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Noob Friendly Factories

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11 years ago
In the balance thread, USrankCrazyEddie said in response to cloakbots lack of lategame powerhouse:
As a cloakyplayer I'm okay with that. It's kind of the cloaky "thing". It's a low-weight versatile mix-and-match spam-what-you-need factory; very noob friendly but very effective. The step up from low-weight cloaks, should you decide you need it, is a strider hub. Or an L5 commander.

Adding a sumo-scale unit to the factory would just feel out of place. If you want to play with those units, learn to play those factories. It's a good encouragement for newbies to branch out once they've learned the basics from the cloakyfac.

I don't think cloakbot is good for new players though. The units are really fragile, so you can 'accidently' your whole army really easily, they require finesse and good positioning, and their most expensive unit is incredibly fragile and practically requires holdfire micro (noobs love to spam the most expensive unit in a factory). Contrast this with shield, where you can move them around as a giant deathball, they all synergize really well so you can basically spam one of each randomly, they scale really well and it's very hard to lose your whole army, they have great frontal attack power when just barreling into the enemy.

Noobs, especially playing vs other noobs, tend to favour this kind of direct, frontal deathball approach. They often porc a lot, so you need good porc breakers, and they favour expensive, hard to kill units. With it's requirement for good positioning and micro (Rocko, Zeus and Sniper all can't shoot over eachother, etc), I don't actually think the cloak factory is a very good factory for new players, both veh and shield are better.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
I used to like the shield factory but then I took an arrow to the knee I found that finesse and good positioning with harder-to-use units was way more effective. Cloakies are good for noobs because you can just keep raiding, which is what they need to be learning as it somewhat applies to other factories. I think the most noob friendly factories are cloakies and gunships. Both teach unit diversity and micro. LVs can be good too, but they are mainly used on flat maps where your opponent will use them too, and the noob will likely last 2 minutes before being annihilated by scorchers.

On the topic of a late-game unit for cloakies, I think it needs one. There was a thread a while back about something like the razorback for cloakies and I agree something like that should exist. As a mainly cloaky player, I find that I often lose to shields because they can use their low weight units to turn into a deathball, where cloakies have to fight that with low weight units that don't synergise especially well against deathballs. If there were a razorback at my disposal I would be able to prevent that deathball from happening most of the time by being able to attack heavily fortified positions without snipers..
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I think the big problem is the Outlaw's function as a perfect decloaker. It effectively counters cloaked units the same way Gauss weapons used to counter shielded things.

I mean, with an Eraser used to get cloaky units under the shields it could be an interesting fight.
+2 / -0

11 years ago
cloaky dominates the early game with its low density and self sufficent units - late game you should simply transition and mix forces with another lab. they synergise with HV extremely well (HV

huge hp for cost, terrible dps for cost. cloaky

bad hp for cost, and huge dps) but jumpies or striders work too.

shields and HV are probably the most noob friendly. noobs can manage and keep alive a single golly better than they can 8 ravagers.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
I'm wondering what the point of this thread is. Like, is there a question or something that needs to be discussed?
+4 / -0
11 years ago
I think light vehicles is most newb friendly factory.
At least the kind of newb who knows how to play RTS in general but is new to spring / zk.

All you need to know is that the flash was renamed to scorcher to be less OP but it still is:
Heatrays deal more damage up close.
The strategy is now obvious: RAM enemy units with scorchers, it is like BA flashspam but with more damage and without a Dgun to stop it.
Microing units can be tricky but with those you only have to think when you want to attack and find a way around defense. (basically: "Do not step into the red circles around turrets")
Getting as close as possible is easier to do than the usual micro of trying to stay max range. Spreading the units out is also not that important, in fact as clumped swarm they work as good.

If you lose many flashs it does not matter, eventually there is always a time where other player forgots about his Commander or leaves a path to base open.
One or two will get past and kill factoy in seconds. On way to there they destroy all windmills drive-by style. Ram three flash into Commander to kill him.

Of course it can be countered but that always takes more awareness or micro.
Actually it mostly fails when players tried to do it different: For example a few flash die to LLT. Instead of just building more flash which would easily overrun the turrets they try to make a Merl rocket thing. But the Merl rocket thing is way more difficult to use and archives nothing or dies. Or the enemy attacks and now no units to defend but some expensive useless artillery.

After a while can grow that tactic and for example use formation-widget to surround enemy units for quicker kill. Plop radars everywhere and "read" the dots where enemy is moving and where a oppurnity opens. Use darts for scouting. Retreat units and repair them. But that is just improvements, the basic idea is very simple.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Scorchers have the problem that the default AI does the exact opposite of the right thing and has them daintily skirm around the edge of the target. There are a handful of cases where this is useful but most of the time it's just wasteful. That's quite a newbtrap.
+3 / -0
My guess is Light Vehicles. If you want power for cost, this is the factory. Their units are not too low-weight for newbies(like cloakies) or don't require too much conservation/repairing to be worth their cost(like heavies). Scorcher, leveler and ravager all share phenomenal straight up fighting power - arguably the best(or one of the best) in their respective categories.

