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Title: TEAMS: All welcome!
Host: CZrankSpringiee
Game version: Zero-K v1.1.7.6
Engine version: 91.0
Battle ID: 185722
Started: 11 years ago
Duration: 83 minutes
Players: 22
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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11 years ago
awful game
+0 / -0

11 years ago
if you play 11v11 on a small thin porcy map, you should expect to have a bad time.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
This is a very good demonstration of what you get in a team when it has a high elo clanstack.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Mean elo is massively over-inflated at this point. They have Godde-level Elo, there is no way they are that good.
+0 / -0
They have Godde-level Elo, there is no way they are that good.

Elo is expected performance, and i'd quite expect the mean stack to perform well together much more than individually. And because mean's zerg power of 16 players, they're quite likely to never play alone.

Bottom line: elo gets fuzzy in teams. This is one of such fuzzy effects, the direct antipod of so-called "elo hell" which might or might not be a thing.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
weird how GBC don't perform any better in large stacks, I guess we need to discover teamplay
+3 / -0

11 years ago
I guess we need to discover teamplay

It's the stigma we get for being primarily duelizt clan.

An average Mean player has like 10 1v1 games for his entire account history.
+3 / -0
Ivory your GBC clan doesnt perform well in teams because you dont cooperate.Watch the replays and see how many labels we place, and how many things we talk about, how every player in mean clan has a purpose, like me: perfect scouting+planes+ and troll tactic support;Saabir:planes, strong com morph, eco player, nuke rusher, good front holder; Rafal:same as Saabir only he does more well in superspeedmetal games, and so on...(we have swappan and many more that i didnt mention).Watch this replay and see how 3 player cooperated and killed 5 commanders easily and then lost because nab team didnt expand:
I also asked lots of times Anarchid, and other GBC player to unspec (when they are online) and play as a clan against even in pro room, but not even if i do it 4-6 times they dont do it.Now seriously how many (at least 2-3 from clan) team battles you guys did last month? I didnt saw none, especially Anarchid playing.Its like in 1 vs 1...you want to do more well in teams, play more team games.
Clasic Mean clan vs GBC clan replay: http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/176651

mean clan on icy run using valkyre roaches+skuttles:
+1 / -3

11 years ago
+1 for the -2 jealousy from me! but i hate roach cannon on speedmetal. do really use them manually or via widget?
+1 / -0
Clasic Mean clan vs GBC clan replay

"Classic" is 1 of 3?

I've tried organizing regular (weekly) clanwars with mean before ivory went on vacation. But all my attempts so far were ruined by nobody responding on behalf of Mean.

I'll fire a proper challenge thread this or next week.

"GBC stack" games require organizing due to simple fact that we have much less people altogether.
+0 / -0
mojjj widgets are used xD
But I use a manual detriment launcher... I don't bother with roach launchers... (they make speedmetal games tooooooo 1 sided imho)
+1 / -0
Via widget mojjj:).But there is a catch, i spent like 1 day perfecting the newton roach throw, Rafal used newtons before so he did it faster to learn, so dont expect to be efficient from first time using the ramp, sometimes you can system failure iminent like Rafal did:)) in the replay i linked.Anarchid please stop i tried to many times to bring you guys in big elo battles, and all of you were like: i spec...i am drunk, my cat died and i am depressed, i dont want to, i am not in the mood.Dont make me search all the conversations saved in spring folder to show the proof.

quote Anarchid: "Classic" is 1 of 3?"

yeah..we lost some battles to, but show the replays i want to see them again:).It took me 20 minutes to search for that replay where we fight against your clan.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Line breaks seem to be a scarce commodity even despite the coveted Free Line Break Coupons.
+4 / -1
11 years ago
i spent like 1 day perfecting the newton roach throw

I find amusing how no one mentions wolas, as he made the damned widget you are abusing on ssm :P
+4 / -0

11 years ago
walrus...is just walrus:D.He doesnt play or use it so much even if hes the developer.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
quote Anarchid: "Classic" is 1 of 3?"

yeah..we lost some battles to, but show the replays i want to see them again:).It took me 20 minutes to search for that replay where we fight against your clan.

a corresponding GBC victory game: http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/176632 ;)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Y'know all this clan stack talk actually makes me feel like I should join a clan but there aren't many that one could join without figuring out a password. I must watch this to see how the ISP clan is doing.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
QAranknorm0616: Best advice for ya is to read the forums, of check the old PW records. They hold most of the information for the big clans, and probably who to talk to.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
clans are where the fun is at.. teamplay is great
+1 / -0