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game speed

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10 years ago
How to change it?

I want to play strategical game, not "meat" game.

With default speed it is impossible to monitor situation and to make actions.
+0 / -0
you can use +/- keys to modify game speed. in open multiplayer sessions you cant do this however, people want to play at the regular speed.

id suggest you learn to adapt to the normal game speed, getting the right things done while the time is running is what this game is about.
+0 / -0
Thanks, will try +/-.

Playing at default speed is perverting.

In multiplayer Starcraft i usually played at 3nd speed (of 7), and on small maps - at 2nd speed. Default speed - 4 - too fast, if you want, as i wrote already, to play strategy.
+0 / -0
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I like how you are using strategy as an insult. You are implying that the rest of us are just playing a mindless click fest. In fact the normal game speed is strategy for most people because they are able to act and think at that speed.
+2 / -0
I can think and act fastly, but it is "meat".

Started multiplayer Starcraft from medium speed and played several months such way, but then suggested slower speed, and all healthy my co-players agreed.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Huj: Zero-K requires many fewer actions than Starcraft.

Because it's an RTS rather than a turn-based strategy, thinking quickly is a fundamental gameplay element. But Zero-K focuses on thinking quickly and making important decisions quickly, rather than clicking quickly.

You can use the +/- keys to set the speed as you wish. You can also turn it into something like a turn-based strategy game by using the pause key. You'll need to do it in single-player, or in multi-player with like-minded friends. In multi-player games among the community at large, people play at the default speed and are quite comfortable monitoring the entire game and making decisions and actions at that speed.

With some practice, you can be comfortable at that speed as well. But it will take some practice.
+1 / -0
Heh, i recalled that sometimes i played NES games with fast emulation speed. :)


"community at large" != "normal".

Most people like fast sh... food, but it is not normal.
Most like pop music, but it is really not music.
Most think that divorcing are normal, but it is consequence of levity.



RTS is not race/flight simulator (which i like very much (not NFS and same primitive shit), and have 5-axis steering wheel), shooter (do not like because almost no need to think)...

RTS is "with point of view on top of playzone" game with many-many controlled things, not first person game.

So it is wrong to "race" RTS.
+1 / -4

10 years ago
You're welcome to play any way you like. You're also welcome to consider people who play differently as being "wrong", although the way you've said it here is somewhat rude, insulting, and condescending towards everyone else who's playing Zero-K now (to say nothing of people who enjoy fast food or pop music, or are divorced).

But please understand that you won't find many people here who share your preferences or opinions.
+4 / -0
You might as well go play turn based games instead of RTS games then. All video games in general require at least a bit of thinking no matter what genre unless it's a game where the goal is to stare at the fucking screen and twiddle your thumbs for a little bit. Let's use a popular example that I'm sure everyone knows, argues about, and probably hates. COD. COD is a twitch shooter that's not in any way a strategy game and the premise of the game is that you're a soldier and you need to shoot other soldiers because they want to do the same. If you literally don't think about any of your actions in the game and just run forward shooting straight into enemy lines, you'll die. On the other hand if you think about your tactics, when to pop out and shoot, when not to, where to flank from, you'll have a better chance of succeeding. The thing about real time strategy games is that they're REAL TIME. That means that you have to think on the go at the speed that the game is set at. It's also a strategy game meaning that it does indeed require more thinking than the average action game. If you're not capable of thinking on the go then real time strategy games are not for you. Go play Civ 5, xcom, or even Silent Storm. I'm sure those are better suited to your prefference and they're quite fun.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
ZK is nothing close to a clickfest. It is much more a game of thinking than a game of APM. While it can help to have 600 apm, you still wont be able to beat warriors with glaives. In 1v1 it can get very intense later into the game and on large maps, but you are still required to think faster than you are acting.

Saying ZK is not a strategy game is incredibly insulting the the developers who have put years into this game to make it what it is now. Most of the community likes ZK how it is, and that is very unlikely to change. You can change the speed of the game, and you can do it in multiplayer games, but it would not be taken kindly by the rest of the players in that game.
+0 / -1
"RTS" stands for "Real Time Strategy"

i know "real time" is a relative term, from a scientific point of view.
+1 / -0
There are people with different preferences, and many RTS games with differing tempos. I think Zero-K is the fastest TA-based game on the spring engine, perhaps even the fastest of all spring games. This is further accentuated by facplop, ZK games don't have the minutes-long buildup phase the others do.

For an example of a slower-paced game there is XTA and NOTA. XTA is an interesting change of pace from ZK, it feels like all the units are 2/3 speed and have 2xHP, and even battles between raiders can take time. Leaves more time for that projectile dodging micro I suppose :P

And NOTA of course is more about managing gigantic slow-moving armies.

I don't think I'd mind if ZK was a tad slower. I used to think ZK was just a bit too fast back when I started, when I compared it to the other spring games. I played some games on 0.7-0.8 speed with some buddies and liked it. Now I'm used to the pace of ZK ofc.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Evolution RTS feels even more fast-paced than ZK.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
ZK is nothing close to a clickfest. It is much more a game of thinking than a game of APM.
Hm, I do not agree.
For example take something like:
Two mexes, surround them with 4 solars each, two more solars to link the grid, end with reclaim order on some wrecks.
For new players giving this sort of orders can easily take one minute, even if they can remember all the keys to queue orders.
Experienced players do it in a few seconds and obviously that is an advantage.

Maybe it is not a clickfest but it still comes down to "How good & quick are you with using the interface?"
The interface is better than in "clickfest-games" but it still requires fast, precise tak tak tak on mouse and keyboard.
So much time is spending on building the base (ideally it is always growing) you just can not afford to be slow with these things.

Another example, right at gamestart:
How fast you can plop your factory basically depends on how fast you can click.
+0 / -0

10 years ago

Two mexes, surround them with 4 solars each, two more solars to link the grid, end with reclaim order on some wrecks.


plop your factory

this may be wupgetizisable. but does that makes sense?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Yes I have wanted to do that for a while. The widget should let you queue commander construction orders and specify unit production. This would fit into the main command menu space well but unfortunately I dislike the way that the UI widgets are written. They are not functional enough for me.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
BA has an "initial queue" widget that allows such orders to be pre-placed before game actually starts.

Solved like that, it doesn't even require any special UI elements.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
The widget does not use Chili. I think it uses floating manually implemented buttons. It does not allow you to queue units in your factory or morph your commander. Anyway, the actual behavior of the widget is fairly trivial to implement. The main problem is integrating it into Integral.
+1 / -0
To get back to the original question:
spring and zK have an option to set gamespeed before gamestart.
( http://code.google.com/p/zero-k/source/browse/trunk/mods/zk/EngineOptions.lua#156 )
So no need to use +/-, you can set it in lobby.

I do not have zkl installed, maybe someone can post what buttons to click or what !command to use in zkl?

The widget should let you queue commander construction orders and specify unit production
You mean a widget that lets you set what unit to automatically queue after factory plop?
Why not give the factory a short animation when plopped (warping in or unfolding or whatever) that takes say ~10 seconds? It would not change gameplay very much, the commander can still walk away while the factory is plopping itself.

The animation is of course just an excuse to give players time to select the factory and queue units before it is done.
It would remove a bit hectic at gamestart ("must click plop asap, must select factory asap, must order unit asap") but gameplay/balance wise there would hardly be a difference.

Such "in world" solutions are better imo.
I just do not like the idea of solving game problems by throwing more UI elements at it.

Since this all offtopic anyway:
You RUrankHuj mentioned race games, check out the zero-K racecar: http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/6245
+1 / -0
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