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Saturday Clanwars

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Temporary Score Board:

Matches won/Matches played/Games won/Games played

- RSN 1/1/3/3
- TheGBC 2/3/4/8
- @Mean 0/1/1/3
- ISP 0/1/0/2

Dear clans,

Ever wanted to know if you're proud humans or bloated meatbags?
Have you wondered whether you're mean machines or tame toasters?

In order to encourage the competitive Zero-K community we've decided to organise weekly clan fights on Saturdays where a tournament isn't scheduled.

The event will consist of a main 3v3 match between two clans, with optional parallel side matches if both clans field enough players.
A scoreboard will be kept up to date in this post to enable easier gloating for all parties involved, except those who lose.

- Currently the participating clans will be TheGBC ISP and @Mean

- First map will be pre-determined, afterwards the clan which lost the previous game picks the map for the next.
- There will be 3 games per match (since there's no elimination but score, all 3 will be played)
- Player substitution between games is allowed.

- The first fight will be held between ISP and TheGBC on 18 July 2015. Further details coming soon.

- Any clan who thinks they can participate are welcome to contact either ATrankhokomoko or EErank[ISP]Lauri
- Please refrain from acquiring 'foreign players' to your clan in the last minutes before the match.
- Mumble use is highly encouraged, both intra-clan and inter-clan.

May the best clan win,
EErank[ISP]Lauri & hoko
+15 / -0
Great idea! Looking forward to some nice replays, perhaps even casts - I'm sure casters will be interested as well.

Two question though; why 3 games instead of as many as people want to play? And does "the clan which lost the previous game picks the map" also apply for a battle that starts after a 3-game-match was completed (eg one week later)?

Gosh now if only my clan didn't consist solely of inactive members. Darnit! Oh and a 'Have fun!' to all the participants!
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Clan ELOn will bring glory to its name!
3v3 match

...oh nvm then :(
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Two question though; why 3 games instead of as many as people want to play? And does "the clan which lost the previous game picks the map" also apply for a battle that starts after a 3-game-match was completed (eg one week later)?

The more games the merrier, but only those 3 will count for scorekeeping.

Plan is to change at least one of the clans every week, so the map shouldn't be an issue.

Format isn't set in stone tough, we'll see how it goes and adapt.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I wouldn't mind rejoining GBC or ISP in order to beat some toasters
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Skasi we need a HONK!-Clan. Too sad you've been indoctrinated by the meatbags.
+0 / -0
Interesting. I had thought about something like this myself, but being that I'm super biased towards 1v1, I was considering more of a ProLeague-style thing (before remembering a better format later In this post). For reference, ProLeague is (or at least was) a format for StarCraft where 4-player teams would play a best of 5, where the first three players had to use different races, then the other two were free pick, with the last match being played by any of the 4 players. I'm not sure the race/factory restrictions would translate to Zero-K, maybe in terms of limiting map choices (first three must be hills, flatland, and sea in any order), but that was kind of secondary anyway.

3v3 could be neat, though, just at if not past the limit of what one person (or at least I) can cast alone.

EDIT: I just remembered another format that is probably more suitable for both the OP and my 1v1 bias. Basically, each team has 3 players, and winner stays. Ultimately it is a best of 5, but the player requirements are lower, and winner stays is probably more intuitive (if a bit less team focused), than cycling through each player once before letting anyone play.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Lol, theres only me in my clan so once I get some more people I'll join in.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
XCOM would join in, if there's more same-level clans out there. Would be fun!
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Willing to play if any clan invite me
+0 / -0

9 years ago
It would be awesome to see the clan scene perk up a bit around this.

Fly the banner!
+1 / -0
Time for people to make clans and start working on cooperation :). Also when il get info regarding the participation in weekly battles from my clan il post here. At the moment I agree with this but i need 2 more players from my clan.
DErankKlon do you agree ? USrank[I]burp ?

Also FIrankAdminAlcur, DErankManu12, DErankJulian123, @Saab (hes to afk now), ILranknimor, LUrankAdminAnir, DEranknoobcluster, RUrankYurGa, ROrankForgottenGeneral even BRrank[V]sheep (dont know if he will play). If any of you wants to join just message us in our clan thread.

In case we will play il suggest a mumble usage for these battle (at least for our clan battles).

In case there will be more than 3 players from a clan who wants to fight we can make 2 stacks of teams. For example me, DErankKlon, USrank[I]burp against EErankAdminAnarchid, PLrankOrfelius, NLrank[GBC]Tandstickor. Meanwhile in other match there will be DErankJulian123 DErankManu12 FIrankAdminAlcur vs GBrankTheSponge AUrankSnuggleBass and USrankkaen.

Besides all this il suggest one day to make a full clan battle ( best 10 players from a clan against other best 10 players). Newly added members wont be taken into consideration. Just the old constant players from the clan will be able to battle :).
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I'll try to be there.

ROrankForever you should account for people not being 100% available for you to summon. I think hoping for more than one game played in parallel is... too early.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
I will be unable to attend during the first clanfight.
Imo the best format for this would somewhat what Shadowfury proposed:
4 or 5 people playing in 5 consecutive matches:

In bo5 manner of course. But lets stick to 3v3 format as most clans cannot afford to field 4 players at the same time rin curent shape.

Also each team should submit their rooster 3 days before their game imo so that it could be validated and confirmed (substitutes may be availble too though).
+0 / -0

9 years ago
each team should submit their rooster 3 days before their game

The OP didn't mention chicken games!
+4 / -0

9 years ago
PLrankOrfelius: I like your idea, but how would the players be limited. We wouldn't want it to be the same 1v1 matchup every time, but unless each team brought 7 players (1 for each 1v1, 2 for the 2v2, 3 for the 3v3, and any of the 7 could play the last match), it would be tricky to organize. I suppose something for 3 could be:

1. 1v1
2. 2v2 (neither player from 1. can play)
3. 1v1 (neither player from 1. can play)
4. 3v3 (entire team)
5. 1v1 (whoever)

I unfortunately can't think of a way to make that work in a winner-stays format, especially since 1v1 and teams aren't quite the same, but I guess for a ProLeague format this would be okay.

I really do prefer the idea of winner-stays Bo5, though, as it is meant for teams of 3. I kinda wish I had written that first.
+0 / -0
I somewhat doubt a format relying on 1v1 matches would work well for this. One of the aims here is to grow and liven up the clan scene. It makes sense to use a game size that perhaps appeals to the widest audience.

3v3 is a good game size, it's small enough to appeal to duelists, but large enough to appeal to regular attendants of the All Welcome room as well. Not to mention we already have 1v1 and 2v2 tournaments, so choosing some other game size made additional sense.
+4 / -0

9 years ago
3v3 is perfect, lower doesn't really feel like a clan battle whereas higher heavily limits participation (most clans are comapratively tiny so even getting 3 people together might be difficult).
+3 / -0

9 years ago
3v3 was picked in order to be a solid format for an interesting team game between competitive players.

Part of the side matches is to allow exploration of other formats so if these prove to be more interesting than the main match, they'll become the main match.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
It is set in the middle of holiday time so.. not easy to find people. For my part, I should be there if I can convince my wife not to go on holiday.
+3 / -0
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