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Getting my arse whooped by CAI ??? HELP

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11 years ago

Im playing the game in SP mode with the CAI bot made for Linux.

My problem is that the CAI bot seems to have superpowers, either that or im incredibly crap at the game (i`d like to think not as i did complete the original Total annihilation game) I have learned most of the keyboard commands to build.

The game starts n i only manage to build a bot factory, 6 solar panels n 3 metal extractors, 1 construction bot and a radar tower - then i get a constant onslaught of enemy bots? The speed that the CAI bot builds is out of this world and i cant help but feel that the difficulty setting for this bot is on Uber hard.

I have put off playing MP due to the amount of "noob" complaints posted on here, but at the same time im getting extremely disheartened that i cannot seem to play the SP game for more than 10 minutes as at approx 7 mins into the game im getting attacked constantly and at that point might as well quit as i cannot build anything as it keeps getting blown up straight away.

Tbh you`ll prob find the reason there are so many noobs plaguing MP purely because they want to have the possible option of playing the game for more than 10 mins or the hope that the person they are playing against is also a noob?

Either im doing something wrong or as i suspect due to playing the original game that the CAI bot has superman worried .... Am i best off forgetting SP and just playing MP or am i doing something incredibly wrong ... Please advise
+1 / -0
CAI plays perfectly fair, though i think it might take some short corners with intel (i.e, it will always find you).

Few things to consider:

1) The bot is very good at expanding if left unchecked. Don't let it expand unchecked.

2) This is a game where you get almost all your gear within first ten seconds of game, just as you plop your factory. At 60 seconds, you should know where your enemy is. If you fail, at 180 seconds you can suddenly discover an assault gunship setting your village alight and there's nothing left to do (CAI doesn't do that, some players do when you don't scout).

3) The game saves replays. Watch them and learn from your enemy and your own mistakes.

4) The game is about ground control. Don't ever hope to win by fortifying a corner of the map to build in safety. Abandon safety; you must defeat the enemy, and that doesn't work by being safe.

5) That said, CAI has some REAL HARD time dealing with following classes of units and tactics, so they can be considered cheating - but might be necessary to pick up the skills:
- anything heavy soon enough. My first CAI victories were as simple as "capture 10 metal spots, then rush crabe crabe crabe".
- heavy defenses, especially ones such as Annihilator and Doomsday Machine.
- aircraft, especially planes, because it almost never makes planes of its own (but you have to know how to use your bombers right)
- terraforming. make a ditch, and AI will never pass it.
- dominatrix. nuff said.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Actually it doesn't even cheat for intel. It just uses a lot of scouts.
+3 / -0

11 years ago
Tbh you`ll prob find the reason there are so many noobs plaguing MP purely because they want to have the possible option of playing the game for more than 10 mins or the hope that the person they are playing against is also a noob?

Actually there's a "newbies only" room especially for this case. It's badly underpopulated due to several reasons, one of which i'd call lack* of linux support for quickmatching.

* it is actually supported if you use weblobby. weblobby is that amazing.

The other factor is that every newbie just wants to play right now, and without the QM to toss them together, they all join the biggest room. Which is not only bad for the newbies: it creates that ugly one-huge-game culture that i personally would stop at nothing to eradicate.

+1 / -0
11 years ago
Thanks for the response Anarchid, but i think that you've just advised the very reason i should give up the game, as u say 180 secs (3 minutes - come on :O ) into the game im getting attacked ... not very friendly for new users of the game.

The original game actually gave users the chance to learn the game, this CAI bot simply doesn't! ( I still play the original game on windows )

99% of games that i have played allow the user to get his bearings, this game/Bot doesn't .... im going to bugger off SP & try MP until someone actually has the thought of creating a bot that plays like a noobs.

Its like passing ure driving test and then being told ure going to be racing Alonso .... the chances of me winning or even getting a decent base setup are extremely low ..... i haven't come across a game where the difficulty level is so high since RL Trials HD, but even that game understood that people need to actually learn the game.

Learning with this bot is impossible

If peeps are getting annoyed with us "noobs" clotting up MP, maybe someone should take notice of this post and actually have the thought that there are peeps out there that find this game extremely hard to learn with the current CAI bot available for Linux users and create as dumb bot for peeps like me. If i get to play a game where i feel that i dont need 20 fingers, superhuman capabilities and a ability to see into the future ( ie for more than 10 mins ) then im more than likely to persist ..... currently this is not much "fun" at all.

