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edit public room kicking permission

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yesterday i was kicked by aquanim from public game just because i say "lol aquanim"

this happens after i resigned and saw a scylla under water, i did not expose what he is doing at that time and aquanim type in !kick hougo as soon as i type in "lol aquanim" in all chat.

i have no intention to say it in public and tell the other team about that , i just feel it is funny how he got scylla at such place.

after the kicking i feel that highest ranking player AKA room master , should not have the ability to kick other player in any public room. it shall be voted by 5 top ranked player in game or all player.

reference : https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1772097
+1 / -0

9 months ago
AUrankAdminAquanim is admin. This has nothing to do with rank. You need moderator/admin rights in the room to instakick someone.
+2 / -0
well if admin play a game , he should have the same permission as all other player, how you feel if you got kicked from a game without a valid reason?
+2 / -0
9 months ago
Did he mention he kicked you for one reason or another or you are just assuming?

I noticed that most of the kick/ban/warning stories are told very differently by different people involved. Example, not related to your case as far as I know, someone might say "team kicked me when I just said 'it is good strategy'" and someone else might say "we asked player X several times to stop, we explained building a detri when loosing front is not good, but he did not listen so we had to kick". Neither side of the story is incorrect, it's just different view points.
+1 / -0
9 months ago
if there was no reason then that would be odd indeed.. but shouldn't you be asking what the reason was?.. its probably a misunderstanding.. just say sorry because its free and then ask what you did.. if there was a mistake made then it still pays to communicate without hostilities and to try to resolve the issue if there is one. i can see your not banned now so perhaps this already all blew over and we can all move on?
+0 / -0
check the replay i resigned 26 min and said "lol aquanim" in all chat and got kicked immediately
and the game ends at 28 min

dont think i did something or said something, we are at different team not same team.

im not banned , just kicked from game/public room , i found out that cant join back the same room.
+1 / -0
once upon a time there was a sleeping guard..

he wakes up at the end of a spear with the king ordering his arrest..
'what did i do?' pleads the guard..
to this the king replies 'nothing' pointing at a dead merchant a short distance away..

'but i was asleep' tells the guard..

'yes.. take him away' barks the king as he leaves..

'wait you cant do this demands the guard.. 'iv done nothing'...

the king holds his exit a moment and looks down at the blood.. his word deadly cold almost in whisper 'exactly'
+0 / -3

9 months ago
You allchat as a spectator at your own peril. Especially as a resigned player.

(I think at that time I had no idea somebody had given me the Scylla and I thought you were referring to something else. Not that it matters.)
+0 / -0

9 months ago
Instant Replay:
+4 / -0
9 months ago
35 second Impaler ball gets wiped from existence
+2 / -0
9 months ago
+2 / -3

9 months ago
You allchat as a spectator at your own peril. Especially as a resigned player.
+4 / -1
9 months ago
lol aquanim
+5 / -0
9 months ago
i think the center issue at the core of everything is that loosing is not fun
+0 / -0

9 months ago
Might I suggest that we try to not start kicking people for using all chat, resigned or otherwise. If we really really want to disallow spectators from using all chat, let us just do exactly that in the code. However, as long as one can make a second account and join the same game, there is no need for anyone to speccheat in order for "secrets" to be disclosed. It is a game after all. Open source game which is super easy to hack too, if that is something that people want to do.
+0 / -0
Quite apart from the question of spec-cheating, players are entitled to not have chat space taken up by kibitzing from spectators (again, especially resigned players).

I also disagree in the strongest possible terms with the notion that we should just let spec-cheating slide because, in theory, there are ways to do it that would be difficult to stop.

I would prefer to allow (probably the majority of) people who do know how to use spec-chat responsibly to do so, but if it becomes necessary, yes we could just axe spectator all-chat entirely. Or spectating, if we had a spec-cheating problem of sufficient magnitude to demand it. I think these all fall in the "please do not make this necessary" category.
+2 / -0
9 months ago
Maybe a more general vote kick? or asking him to stop all chatting first? Seems like he had no chance with the instant kick.
+0 / -0

9 months ago
In my view the experience of the players is far more important than the experience of the spectators. I do not see much value in distracting the players with a kick vote, or with an argument in all-chat, or wasting my own time as a player on either of those things, when the option to eject the heckler and move on with the game exists.
+1 / -0

9 months ago
But when we (normal peasants) want to kick a spectator we need half the lobby to agree.
Like in here: https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1772679
Where UAranksteelmor at min 38 wanted to kick USrankIlKasper who was spectating (rightfully so imo) and needed an amazing 14 votes to proceed, and you know how many he got? That's right 1! If you count UAranksteelmor himself that is :)

I don't think I've ever seen a spec get kicked without an admin straight up !kick and in those situations it is usually for WAYYY minor stuff like "lol Aquanim" (great meme potential btw).
We (normal peasants & players) also don't want senseless spec spam and of course would rather for them to silently stfu but can't because half the lobby needs to agree and sense it is difficult already for half the lobby to agree to start the game itself I believe there should be a significant reduction of the polls required to kick a spec as this is just silly. Hell, we don't even need to kick, a simple all chat disable poll for that person would fix it and save the "ego damage" drama of kicking someone.

The current system makes it so that the only instant solution to spec all chat is muting someone, which, IS NOT OK, because as some of you may know, this is a team game. And a team game where people have each other muted is not much of a "team game". You know what someone said the moment UAranksteelmor tried to kick USrankIlKasper?
- "oh that guy, he is in my muted list".

I just hope to not be in a team where that person is air and USrankIlKasper has a nuke.
+4 / -0

9 months ago
I wouldn't be adverse to letting players, individually, kick spectators. Except for two things:
  • It bans you from joining the room for five minutes, which could be unfortunate and abusable for games that are about to end.
  • People would use the power to get into stupid fights even when the spectator did nothing wrong, and we would end up having to moderate it.

UAranksteelmor would have been completely right to unilaterally kick USrankIlKasper. Since the game, USrankIlKasper received a temporary spectator mute, but with more instances it could get much longer. I wouldn't be concerned if the minority that can't handle the responsibility of spec chat were permanently barred from it. Eg, @Logix has a permanent spectator mute. Any sort of rights spectators might have are trumped when they conflict with the rights of a player.
+2 / -0
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