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Blurry in-game text

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10 years ago
I am experiencing an issue with in-game text being blurry or otherwise unreadable. The problem usually does not occur when I start playing Zero-K, but after a few games it will happen and it does not go away until I close the Lobby and reopen it.

Unfortunately, I can't remember if this problem has ever began in the middle of a game. From what I can remember, my first indication that it has happened is seeing it during the loading screen prior to a game.

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10 years ago
I forgot to add some information that might be useful:

1. I found no ZeroKLobbyErrors that correlate with this problem occurring.
2. I am running Zero-K from a flashdrive. I can try using the flash drive as the Current Data Folder, as opposed to a folder on the computer, to see if that is related to the problem, though I don't see why that would be the case.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
This is a known Spring bug. Their only suggestion is to install different drivers, but I don't know how much that will help, seeing as it's been a sudden bug for a lot of people in the last week or two.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Thanks for the info. It didn't happen for the first few weeks, so maybe some Spring file is corrupt. I'll try reinstalling spring/Zero-K as a temporary fix. I'll also check for a different driver.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Happend to me to, when i was using Intel R HD videocard with other laptop.
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10 years ago
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