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How to use RAI/KAI/etc. CAI?

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10 years ago
Where do i get these special CAI? How do i install them?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
CAI is inside ZK. You should be able to use any lobby to add it to games. Other AIs come with some spring installs by default and ZKL blocks them because they have a history of not working. I am not sure how to use them.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
rai rushes for geos and then starts afking or keeps spamming some special units that then it sends 1 at time.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
A long time ago I played ZK offline, and tested some AIs. I beg to differ, ROrankForever , the RAI only rushes geo after at least 1-2 caretakers, and then rushes more caretakers. it was so hard to use my glaives with those 500 damage bombs lying around everywhere blowing up and killing my glaives.(after an hour, and everywhere means 20 or so caretakers) like riot wind generators.

Wind generators generate wind.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
what ROrankForever has to do whit this
+1 / -0
Problem with most current "native" Spring AI's with ZK is that they cannot mex without doing some ZK-specific things.

This is because ZK is very nazi about where you can place mex: one pixel off, and your order is shot on spot, without trial.

To confound the poor bots further, metal spot detection algorithm used by ZK is not the same that bots use (which is bundled with Spring).

The ZK algorithm detects middles of metal spots, while Spring algorithm detects their top left corner - which causes the bots to fail at placing mex.

And if that wasn't enough, ZK extractors are not extractors in Spring engine sense of way, they are completely Lua-driven. Bots that are designed to detect mexes in TA-like Spring games simply gloss over them and never find anything that "exctractsMetal".


If you use engine version 97.0.1-135 or later, Shard should work for you quite well. It's not really smart, but it has a pretty thick chance of beating CAI on most maps due to recent addition of a config that lets it spam most OP things. And also because it's a maphack-using AI, while CAI plays fair.

Additionally there exist three (one maphacking, two fair) different Java WIP AI's that can play ZK while beating both CAI and Shard. Those, however, not only require having a modern engine (again, anything newer than 97.0.1-135), but also one has to acquire a Java AI Interface which is not currently automatically built by Spring buildbot.


All those bots are not synced: unlike CAI, only one player has to have them to make them work. So you could occasionally spectate them on Friday evenings when there's some testing-in-anger bonanza.


As mentioned above, you have to use a non-ZKL lobby to deploy these bots. Weblobby is suggested as a more humane alternative, but Springlobby should work too.

Mandatory picture. I apologize for it not being gif. The picture displays a 2xCAI vs 1xZKGBAI game on CCR. ZKGBAI is teal. CAI are holding off. ZKGBAI has 500 solars.

+5 / -0

10 years ago

Where can I get these AIs
+0 / -0
10 years ago
lol it made like only 30 offensive units and 400+ builders and eco
+0 / -0
lol it made like only 30 offensive units and 400+ builders and eco

It sends units singlefile. No tactics, just mindless spam.
It is super effective (vs CAI).
Displayed situation was a malfunction: it preferred safe OD to reclaim.

Where can I get these AIs

ZKGBAI: source, jar
DeinFreund's zkai: source and binary
gajop's MyAI: source
Shard is bundled with Spring.
+3 / -0
Just as proof that ZKGBAI is not just a solarspamming monster, here is a gif of a 1v1 between ZKGBAI(north, red) and ZKMBAI/zkai(south, teal).
South had a little advantage at the beginning, because there were no mexes in south's startbox.

Gif is 5MB, so have some patience for it to load.

Replay: Bots B281588 0 on Comet Catcher Redux

As Java AI's have no chance of selecting a startposition in the startbox, they'll always spawn in the top left corner (or seldomly in the center), which is why the startboxes have to be smaller than the default ones(hsplit/vsplit) when trying out one of the AI's.

USrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng You're not the only fan of these great graphs here ;)

Build of ZKMBAI: blue thingy
Remember not to use zero-k lobby.
+0 / -0
10 years ago

How do I use these three AI?

ResignAI was just placed in the Spring/AI folder.

How do I set these up?
+0 / -0
ZKL cannot use custom bots, you need to use a different lobby. Then you will be able to add these normally.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
What is this "normal" method?
I don't know what you are referring to.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Lobbies tend to have this "add bot" button in more or less visible places. ZKL has that too, but only allows you to add CAI/Chicken/NullAI and not the other custom AIs. Other lobbies allow you to add anything, here's an example for SpringLobby:
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Both springlobby and weblobby allow you to add local bots, so use either of them.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Where in the spring folders do i add these files manually so that they show up in the spring-web-lobby's add bot listing?
+0 / -0
Zero-K lobby does allow those bots as well.
Xponen added support for them (might need some settings change).
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