changed my plan for releasing: i will release the first, VERY simple version of this widget ca. next week, and keep evolving it until it has all the requested features
(the first version can only put the units in a rectangle formation on order, and only one-time(ordered move-points))

EDIT: in some hours ill post a link to changelog and feature list
+0 / -0
11 years ago
A semi-circle would mainly be used for artillery i think. Used to stay out of range of HLTs etc while not shooting each other but all being able to hit the target.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
A semi-circle would mainly be used for artillery i think

You don't, in all likelihood, want your artillery to walk in that semicircle - you want them to attack in it. So all you have to do is to draw a line and set Fight.

Also, what licho said about ctrl+move.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
This is a cool idea, and could allow simpler, more powerful control of unit positioning. A custom formation option (to keep units in constant relative positioning) would be really cool.

Good work!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
This widget ALONE can make game 300% better, did miss Formations lot.
+0 / -0
1. the first versions of the widget will NOT be what you hope! there will be only a few options/formations and only basic functionalities (like a better version of draw-line)

2. a first pre-alpha version without GUI/posibility to use got released on google docs: https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B0jOb58zZF08cUJJeFNlaW9MbEE/edit?usp=sharing (incl. changelog + feature list(incomplete))

3. GBrankzoidburger: ill make such a formation, of course. just be patient.

4. @thesponge: ok semi circle goes to feature list

5. @anarchid: in some months the widget will also let the formation do some micro (kiting, doging,...). its not only a new move order (except in the first versions)

6. if someone knows how i can make a UI for the widget, it would be very helpful (not only how it could look, pls provide some code)

+0 / -0
I will gladly wait for it:).wasn't you the same guy that tried to work on modular units?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
i am, but i cant do an entire game alone :)
if you want to help, i add you to the list (currently i am the only guy on it)
+1 / -0
11 years ago
the formation AI mentioned in the feature list will be also used in the new game if released, of curse
+0 / -0
11 years ago
> i am, but i cant do an entire game alone :)

OFC we want modular units.
But we have them already - transports (like surfboat)!
Only AI will suck (skirm, etc).

There is some space mod around with a super unit "flagship"
the flagship has some build spots - you can select them and choose weapon for it and it get build.

I hope the formation widget will help this idea, because formation=transport and unit=weapon - it's almost the same.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
i dont want that modules are units because it would be inaccurate, and the gameplay would not be as good as it would be with units which are built in one piece with the choosen weapons and modules. its possible to edit the unitdef directly, however its very complex. but the main problem is that i am VERY BAD in 3dmodelling, and i have only a few time so I CANT DO IT ALONE!!!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
if anybody would post some code how i can get the 2 points i need(end points of integrated formation line)(2 because the formatio has a specific direction and size(size currently only used in rect mode) the widget will be released as alpha version until end of week, else you have to wait long!!!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
anyone wants a formation widget? or should i stop development and make a engine which supports widgets in an easyer way first?

pls post the code for it if you want formations in game (dont expect that i am perfect: i am 14 years old and have only a few time)
+0 / -0
Lua can't create GUIs on its own. You would need a GUI toolkit that has bindings to Lua.

Found that here
I dont really know about this but i might have found some useful things:
this gui toolkit looks useful.
this might also be useful.
As i say i dont know about lua at all but these look like they might help.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
No need for that; zero-k has its own lua gui toolkit called chili, which is used for all its interface elements.

You can get started with it here: http://springrts.com/wiki/Chili
+0 / -0
11 years ago
@[S]TheDarkKiller: (end points of integrated formation line)

What do you mean with integrated formation line?
Why have you problems to get those?
+0 / -0
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