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Logix and tactical pausing

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4 months ago
Submitted a report about Logix pausing 16 out of 40 of the most recent lobpot games that he's played in. Apparently reports get truncated in the message, so here's the list:

+12 / -1
4 months ago
I just immediately unpause, lol.
+5 / -0
4 months ago
Is he pausing and then issuing orders because he's getting overwhelmed or does he have a reason
+1 / -0
Yes, he's pausing for tactical reasons. Started looking into it after he tactically paused because, apparently, he was trying to ping a team mate who muted him. The player who noticed it ragequit because they couldn't stand their team mates.


I just immediately unpause, lol.

Confirmed: you've done it in four separate games in the 40 games I looked at.
+0 / -0
Top three players hitting pause in lopbot over the past month:

125 Logix
100 Hedkeaf
66 patrician

Top three players by count of number of games they've paused:
17 Logix
13 Hedkeaf
9 sirpuffsallot1

Games and number of times each player's paused, filtered to only include > 10 pauses per-person:

54 https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1893547 patrician
53 https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1893547 Logix
38 https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1898157 Hedkeaf
28 https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1899524 Logix
18 https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1906853 Chomolungma
16 https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1895686 Turtle1
16 https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1890880 Hedkeaf
14 https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1905923 TheFlyingFortress
12 https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1906069 TheFlyingFortress
12 https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1896827 Hedkeaf

This doesn't account for needing to hit pause twice to unpause whenever when someone else pauses. I haven't personally seen Hedkeaf pause spam, so not sure what's up with that.

Edit: these are the number of times !kick was called over the past month and who it was called against:
12 logix
7 123vtemp
4 nanouf
3 yontergelosa
+9 / -1

4 months ago
remove lobix's pause button
+6 / -0
I rarely pause, let alone tec pause. Im pretty sure one of those battles my pause button was accidentally pressed in a way so that it unpauses pauses unpauses, like when you hold the pause key it tends to do that.

I need to watch replay though to confirm that.
+2 / -1
4 months ago
Yeah, your inclusion in there isn't meant to say something about you. Like hedkeaf, I haven't noticed anything like that from ya.

(also, added the number of times !kick was called against a player in a post above)
+1 / -0
4 months ago
Chaplol do you also have any stats on the people who randomly adjust the speed of the game as this also makes the game less enjoyable for the majority of players
+0 / -0
4 months ago
Maybe make another thread for that instead of derailing this one?
+0 / -0

4 months ago
Why are all of these things (pause, adjust speed, etc) available for the players to use anyway?
+1 / -0
Because they're very useful tools!
+2 / -0

4 months ago
reading @Logix 's report list, i slowly lost any leniency which i had left in me...
+1 / -0

4 months ago
Pausing the game can make sense too for example to deal with technical difficulties like a player leaving but changing speed holds 0 purpose in lobpot game and is a tool for trolls.
+1 / -0

4 months ago
Its power laws all the way down
+1 / -0

4 months ago
I unironically press the speed button on accident without realizing sometimes, i still don't know which button does that.
+0 / -0

4 months ago
SErankDamSon, I believe it is Alt along with the -/+ keys.
+2 / -0
Before I say anything, this forum has a fatal flaw for not considering context. Since my most recent 2 month ban from lobby, many people can vouch that I have become much better in text and VC.


I am sorry if this comes across with the wrong message, but AUrankAdminAquanim has already cleared my pausing that occurred during this game. He KNOWS that we had an afk teammate who HAD zen jiggle on, meaning I would NEVER receive his commander, simply making it an unbalanced game.


This might come across with the wrong message, but I do believe that pausing for your second-best who, by the way, is essential to holding the frontline is a viable reason to do so. I cannot fix my behavior if people simply vote-kick me and do not try to tell me that this is not a valid reason to pause.

These were my 2 most paused games, and I believe that they are clear, meaning I do not have nearly as many pauses as USrankchaplol says.

Even if the second one is not cleared, the first would bring me down A LOT of pauses. Taking away the pauses from those two games, you are left with me pausing 41 times, more than 3x less than USrankchaplol says.

Why I am being blamed for the first game and not USrankpatrician for troll unpausing and thinking it's funny, I have no idea...

( USrankVorpalkitty changing speed is simply +/- : no alt is needed)
+1 / -1
I am sorry if this comes across with the wrong message, but AUrankAdminAquanim has already cleared my pausing that occurred during this game. He KNOWS that we had an afk teammate who HAD zen jiggle on, meaning I would NEVER receive his commander, simply making it an unbalanced game.

I don't remember quite saying that. As I recall, my stated position was that calling for an exit vote was a quite reasonable thing to do under the circumstances, and the rest of the players in the game ought to have voted for one. 54 pauses to make that happen seems a bit excessive. That being said, I would be inclined to dismiss this game from the statistics as an outlier which occurred under unusual circumstances.

For the record @Logix is presently banned but it has much more to do with chat like
+3 / -0

4 months ago
maybe I should get on the pausing game.
+0 / -0
Page of 2 (22 records)