.csv1847 team games played in last 60 days. No bots, no FFA, no missions, game must have at least 4 but no more than 24 players, and none of them can have EloWeight < 5. Format is to  Kyubey specifications, except "team 1" (not actually numbered in the file) is specifically defined to be the winner. Note: the Elo values are as of time of writing, not from when the game was actually played. EDIT: Damn, this thing is clearly defective; there are 117 FFAs in the list. I don't know how they got in, but you can just delete all the entries with winning team Elo variance == 0.
+2 / -0
@KingRaptor Thank you. This is nice. What is winning team Elo variance? I mean what does this field mean?
+0 / -0
well even from basic data analysis we can see that variance is a verry good indicator of what team will win the game   banana_Ai http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variance i think but now looking at the numbers, im not entirely sure KR i think your getter is bugged well 10 11v11 games to work with is good enough for a test batch (after pruning off all the weird 12v11, 12v10, chick/bots, thats what i was left with)
+0 / -0
10 games doesn't look enough.
+0 / -0
im going to sleep soon, i dont feel up to making something that will get the variance of all the games ever played no mater how many players (excluding 1v1 to 3v3 games) right at this moment, that is for tomorow nevermind earlier, that is variance ie. r^2 i blame it on being 5 in the morning! do sqrt(variance) for avrage distance from mean @KingRaptor
+0 / -0
 KyubeyAlso, how are u going to find out which balance is better?
+0 / -0
if variance between teams is a more significant determining factor for win chance then avarage ELO curent system is completly usless (since it does not take into acount variance) if not thie thread will be flooded with gifs till it crashes and burns all future threads may be pointed to this thread and subsequently flooded with gifs
+0 / -0
After cleaning out the FFAs, the games where there were no winners or no losers (e.g. desynced games) and the handful of 2v1s, I was left with 1723 team games. Average difference between stdevs of winning and losing team Elos: -0.291Preliminary conclusion: the idea that less variance = better team is, as you Brits say, bollocks.
+0 / -0
yea, stdev is totaly irrelevant if anything, considering that the winning team had on avrage 27 points more ELO stdev then loosing team having a higher stdev is counterintuitavely a beter indicator of who will win then elo diffrance afres some copious deleting of games that were 2v2 or less i got down to 1415 games winers had: avg elo of 1651, and stdev of 202 loosers had avg elo of 1628, and stdev of 178 the diferance between loosers and winners was on avrage: 22 ELO with, and 24 stdev (this sugests that larger stdev is better for winning) intrestingly enough, of the 525 teams that had less elo then enemy and still won: 1625 avg elo 37 points less on avarage then enemy elo which was 1662 on avarage had 201 stdev for the winners, and 186 stdev for the loosers the other games (where winning team had more elo) had 204 stdev for the winners, and 173 stdev for the loosers no notable corelation between stdev(win-lose) and ELO(win-lose) to be found make of that what you will, im going to sleep
+0 / -0
 Y-axe is Standart deviation of the winner team substracted from Standart deviation of the losser's team. (team2.st_dev-team1.st_dev) X-axe is an absolute elo difference ( |team1.av_elo-team2.av_elo| )  Y-axe is Standart deviation of the winner team substracted from Standart deviation of the losser's team. X-axe is index of the Y number in the sorted array. As we see there is no real different in win chanse between teams with players who have pretty simular elo and teams with one proc and bunch of nabs. P.S. FFA aren't included
+0 / -0
Squigglier than a climatology graph.
+2 / -0
Well. We can see an obvious think: higher elo different may cause higher stdef. Filtering all game up to 3v4 or 4v3 didn't really change any of these graphs.
