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New landing page

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I've been putting together a plan for a new landing page. The idea is to catch the attention of first-time visitors by displaying all the great stuff ZK has to offer without the need to scroll down the page. Visitors should stay to look for more information, or download the game straight away.

(link for full image)

What I need is feedback and suggestions. What are ZK's three biggest features? I thought "Scale, physics and serious strategy (thanks to UI)". Any better ideas? Any pictures you can think of worth using in the three slots at the lower half of the screenshot? Ideas for things to link below the download button?
+12 / -0
11 years ago
much gar you have ^.^
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I think the xonotic landing page is pretty cool, where it has a section to flip through the feature image and text.

+0 / -0

11 years ago
We need serious 2d visual artists if we're going to make something genuinely better than the current.
+1 / -0
what about good screenshot of last running battle (or if possible current battle) on main page, like those webcam sites from cities.
"In the meantime on battlefield"
+0 / -0
11 years ago
How about live battle streaming? (is that what DErankChesti meant?). Something else that may work is competitions for who can produce the best propaganda material. Something like a screenshot of the week competition where people submit screenshots of recent battles and the best 3 get picked to go on the landing page?
+0 / -0
I'd rather show more features below the top 3, USrankluckywaldo7. There could be a second row, showing the three next best features. Links in the navbar leading to more information about the game (rather than unlocks, commanders, that have 0 value to visitors) will help to. Once visitors are interested, they will want to explore the website.

AUrankAdminSaktoth, the current version has too much information that visitors don't care about when getting a first impression. It doesn't list features, nor show nice artwork/screenshots right away. New art can wait and be included later.

That's something good for the news orcompetition section, DErankChesti and GBrankTheSponge. Probably also nice for a link in the navbar. It's a great way to provide interested visitors with extras.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
A little research on the competitors:

World of Tanks:

Mech Warrior Online:

Eve Online:

Settlers Online:

So what do they all have in common?
A massive download/log in button on your main page.
Have some sort of video or screenshots directly in view.
Have a shot of an epic open landscape in the background.

Looks like ZK fits in pretty well. Our landing page isn't that bad i think. But if you want to change something maybe remove all the unnecessary stuff for potential new players. Like ladder, recent forum posts and facebook friends. Basically that entire right side. You can show it when you are logged in?

We would free up a bit more space for pretty stuff to show new visitors.

I like Skasi's concept. It is better aimed at new players. But we would need good art to show in the boxes and background. That drawing is ugly (sorry to whoever made it) We can embed a utube trailer to the left of that Download button.

Or maybe, replace those bottom 3 boxes with just one.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Is it a good idea to make default home menu view simple like Skasi showed us and how spring showed us in those games?Add a button where you can switch to simple view to profesional view so in profesional view we most of the constant players will benefit from it+ the future experienced players.To much information on a page makes people tired and the way Skasi posted the image could work well.

I remind again just set a swtich button somwhere in homemenu where you go to CLASIC NEWCOMMER VIEW and EXPERIENCED VIEW.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Forever, skasi's suggestion is only for people that are not logged in. The login button is your switch.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
My two cents: the DOWNLOAD box is not aligned with the boxes below it, which is imo un-aesthetic.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
@[ISP]spring, I took http://www.planetside2.com/ and http://www.firefallthegame.com/ as examples when I noticed they had exactly the same layout. I like the drawing and think it's the best we got so far. We could collect more and start a poll on which to use, or try different ones and gather data on signup rate of visitors. That's probably the best thing we can do.

EErankAdminAnarchid yeah, I'll think of proper alignment and golden ratio everywhere once I start creating the actual page. The logo will probably be moved to the left too and fill 2/3 of the width. First I want to hear thoughts about how many and which features to list - including pictures to use - so I can get ah idea of how big everything's gonna be.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Looks pretty good to me.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
My fist impression was: Nice!!
As for the three main features, I agree with strategy and I like your picture representing scale (although I am not sure it is really connected with the concept of scale. You may substitute: Units diversity) but physics, as already said in another topic, is not that appealing. Maybe simply "Fun" or "Conquest"? With a picture of Det or another superweapon?

+0 / -0
11 years ago
Better highlight features like Pyros flamethrower, thugs shield, or crabe then if you want to highlight diversity and fun.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
"Zero-K is a FREE, multiplatform, open-source RTS game. It aims to be dynamic, action-packed and hassle-free, full of clever strategies and constantly moving combat with games lasting an average 20-30 minutes."

I've always felt this description is lacking the most important thing. It states the genre and some vague buzzwords like action-packed. What's the game about?

Giant robots, commanders, lasers, armies of tanks, fighter planes, bombers... are some things that could be mentioned. "RTS game" is not enough. At least in Skasi's mockup, there's a glaive so you get the idea. But imagine someone reading the description line on a wiki page or some article. It should create some imagery.
+4 / -0

11 years ago
I agree to get rid of the non-saying buzzwords. Dynamic, action-packed, hassle-free and clever strategies dont say anything without context. Moving combat does not even say anything to me.

Things to add.
- Add picture of scale. Something like this
With flea, bandit, light tank, shieldbot, golly, commander, sumo, bertha, funnelweb, bantha and detri. maybe krow and DRP.
- Modular commanders. Create unique commanders with modules. Picture of commander with flamethrower. sniper com and dgun com.
- add amount of unique units. text something like: with balanced arsenal of x unique units for different strategies every time you play it.
- Maybe add history of the project.

+0 / -0

11 years ago
- Modular commanders. Create unique commanders with modules. Picture of commander with flamethrower. sniper com and dgun com.

Except that they all look the same :|
+1 / -0
11 years ago
I don't want it to say "Giant robots, commanders, lasers, armies of tanks, fighter planes, bombers", because that could just as well be any other scifi game, nor do I want the frontpage to spam silly numbers. To me the current "buzzwords" are very clear:
Dynamic - don't have to wait to do things
action-packed - stuff explodes
hassle-free - easier controls/better ui
clever strategies - game is about having great ideas
Moving combat - battle location shifts, fronts move back and forth

Maybe visitors think different. Anyway, if you can think of better words that don't just give an idea of what the game feels like, but also arouse interest, let me know!

Remember, the front page is not supposed to completely describe the game, that's what we've got links to casts, manuals and other things for. This page is supposed to catch attention and get visitors to either download the game right away, OR to get them to want to read more (list of top features will link to more text) instead of leaving right away.

Customizable commanders are a nice idea. That makes four things to list, or choose from.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
its time to throw in some offtopic rage about buzzwords with no content:

[offtopic rage]
on 22th september, there is election in germany. a campaing advertising sign of our beloved and totally capable chancellor angela merkel is evilish smiling at me a qudratizillion times on my way to work. the two words on it give me totally the insight what the christion democratic party (fundamentalist conservatives) has in mind to make this worls a better place: "gemeinsam erfolgreich" (= "together successful"). this political message is as clear as a sewage plant. no wounder, merkel is called "teflon" by foreign diplomats...

btw merkel recently said as reaction to the NSA scandal, that [cite] "the internet is virgin soil" [/cite]. so much for her competence.

[/offtopic rage]
+0 / -0
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