What is the main characteristics of a newb-friendly factory?
I think they are:
1) Simple units, so they don't require a lot of micro-control and they are not noob-trap.
2) Relatively cheap units, so losing a few of them is not a fatal mistake.
3) Units with "broad" specialization, so it is easy to experimenter with them and don't fail.
A new player have no idea about zero-k units, so he will just build different units and see what they do. Here we go.
Cloaky The main noob-traps in this factory are Scythe, Sharpshooter, Tick (which can do a lot of harm to its allies), Eraser and Rocko. It is not easy to manage them properly and they are pretty expensive (Not all of them! Scythe costs 250 and if it is not managed properly, it is just a silly low-range unit with low dps). Furthermore, some of these units have a pretty narrow specialization. I don't think this factory is good for noob.
1) A lot of units which require a lot of microcontrol.
2) There are expensive units which are very fragile.
3) There are units with narrow specialization.
ShieldsShields are much better for noobs. Almost all shields are pretty easy to use. Like
Anarchid already said: "No need for careful positioning. Just bunch all shields together and add felon for instant pwnage." Isn't simple, noob can just make random units and after putting them together, he can kill another noob. The main noob-trap of this factory is Roach, because it is possible to accidentally blow up your entire army.
1) Just put units together and kill someone!
2) There are some expensive units which cannot be use alone.
3) There are nothing really special except Roach
JumpsNobody know how to play jumps. Seriously, I still have no idea, how to use them in a proper way.
1) You need a lot of microcontrol.
2) There are a lot of expensive stuff.
3) Jumps factory have only special units.
SpidersIt is, for sure, not a newb-friendly factory. It's main advantage is that spider can walk everywhere, but all spiders have low of hp. Even crab is fragile when it is moving (4 000 hp is less than two Zeuses have).
1) Yes, You need to control your Venoms carefully.
2) Spiders are very fragile, so it is easy to lose a lot of metal.
3) Again, this factory is special. Going spider on a flat map is 100% fail.
Light vehsIt is the most newb-friendly factory. Vehs are pretty cheap, fast and powerful. Ravager and Scorcher are as simple as brick. Just take bunch of them and kill something. Unlike other assaults, Ravagers can kill raiders, because of their high speed. Slasher and Leveler are not that simple, but it is not difficult to use them. The main noob-traps here is Dominatrix. It is difficult to use, expensive and fragile, but it should be unlocked.
1) Select your units and send them to opponent's base.
2) Except a few units, all units are cheap and strong.
3) Dominatrix Dominatrix Dominatrix Dominatrix
Heavy TanksIt is simple. Heavy tanks are expensive, so lose of just a one Reaper or Banisher can be fatal.
1) It is not that difficult to control heavies, but
2) They are so expensive, so in the early game playing heavies is all about caring about a single tank.
3) Kodachi, Tremor