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Battle for Planet XIV - v03

By Forboding Angel

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8 years ago
So. Why marked as special?
+0 / -0
8 years ago
DErankAdminmojjj it uses SpringFeatures, which is apparently a bad thing?

Someone who makes maps should probably explain why.
+0 / -0
ZKL sucks balls and has problems downloading Spring Features.

Not much loss though, because Spring Features also suck balls: they are just a random collection of low quality features. Bigass hitboxes and random inconsistent resource values mean that quality maps need to redo the featuredefs themselves anyway.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
Wha... the map comments go from top to bottom now?
+3 / -0

8 years ago
Presumably because the indexer applies this to all maps, and requires it to be manually lifted.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
@[ffc]killer there is a hidden button appearing as a blue "sort" word at the top of the comments area. Click that to change comment order.
+0 / -0
So can we add dependency download and mabye feature this?
+0 / -0
New forum trolls me
+0 / -0

8 years ago
The name is special
+0 / -0
Sprung, the features are not low quality. For example all of the features from 0ad are there, all of smoth's harbor features, and nearly every feature ever made for spring.

Yes, there are some old ones, but sometimes the old ones have uses too. Think before you take a giant shit all over other people's work.

AutoWar, Spring Features is a feature library for mappers. They can load their map up in SceneED and have hundreds of map features to add to their map. They get this functionality by simply relying on one central database (that exists in rapid), instead of bloating maps with features that degrade over time and can never be updated.

For example, if someone uses a feature that has been updated in later versions of Spring Features, then all they have to do is release a new version of their map depending on a later version of spring features.

Spring features also includes featuredefs that are defaults but can be copied into the map so that the map author can apply their own rules to the features.

Want a tree that gives 10000000 metal? Not a problem, copy the def into your map and change the metal value.

Want a rock that is indestructible? Likewise. Unfortunately people like Sprung don't understand the relatively simple concept.

Please, tell me more about the low quality features in Spring Features:

An those are BAD examples!

The collections are also not "Random". If you take a look at the repository here: https://github.com/Spring-Helper-Projects/spring-features/tree/master/objects3d/features you will see that they are very nicely organized.

ZKL does not understand how to download map dependencies. Every other lobby has had this functionality for YEARS.

Thanks to whoever registered this map for me. It shows up in SWL/SPADS now.
+0 / -0
I forgot to add, that in the latest spring features, features generally have resource values of 0. This is to prevent oshit imbalances by newbie mappers.
+0 / -0
To clear this up, the assumption of USrankAutoWar re. SpringFeatures was likely prompted by something I said here hypothesising about the "special" tag. To the best of my knowledge maps without SpringFeatures and maps with SpringFeatures v1.0 are not automatically tagged silly (Fairyland was not, at the time it used SF rather than copies of the relevant features) and I see no reason why somebody would manually have done so. Therefore I wonder if SF v1.6, being newer, is perhaps not registered as a "not-silly dependency" at this time.

PLrankAdminSprung could dial back the arrogant dismissal a few notches. I kinda think Forb overreacted but understandably.

I forgot to add, that in the latest spring features, features generally have resource values of 0. This is to prevent oshit imbalances by newbie mappers.

http://zero-k.info/Maps/Detail/31026 :p :p :p
+0 / -0
Sorry; I guess the aggressive comment with only a vague explanation was not really constructive.

Forb, the "low quality" was about the features as wholes. The models are outstanding but a lot of the defs are crap. Looking nice is of no use if they have a bad effect on gameplay:
  • the hitboxes are usually insanely large. This makes some units not fire, units/projectiles collide seemingly with air, and pathing looks off.
  • the resource values are inconsistent. It's good for gameplay if there is standarized visual feedback (eg. "that thing gives no metal because it's a plant, this one does because it's a rock, and that other rock gives more because it's larger") because people can now make decisions efficiently without having to check everything first. Then there are things like cons automatically attempting to reclaim 0-worth stuff which wastes huge amounts of time.
  • minor things which aren't as important but still contribute to quality. For example health values (some trees are tankier than rocks), footprint (some things have tiny footprint but are actually wide enough for the model to clip), lily pads that sink, and especially names because these are the most visible to the user.

Examples of defs which ruin otherwise beautiful models:

Obviously mappers can fix that themselves by replacing the defs but nobody actually does that. I'd support a version which is just a model base because then people would be forced to make sensible defs, but since the whole point of the library is to make adding features as easy as possible (especially for people who don't know how to work with the defs!) it's probably out of question.

The other solution would be to fix all the features inside SF. This is not really possible because SF is a inter-game library but each game can have different expectations from the same model. For example setting default resource values to 0 breaks the de facto ZK standard of having rocks/trees provide M/E.