Although, there are some trickier units in the factory that might work as "noobtraps", mainly the dominatrix. But then, most factories have some of those.
+0 / -0
Shields are undisputedly most noob-friendly factory ever.
1) Every unit can mind its own business and be left on fight.
2) No need for careful positioning. Just bunch all shields together and add felon for instant pwnage.
3) Every unit individually superior to cloaky counterpart, and in fight-mode, also in masses.
4) Naturally scales into midgame, capable of breaking non-superporc with ease.
5) Rogue can lay siege to Lotus.
6) No role-violating units except Felon.
7) Their bomb kills to death. No need to lay elaborate traps. Just boom.
8) No friendly fire.

LV comes second. Because ravager is infinitely spammable superior quality unit that has a role of busting everything short of Dante, including most of its supposed counters.
+3 / -0

11 years ago
8) No friendly fire.
Not so fast. Thugs like to shoot each other a lot. Even felons hit each other if bunched (although arguably a rare case). I don't know about rogues, but there's definitely a lot of teamkilling potential in that cluster of shieldbots.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Please block planes and gunships factories until level 20 or 15...to many newcommers use them, make brawlers and spam shields+10 caretakers near the factory, meanwhile we are fighting in the front and losing.

Many newcommers are tempted to use these factories a lot, and i admint, when i started to play the game i just used heavy tanks and gunships only, nothing else.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
just make factories like gunshits and planes unlocks again, why you removed them from unlocks anyway?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
This is a fork from the other thread, since I wanted to respond to CrazyEddie but didn't want to highjack the balance thread.

Cloakbot is the default factory though, the first in the list, the default chosen for the campaign, etc, but I think it's harder to play than Veh or shield, at least.

Unlocks used to be more robust to stop people using things they shouldn't, but now you basically start with everything you need to win a 1v1. You cannot possibly win a 1v1 reliably without air, you need an air threat. GoogleFrog basically owled the unlock system. I can see why.
+2 / -0

11 years ago
I'll note that even taking Sak's points as given, that still leaves cloakies as a good factory for newbies who want to learn how to play Zero-K. Whereas shields is a good factory for newbies who want to play DOTA.


Slightly more seriously, I think cloakies is "noob friendly" in the sense that the units are all straight-forward and are essentially the canonical representations of the fundamental elements of Zero-K gameplay - the raider-riot-skirmisher RPS triad and the supplemental roles, the virtue of raiding and attacking, the importance of situational awareness and map control, etc. Cloakies may not be the easiest factory for newbies to play, but I think it's the easiest factory for newbies to understand.

But "noob friendly" wasn't really my main point in that post, and if I'm wrong about that, okay, fine, I'm wrong. My main point was that I don't think cloakies needs a heavyweight unit, and I stand by that, purely as a matter of aesthetics.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
This is a fork from the other thread, since I wanted to respond to CrazyEddie but didn't want to highjack the balance thread.

Zomg, so the suggested possibility to fork threads was implemented! Nice!
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Let's think like a first-time newbe:

Cloaky: Spam Snipers
Shield: Spam Felons
Jumpie: Spam Fire-bots and Sumos
LightV: Spam medium tanks
HeavyV: Spam big tanks
Amphib: Spam Double-HLT-Walkers (HLTs are strong, right?)

Don't forget: spam constructors (but don't support Felons!)
+1 / -0
11 years ago

Planes: Spam Lichos, then fly them into heavy AA, kill one defender, and die. Also licho lone enemies who are the the middle of allied armies.
Hover: Spam Pene and then watch them die vs. raiders.
Strider: Makes a strider hub and then tries to make a det 5 minutes in, or suiciding them into lots of def
Spider: Lots of spies with no E for them
Jumpy again: Skuttles with the same problem
Shields again: Roaches mixed in with armies
Cloaky again: Same as above, but with ticks
Ships: Dying slowly to subs and amphs as corvettes are spammed
+2 / -0
11 years ago
I think cloaky is the best-designed factory in most respects. Easy to use, difficult to master. It has tools that noobs can use effectively, but those same tools also have a very high skill ceiling.

Cloaky and shield are probably the best starts, not just the most noob-friendly. They are flexible, stable, and let you defend and deal damage predictably in the early and mid game, without overly depending on a single raid or a single individual unit. Many of the other factories depend quite heavily on few units in the early game, such as a pyro or kodachi raid or precision bomber.

