The new game see like Linux will be a
stretch goal, was game is getting funded very well/fast i think it will get that Linux stretch goal.
Maybe them will even port the old one with the developer for Linux versions, them are planing to contract. some people with Linux did buy
Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space, so it probably work good with
WINE? It have a Android version so not sure how it still do not have a "pure" Linux Version.
FTL: Faster Than Light have a Linux version, it nice and have 8 Alines species i think.
Star Control II/The Ur-Quan Masters work in
Linux. It have a nice exploration part, with
Starfish Aliens and not
Rubber Forehead Aliens only, but its not random, so not sure about replays...
Space Pirates and Zombies have a Linux version, and its random, but only have humans and zombies, so not the better example of the gender.
Flotilla, do not have a Linux version, again maybe
Star Command may have a
Linux version in future, but again it still not released.
Did just find this one
Spatial Flux/Quantum Flux will have Linux version,
dev blog.
P.S.: if you want some good Linux game
Shovel Knight just did hit it Linux stretch goal, i am think of making a KickStarter Linux games list, but i will need help...