Sorry if i sound harsh, but every single game i have played has left me extremely disheartened ..... As said im going to try my luck in MP ..... SP is simply ridiculous for "noobs" so frankly there no point playing it :\
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Quote " Actually it doesn't even cheat for intel. It just uses a lot of scouts "

but how does it do this? By the time ive built the standard setup -
solar/metal/1 bot factory ...... they have sent at least 5 scouts out, follow by attack bots 30 secs later?? How does it get the resources so quick? by the time ive created 1 construction bot im out of resources and have to wait at least a minute b4 i have enough to build x5 scouts .... something is not right!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I would suggest that you find some replays of godde playing, also 1v1 is not easy to start with, give yourself some allies for 4v4 or something, then you will be able to build without the bot singling you out.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
green, it has the lab runing at the same time as its building the mex, so units are already done by the time its finished the mex...

also it builds factory first (cause its free)
+0 / -0
There are plenty of super easy singleplayer missions for new players. You should try those before blaming anybody for not giving you a chance to learn the ropes.

Here's a few, sorted by difficulty, rated by players:
Sandbox, you ain't gonna fail this
2v1, one CAI is your ally, another is not
Very easy chickens, hungry alien monsters

There's also two scripted tutorials:
Tutorial - Running Start
Tutorial 2 - A Day Out

If you want to find out how exactly CAI plays, follow EErankAdminAnarchid's advice and watch a replay of one of your games.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
If you play some games online (can be SP vs bots too, as long as it is online) the played games will show in your profile. People can then watch the replays and maybe give you hints.
+0 / -0
99% of games that i have played allow the user to get his bearings

I distinctly rememeber Starcraft (first starcraft!) AI trying to consistently murder me at seventh minute with a pack-squad of marines and medics and a firebat or two. Maybe not THAT fast, but not that lenient either.

Faster, if it was protoss or zerg.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Those mission links won't work with Linux unless you manually download the startscript.

So my suggestion is to put some bots on your team or play against the Easy Chickens bot which is a bit like a tower defence. It is possible to add bots to your team with Springlobby, I don't know about the others.

I'll give you some advice for surviving early 1v1. Make a Lotus (LLT) to each approach to your base. Four of them in total should make you safe at the start. These towers are quite cheap and at least one is vital at the start of the game for most strategies.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Ok, thanks for the advice peeps ... i will try them out:)

Just to be clear im not moaning about the game, thats sweet! - im moaning about that 1 bot that is available for Linux users to play against .... win users seem to get a lot more bots to pick from? (including the slow n easy bot)

Im gonna try it on windows too as im finding the more i use Linux for gaming, the more complicated everything gets(not just this game)

I did try adding bots to play on my side ... but that didnt really make much difference :s game lasted about 5mins longer :(

Skasi... can you tell me how to get these SP missions u advise of, when i d/ld the game it was totally blank, no bots - no maps?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Windows doesn't have any more extra bots. The other bots are for other Spring games I believe. Except for the Null AI but the Null AI does exactly nothing. Best way to learn the game is to play 1vs1 versus one of the more establishes players in Zero-K. Altough they will whoop your ass even harder then CAI most of them are very friendly and will tell you what you are doing wrong.

To ease the pain in the meanwhile I suggest playing smaller maps since when you start playing Zero-K the largest problem most players have (or at least I have) is the agresive land-grabby play of Zero-K. When you play on a smaller map with fewer mexes you won't get out-ecoed as hard as on a large map.

So here's some tips to improve your play:
Don't build a construction bot at the start. Most construction bots cost about as much metal as 2 Raiders meaning an enemy that doesn't start with a construction bot will already have 2 more attacking units 10 seconds into the game. That metal is perhaps better spend on making a lotus to protect your base from early raiders. Instead in your factory pump out about 5 raiders (Glaive / Bandit / or 3 Scorchers if you're playing light vehicle, but I'd suggest starting Cloakybots or Shieldbots) As soon as these are done. Move out! You have a lotus and the commander to protect your base (Your commander will be arround for a bit longer since he is making a radar, metal extractors and energy in your base). Try giving the commander a nice and long build order with shift (just like in TA) and put your factory on repeat to make something like 5 raider, 1 construction bot (The repeat button is in the unit building tab on the right, it's the 3 gray arrows in a circle that turn green if you click them).