We need to encourage new players to actually build units. Giving them cheap, efficient armies is the best way to do that. There is a very strong tendency for new players to porc heavily which can only be overcome by having them experiment with units and have success.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
What is the main characteristics of a newb-friendly factory?
I think they are:
1) Simple units, so they don't require a lot of micro-control and they are not noob-trap.
2) Relatively cheap units, so losing a few of them is not a fatal mistake.
3) Units with "broad" specialization, so it is easy to experimenter with them and don't fail.

A new player have no idea about zero-k units, so he will just build different units and see what they do. Here we go.

The main noob-traps in this factory are Scythe, Sharpshooter, Tick (which can do a lot of harm to its allies), Eraser and Rocko. It is not easy to manage them properly and they are pretty expensive (Not all of them! Scythe costs 250 and if it is not managed properly, it is just a silly low-range unit with low dps). Furthermore, some of these units have a pretty narrow specialization. I don't think this factory is good for noob.

1) A lot of units which require a lot of microcontrol.
2) There are expensive units which are very fragile.
3) There are units with narrow specialization.

Shields are much better for noobs. Almost all shields are pretty easy to use. Like EErankAdminAnarchid already said: "No need for careful positioning. Just bunch all shields together and add felon for instant pwnage." Isn't simple, noob can just make random units and after putting them together, he can kill another noob. The main noob-trap of this factory is Roach, because it is possible to accidentally blow up your entire army.

1) Just put units together and kill someone!
2) There are some expensive units which cannot be use alone.
3) There are nothing really special except Roach

Nobody know how to play jumps. Seriously, I still have no idea, how to use them in a proper way.

1) You need a lot of microcontrol.
2) There are a lot of expensive stuff.
3) Jumps factory have only special units.

It is, for sure, not a newb-friendly factory. It's main advantage is that spider can walk everywhere, but all spiders have low of hp. Even crab is fragile when it is moving (4 000 hp is less than two Zeuses have).

1) Yes, You need to control your Venoms carefully.
2) Spiders are very fragile, so it is easy to lose a lot of metal.
3) Again, this factory is special. Going spider on a flat map is 100% fail.

Light vehs
It is the most newb-friendly factory. Vehs are pretty cheap, fast and powerful. Ravager and Scorcher are as simple as brick. Just take bunch of them and kill something. Unlike other assaults, Ravagers can kill raiders, because of their high speed. Slasher and Leveler are not that simple, but it is not difficult to use them. The main noob-traps here is Dominatrix. It is difficult to use, expensive and fragile, but it should be unlocked.

1) Select your units and send them to opponent's base.
2) Except a few units, all units are cheap and strong.
3) Dominatrix Dominatrix Dominatrix Dominatrix

Heavy Tanks
It is simple. Heavy tanks are expensive, so lose of just a one Reaper or Banisher can be fatal.

1) It is not that difficult to control heavies, but
2) They are so expensive, so in the early game playing heavies is all about caring about a single tank.
3) Kodachi, Tremor
+2 / -0
11 years ago
To complete your list:

Hover: This has the Pene, which is a newb-trap. The Mace is good in general though, and spamming it can do good things. It has low mobility on non-water maps, so it has a potential for fail use on hilly maps.

Planes: This has so much of a potential for fail that it needs to be an expensive unlock. It is easy to suicide air into AA, to bomb allied armies, to be ineffective simply for not bombing the right targets, and to make or use the wrong kind of bombers for a target.

1) You really need to spam vamps if there is another air player
2) Licho is very, very good
3) Please, please don't try to use phoenixes to kill that single target in an allied base!
4) Requires micro to counter misfires

Gunships: The same as above, it should be an expensive unlock. The units are slow and die easily to AA. There are also several newbtraps: Krow, Rapier, Brawler, Blastwing, and BD.

1) Retreat your Krow when it is hurt
2) Don't idle units in AA fire
3) Don't set BDs to fire-at-will if you want to kill a specific target
4) Don't fire the Krow in your base
5) Don't idle blastwings near allied units

Amph: It is a weak factory in general. While it has a few strong units, it lacks some roles. Buoys are good, scallops and ducks can be good, and it has good AA. However, new players will often make grizzlys or djinns early, when there is not much of a point. When playing against sea, there is the tendency to suicide into antisub ships and urchins.

1) Missing lots of roles
2) Dies to antisub
3) Djinn is almost never necessary

Strider: Newbtrap in general.

1) Don't kill allied armies with the Dante
2) Don't suicide a Det
3) Don't make this factory unless you have lots of metal income
4) The metal spent on these units is usually better spent elsewhere

Athena: Takes skill and practice to use. It is mobile and cloaks, but is weak. It is a newbtrap itself.

1) Scout with it late-game
2) Cloak it
3) It jams radar, even when uncloaked.
+2 / -0
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