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16 months ago
Detriment is a unit that hasn't been changed much-during the time that I played Zero-K-but I think that should change now. I know it used to have an impaler-like attack, but that is much too strong to be in the game. Something that would make detriment worth building is to give it some sort of extra attack, like a melee type weapon. This can encourage players to push the detriment in like they would a normal assault, and this is the ULTIMATE assault unit.
+4 / -1
16 months ago
Detriment is comical. Detriment is hilarious if one has experienced a Krogoth, the father of detri. Just copy paste Krogoth please.
+2 / -0

16 months ago
Detriment HAS been buffed. It has been made much cheaper, given a d-gun option and a jump ability.

Detriment is now a fearsome unit. The real problem with Detriment is that it is a lobster magnet, made by noob players that rush it straight into the teeth of enemy porc and armies, thinking that their shiny toy will simply stomp everything. Of course it gets blown to scraps and then people complain that it sucks.

I've seen Detriment in the hands of 'pro' players who advance it with AA guard against gnats, flea screen against Ultimatum and a gaggle of constructora behind it boosting the regeneration rate. When you face 'pro' Detriment it does not feel underpowered at all, believe me.
+10 / -0

16 months ago
When you face 'pro' Detriment it does not feel underpowered at all, believe me.

Meh, it might stay alive but its hardly impressive, in the big picture.
+0 / -1

16 months ago
The only thing I miss from the old det is the impaler style high arc missle with splash. It could get rid of terraformed things the current det struggles to destroy since all its weapons have a straight trajectory.
+1 / -1
Yeah Detriment needs a buff, considering it's comparable to a zenith in cost (this may be considered exaggerated), and zenith being the go-to superweapon in my opinion, considering well the damage it can deal. Also Detriment is often countered by Ultimatums which cost 2500, if you execute them right. My solution to this is is adding extra weaponry to the detriment, like the "impaler like attack" Logix mentioned, so that the Detriment can also attack from afar.
+1 / -0
16 months ago
I haven't been around that long to see what the "impaler like a attack" was like, but it sounds reasonable.
Also Kapy, we need like a Krogoth thing here, the dual Disintegrators (if i remember correctly), were quite encouraging one to push directly into the enemy.
+1 / -0
16 months ago
we need like a Krogoth thing here, the dual Disintegrators (if i remember correctly), were quite encouraging one to push directly into the enemy.

Below is Krogoth from the original, some old video with some stupid nonsense in the end, but that guy is way cooler than silly feeling no-balls detri. And those are dual plasma shotguns, with lazor nose and rockets in the backpack. BA had stomping damage added to boots, too.

+6 / -0
16 months ago
True, Detriment needs to be like Krogoth definitly. Been a while since i last played Total Annihalation though.
Detriment just feels like you cannot push to far, or you get trapped by stuns, killed by Ultimatum, overrun, stolen by a hercules then captured. So many things that could go wrong if you push too much. We really need this to be more of an assault unit.
+2 / -0

16 months ago
Only thing which detri maybe lacks is its old missiles because detri still struggles against porc as assault strider. But its in some way compensated by its d-gun blaster.
If detri is still disabled by one placeholder then its big weakness.
Otherwise until stationary sup weapon appears detri can be fearsome unit if supported. Of course it cannot deal against artillery. In old times two paladins just could easy kill detris. And i even remeber times when two drone funnels just killed detri.
+1 / -0
Were the impaler like launcher comparable in damage to a impaler?

How many missiles were shot out of the missile launcher in one burst?
+0 / -0
They were rapid fire quakes. with the rate of fire of fancer and the damage of... quake...

It wasn't even good vs spires because back then even pickets resisted quake >w<

Personally I'd like to see detri get a cost nerf up to 30-40k but a stat buff of 2-3x. Just straight up make it a superweapon. Most players are going to ram detri into porc expecting it to beat everything, and there's honestly not much we can do to change that mentality, however, I don't think it's unhealthy for the game in any way to make detri just be able to win. make it one giga chonky death robot that can beat everything - nothing less than a mobile superweapon
+1 / -0
Although i never played at the time when the missile launchers were still mounted to the Detriment, were they as comparable in damage to a impaler?

How many missiles were shot out of the missile launcher in one burst?

Medium-Range Missiles
Damage 851
Reload Time (s) 1.55
Damage per Second 549
Range (elmo) 925
Area of Effect (elmo) 80
Projectile Speed (elmo/s) 10000
Inaccuracy (deg) 1.6
Smoothes ground

They was fired like impaler arcing missiles and they fly long time so in air there was more then one missile. Range was mediocre though.

Old reef was equipped with impaler missile with long range and arcing trajectory but devs removed them making reef pretty useless as porc killer.
+0 / -0
I saw the match as a spec when it was taking place and the Detri were not led badly by the player, especially the one from USrankLogix. The problem was in the silo emp.
USrankLogix is ​​absolutely right.
The Paladin has been strengthened too much, decreasing in the meantime his nemesis Ultimatum.
Now we need 2 ultimatums against the paladin,
with all the difficulties in approaching him with two units.
In the game USrankLogix talks about two Detriments are less than 3 Paladins.
The silo emp itself cannot freeze to detriment,
it does not make sense.
So either you nerf the Paladin or add a weapon to the detriment like the emp that the paladin has but more powerful

+2 / -0

16 months ago
I'll take 2 dets vs 3 palas any time of day. Ultimately, 3 paladins vs 2 dets can only get pushed back and back so they don't get dgunned while the dets push forward destroying the front and jump back the second they get low health. That or you catch the paladins out of place by jumping into them, dgunning one and then retreating into support before gnats/transports/lace spam shows up.

Besides, with striders, it's usually mostly about the quality of the screening protecting the strider than the strider itself. No strider dies to ultimatum if there are flees screening. Ultimatum is a very risky unit. The range is too short, the detection radius is massive and the move speed is very average.

I don't think detri needs a buff. I'd really like for it to get the high arc missile back for QOL reasons more than for balance reasons. It sucks to have your 25k unit stuck staring at the floor because of a sunken mex/pylon.
+0 / -0

16 months ago
No, the other guy's detri died because he was incompetent to start the jump, and it would've survived if it wasnt for enemy impalers. The paladin's only got it to 98% stun. It was 3 pala + 1 shockley + impalers vs. 1 detri, obviously if the shock and pala players are good the detri will die. But if the detri didnt die we won the game.
+0 / -0
16 months ago
The problem is, i don't think the attack is coming back anytime soon, what do we do about that?
+0 / -0

16 months ago
I'll take 2 dets vs 3 palas any time of day.
In a vacuum, sure why not?
But, in lobpot? I think that really depends on map and fronts.

I don't think adding any kind of artillery to det is a good idea.

If survive-ability of det is a concern, maybe buff the jump instead?
Personally I would like it if herc was better at rescuing it,
but that might cause a cascade of balance changes.
Could herc be better at rescuing than napping? Maybe not..
+1 / -0
15 months ago
Give it the outlaw gun, but with a four times wider AOE!
+3 / -0

15 months ago
chaplol interesting idea
+0 / -0
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