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Am I to stupid or is plane start OP in small maps in 1v1?

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10 years ago
i would only trust godde and klon for proper air in a serious 2v2. Most people who start air die to enemy +1 land verry quickly, or the lone land player gets double teamed while air is building up their 4 shadows they need to kill a com
(and doing 0 damage in the mean time)

planes are not weak, they are just specialised, and wholey reliant on strategic use... this means 90% of ZK players can't use planes for shit, and only aout 1% can actualy do something usefull with them
+0 / -0

10 years ago
well the air player count of relieable superiority has grown recently. klon is still rusty, and i have seen better air play than godde (air is not his main strenght). even i beat him there.
+0 / -0
I'm inclined to think that the problem with Raven is that it does everything. It kills raiders, it kills heavies, it penetrates AA, it kills statics, and it's also the thing you use against underwater targets.

Barring a split, it could just have a bit less HP.

The main thing, apart from the hp, seems to me that the weight reduction resulted in less overkill when bombing raiders and the like, which made it an efficient strategy to deal with those - which also hurts phoenix that used to be the medium of choice to deal with raiders. with shadows at 450 there was little incencitive to use them in this way, and it also meant that you needed to spend more metal in dead bombers when attacking a target under aa cover than you have to now.

shadows should just be reverted to their old stats, maybe keep some of those extra hp for cost, maybe not. phoenix needs to get better or cheaper as its role is very narrow and depends too much on your opponent to actually clump his units - the very old phoenix that used to set things on fire and had bigger area of effect was fine imo, at least one of these strength should be restored. setting things on fire feels natural and doesnt impact the immediate damage, so it should be that.

phoenix also desperately needs an adjustment to the projectile mechanics as it tends to throw its bombs in front, not onto the target which causes unnecessary micro sink to actually have it deal its full damage.
+5 / -0

10 years ago
The 'Dropping just in front of the target' thing is because Licho insisted that Pheonixes start to reload the moment they start their bombing run for a 'toss' behaviour. This means that they spend half a millisecond less in AA range, but also means they almost always miss their target unless manually aimed in front of it.

You can also attack the ground then give a move order to ensure the bomber continues on, but I honestly think we should just have it wait until it finishes it's whole run before reloading: Hitting it's target in a line should be the 'default' state, turning or dropping bombs in an arc should be the micro intensive situation rather than the default.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
move orders are still bugged for planes in 91, and we wont be using 96 till the end of the universe
+1 / -0

10 years ago

Agreed. Bombers are micro-intensive enough without making every attack a two-click operation.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
but I honestly think we should just have it wait until it finishes it's whole run before reloading

Yeah, especially since the specific line in the unit code that defines the delay has already been posted a few air-focused threads ago.

I think it would be fine if it started turning when 60%-80% through its volley. enough for everything inside the target circle to get hit, but not too much so it has a slightly better chance to survive.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I use 1-2 newton against bomberz, they will get stuck enemy planes, and your llt defenders, or faraday can finish it easy, and 3-4 newton against wyvern, try it, it one of the forbidden tactics
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Such a trap is to expensiv and to static to get rid of bombers. And it's not forbidden. ;)
+1 / -0

10 years ago
@Jellal my smurf, newtons protect one small spot in that area, and stops your expansion, you can't stay there forever...
+3 / -0
,Im not your smurf idiot man
+1 / -6

10 years ago
Thats not a nice response to my joke, i hope you are not hungarian that lives in Romania. If so i understand your way of writing.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Yeah hes not ur smurf nab!!!
+0 / -2
Whats so offensive about being called someone who's pretty high elo's smurf? If anything its flattery and (possibly?) admiration? I mean think about it: When you are compared to someone who's what 2100 2000 elo and they think you are their smurf, its a compliment. Right? I doubt that gives you any justification to lash out at @forever. That and it was just a joke anyways.

On topic, agree with @eternal_rookie and @forever. Its quite expensive and protects an itsy bitsy area of land. You'd be better off using this in either team games near an air player's area (at which case why dont you attack them directly?) or where you can predict they would be going. At best it would work once maybe as a smart air player would avoid that area. You might catch yourself a bomber or two but that hardly justifies the cost IMO. You are better off using that metal in expansion or getting mobile AA (thats just my preference tho.. mobile aa is... well more mobile than static aa).

Worse yet: It can be used AGAINST you. If you build such traps and the enemy suddenly switches to full ground production, you are much more screwed than if you made AA (which you are stuck with useless AA then but at least its less expensive!).

My two cents.
+3 / -0
If you build such traps and the enemy suddenly switches to full ground production

... then you use the newton to throw his units into deep holes, while screaming about Sparta. Flex-AA has this funny ability of being quite good against ground, yknow.
+3 / -0
I have no idea what is this topic about, but

RUrankYogzototh l2maths


<<< At 3:00 minutes it is:
3 Bombers+Aircon
1 LLT, 5 Defenders, 2 Jethros >>>

3x300 + 220 = 1120m
70 + 5*80 = 770m

So, where the fuck did those 350m go?

My question is - where the fuck did 2 Jethros go? U didn't count them.

It would be
70 + 5*80 + 2*150 = 1070m

+0 / -1

10 years ago
70 + 5*80 + 2*150 = 1070m

70 + 400 + 300 = 770, RUrankYogzototh was correct (even though he accidently a jethro)
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Lol. I didnt count this, just added 300 to his resault. ^^ me fail.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
and it was like epic.

+4 / -0

10 years ago
The question here is how much metal does it cost to beat Raven with its supposed counters.

Raven: 300.
Gremlin: 150.

This means that if you spend one dime more than is enough to buy two gremlins, you are paying more to defend against the bombers than your enemy is paying to buy the bombers.

Does two gremlin counter one raven? Only if the raven player decides to land near them and do nothing.

Why is the Gremlin so weak? It is useful only for scouting enemy defenses...
Can't we improve his attack? Two Gremlins should be able to kill a raven, no?

+0 / -0
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