+0 / -0
Alright nabs, you got your fucking stats. Now go prove the balance is inefficient. There is a very simple way to do it. All you need is to write a predictive script that can predict the probability of one team winning. You then run it through the data, making bets on some team. If it can gain significant winnings, then the script is able to detect unfair games where Springie couldnt, thus proving Springie's inefficiency. Now to formalise the betting part: For each game, you can bet from 0 to 100 points on a team. A lost bet pays out 0. A won bet pays out the bet value plus 2*(winProb), where winProb is the winning team's probability to win according to Springie. I am pretty sure you could easily prove that games with odd playercounts are biased against smaller team and 2coms dont help enough, and that the elo difference is more sensitive than springie's average predicts (as in, 10 avg elo difference results in bigger win chance than 51.4). But these are fairly obvious. I want you nabs to come up with something more complex to prove that springie balance is fundamentally wrong, as you keep claiming.
+0 / -0
elo, godde and the difference of teams vs 1v1.
+1 / -0
I think the above summarises the problem perfectly. Sfireman is an effect, not a cause -- ZK becomes very unrewarding at high elo levels. quote: balance is drunk like sfireman, his elo is near 1900 I think, but it worth -1900.anyway the balance system is very drunk , 1 pro with 2 newbie lose to 3 average player |
This is the beef. So long as this happens, teamgames will forever become exponentially less fun as your elo increases. I think it is important to fix this, as it drives good players away. Certainly when I was 2000+ elo I felt nothing but frustration from teamgames of any real size.
+1 / -0
quote: I think it has been proven that despite the official claims, 1v1 elo still affects team elo |
Team elo hasn't been changing from 1v1 games for at least a week, maybe two now. It hasn't been recalculated though, so it still is heavily influenced by past 1v1s.
+1 / -0
quote: I am pretty sure you could easily prove that games with odd playercounts are biased against smaller team and 2coms dont help enough, and that the elo difference is more sensitive than springie's average predicts (as in, 10 avg elo difference results in bigger win chance than 51.4). |
Nop. Most of games are won by a team with less players. Average is -0,0102 or -0,0283 among only unfair games. quote: balance is drunk like sfireman, his elo is near 1900 I think, but it worth -1900.anyway the balance system is very drunk , 1 pro with 2 newbie lose to 3 average player |
As you can see stdev doesn't affect win/lose rate much.
+0 / -0
quote: Now to formalise the betting part: |
Note that the proponents of a balancing change do not dispute fair victory chances. That entire argument is that high stdev causes unpleasant while still winnable games, which implies that stdev should also be optimized against. Current algorithm completely disregards the second parameter, so we can tentatively consider it to sacrifice stdev in favor of win-chance. Thus the change-proponent side should produce an algorithm that optimizes both win chance and stdev, which will likely lead to reduced accuracy of win-chance optimization. The question is how much winchance-fairness will be lost to procure extra bits of stdev-fairness. Unfortunately, you cannot resolve the efficacy of such an algorithm simply by betting on historical data, because you cannot rearrange the teams and see what happens. At best, you can calculate "what i would have done" for each of those games and see if they are indeed fairer (either/or by winchance or stdev) Also note that any bets you make on this dataset will be tainted by operating under modern, not historical, elo values. Last but not the least, consider that under current algorithm, if zk would grow 10-fold, you would get paired with better people the better you play. The ideal solution is still procurement of an infinite playerbase, which would allow a 1600 elo player to play 10v10 where each other player is 1600.
+3 / -0
quote: Unfortunately, you cannot resolve the efficacy of such an algorithm simply by betting on historical data, because you cannot rearrange the teams and see what happens. |
You cannot rearrange the teams, but you can prove that games which springie deems balanced are not actually balanced at all. If every game was truly balanced, it would be impossible to reliably predict the outcomes and make profits on bets. quote: an algorithm that optimizes both win chance and stdev |
I have already suggested a simple and universal solution in case we want that. (although now i realise second step should minimse stdev difference between teams, not average stdev, which would remain constant regardless of how we shuffle the players). quote: Last but not the least, consider that under current algorithm, if zk would grow 10-fold |
If zk grew 10-fold, it would stop being an issue simply because of segregation.
+0 / -0