Not being compatible with ZK infra is not SF's fault but nevertheless it is still a valid point which further discourages usage for ZK.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
those are some fugly huge hitbox spheres.

please provide visual examples of better ones as brain-bleach!
+0 / -0

8 years ago
These hitboxes are decent; some improvement room exists but personally I would and did use them:
+1 / -0
Let me be very clear. I don't care if ZK can use this or sf at all. Don't care. THe reason I needed my map to be registered is because SWL uses zk's map listing stuff for various things likie minimap thumbnail and such. As a result, if it isn't registered properly here, then in swl it can't really be played.

It's a pretty stupid problem to have, but it is a problem nonetheless.

WRT hitspheres, make sure that you are basing any research off of the latest version.

The hitspheres on the trees you showed are perfectly valid. Haven't you ever paid attention to the boxes on the engine trees? The mapper is free to override them as they see fit.

If they include these features in their maps do you REALLY think that they are going to adjust the hitspheres? As a result, your argument of hitspheres being a mark against sf is completely bogus. You can feel free to berate feature authors for not setting them to your personal standards, but good luck with that.

Usually when I am using them, if a fix is needed, I fix them as I go along and commit to the repo.

Honestly, ZK needs to grow up and stop having features block projectiles anyway. It isn't cute, it isn't tactical, it's just dumb and annoying kludge. Good luck getting that to happen though.

WHY in almighty tits would someone want to have to recreate hundreds of defs??? That would be idiotic. Typically if you are using SF you are using a TON of features from sf. You think people should have to recreate a def each time? Are you nuts? Do you have any idea how long that would take???

You clearly don't understand the number of features that are in this archive. Either that or you're delusional... OR option 3, you think that mappers would only use one or two features here and there.

No, not all of the defs may be perfect, but you may feel free to contribute to the repo in making things better rather than complaining about it here.

Stop being so shortsighted and look at the big picture.
If I sound annoyed, that's because I am. Your argument is classic throw the baby out with the bathwater approach, "a few features aren't perfect so omfg we better start ALL over!", and it's stupid, especially when it can be fixed with defs ffs. This conversation should be about how you want to help, not about ... whatever the hell it is you're trying to prove.
+0 / -0
The hitspheres on the trees you showed are perfectly valid

Which trees? The picture above your post is an example of decent boxes. I meant this:

If they include these features in their maps do you REALLY think that they are going to adjust the hitspheres?

No, and that's why I think SF sucks for ZK usage: it just spreads its crappy defaults. (It's perfect for games that don't care about feature resource values but ZK is not such a game.)
It wouldn't be a problem if either SF values worked with ZK right off the bat, or if we had quality mappers who would make sure the defs are appropriate for ZK; but everyone just mindlessly plasters them around without paying much attention to gameplay (for the record this is mostly about resource values, hitboxes are fixable SF-side).

As a result, your argument of hitspheres being a mark against sf is completely bogus.

Not really? Just because there is no other alternative and nobody wants to improve the quality doesn't mean it's not mediocre (again, the resource values are more important here).

WHY in almighty tits would someone want to have to recreate hundreds of defs???

Have you read my post? Someone might want to have the features provide gameplay value. Because you get the superb models, SF is actually the best possible choice for someone willing to override the defs -- but no mapper ever does that.

"a few features aren't perfect so omfg we better start ALL over!", and it's stupid, especially when it can be fixed with defs ffs

Not "a few". Almost none of them have resourcing that makes sense for ZK (especially now that most of them have 0 value). And even though it can be fixed with defs, it never actually is.

You think people should have to recreate a def each time? Are you nuts? Do you have any idea how long that would take???

Why "each time"? Any def needs to have its values changed to something ZK-sensible just once and can then be copied.

The time it would take is like 15s per feature, not sure why you consider editing 3 values in a text file difficult (especially since you can do that in batch too).

This conversation should be about how you want to help

I could provide stuff but the problem with SF is its design. Highest quality comes from things made with a specific purpose in mind. SF does not do that, being designed to be compatible with every game. Some things can be fixed universally (like hitbox) but some can't (resources).

Would you be willing to have SF featuredefs values (in particular, the metal/energy/health) kept tailored specifically for ZK?

As I understand, SF is supposed to be inter-game so making the values specifically target ZK sounds like going against one of its principles. But, the values have to be set to something so making them work for ZK doesn't seem to have any cost associated with it.

If so, I'd be willing to provide maintenance help and actively encourage SF.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Who makes these Spring Features anyhow?

+0 / -0
The features themselves are/were made by a variety of people from various Spring games. The Spring Features tool is a collection of them compiled by ForbodingAngel.

Speaking from my own experience, it would be neat if there were a way to get the features used in a map and change their reclaim values which was easier than doing it manually.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
SF actually does a very nice job at providing the models so if it had ZK-compatible reclaim values it would be the tool to use for ZK mapping (all other issues are not a problem because fixing them does not affect any game negatively).

Let's wait for Forb to say what he thinks of the idea.
+0 / -0
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