So what you do is your automate your base as much as possible (Long build queue, factory on repeat) which gives you time to start raiding. Use those 5 raiders to carefully probe what your enemy is doing and if you find an undefended mex (Metal extractor) snipe it fast and move out again before you find any resistance. Since bullets in Zero-K are "Slow" as in not instantanious your units will have a range advantage when running away from the enemy, especially in raider vs raider fights this is very important since it is the difference between using all units and losing none. So as soon as you don't thrust it pull your raider out. And start probing somewhere else

As your raiders are scouting and sniping mexes try to have a look at what the enemy is building he will probably start sending out riots soon to counter your pesky raiders, but since you have the scouting advantage you can see it coming and build something in advance to counter the riot unit (Skirmishers work well). The ideal situation would be if your enemy responded to your raiding with base defense, meaning he's putting precious resources into fortifying his small part of the map. That defence isn't going anywhere allowing you to expand all over the map and use your superior eco advantage to steamroll his defence while he tries to build his fortress of doom with only 2 mexes.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
The other bots are for other Spring games I believe

They're all for what counted as THE spring game during the past decade.

RAI seems to work reasonably well. It builds all the wrong things and will never win, but it will attack you with glaives like after 20 minutes i think.
+0 / -0
factory -> 3 mex -> 3/4 solars or 4/5 winds -> LLT/defender.

Pump raiders from your own factory and expand with your commander. Get radar and intercept enemy units with your own.

Put a CAI on your team with 1 enemy CAI. Watch what your CAI does and copy him.

Almost every AI in every RTS cheats horrendously with. CAI does not. Never. It's not even particularly smart, it just plays the game properly.
+0 / -0
GBrankGreencandy: The two tutorial missions have instructions on how you can get them to work without windows. If you follow them, a bot will create a room and message you - the bot is called something like "Springie4", "Springie5", or very similar.

Once it messages you, you can join the battle room it is hosting. If your lobby does not allow you to join people by clicking their nickname, then go to your battle list and search for a room titled after the name of the mission (eg. "Tutorial - Running Start r164"). You could also search for the name of the host.

The 2v1 mission can easily be created by yourself. Just start a game with two CAIs. Make sure one of them is on your team. Personally I think a 2v1 with CAI is the best and most simple way for new players to learn the game. You have an ally to copy and learn from. Just make sure you don't do the same mistakes. You are human: you can learn from mistakes and improve on your own, while CAI can't.

To clarify: "Chickens" are bots that come with Zero-K. They are not regular ones, but a whole new game mode and come in five preset difficulties. If you don't feel like playing against players, you can join the "COOP vs AI" room and team up with humans to fight computer opponents.
+0 / -0
Thanks for the response Anarchid, but i think that you've just advised the very reason i should give up the game, as u say 180 secs (3 minutes - come on :O ) into the game im getting attacked ... not very friendly for new users of the game.

I think having a hard time against an AI opponent that plays completely fairly is literally the best, best possible thing in a game - once you can beat the AI or figure out how to gap-in-the-wall it the fun is gone. Treasure the feeling of danger - it wont last. Anyone who has played online for a few weeks will squash CAI like a bug.

if you find the idea of losing distressing then RTS is a genre you will have trouble loving.. the most beautiful moments in games are often the ones where you are being unfairly ganged up on and forced to hold huge swathes of the map for your team while other players are sitting on a dildo in their bases. Its brutal, but if you hold your shit together there is nothing more rewarding than pulling through and feeling like a fucking titan as you swing the whole map with an army that operates like a huge, complex appendage of your will and beats down your opponents.
+4 / -0
Yeah I really really wish all the games out there had a better AI so I could play them offline every now and then without getting bored. Having to play against computer opponents with four times the income or so just to experience a bit of a challenge tends to be very dull.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Worse, it breaks the game. It literally breaks how the game is played. You cannot use any standard build orders against the harder difficulties of Starcraft 2 AI's, you can play a perfect game of Starcraft 2 and lose. You cannot copy your enemies strategies, you cannot mirror his unit use to figure out the counters, you cannot watch their build order.

I remember my first time I watched a replay of Age of Empires 2 to try and understand how the AI teched up so fast. When I saw his resources, any illusion was shattered. It cheated!

If you're going to make an AI that cheats abandon any notion that this is symmetrical warfare, this is what Chickens does.
+0 / -0
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