N. Jahneer
El Guardo
Striky the Striker
Last battles
451 played, 8 watched, 0 missionsB2054425 5 on HighGroundsDeltaV1
B2054391 4 on Taldarim_V3
B2053632 4 on EvoRTS-Deserted_Gully-v01
B2049371 5 on DeltaSiegeDry Deluxe V3
B2049355 5 on Archsimkats_Valley_V1
B2044711 5 on The Ditch Remake 0.5
B2040092 3 on Ditched_V1
B2040068 3 on Apophis v2_3
B2040056 3 on Aquatic Divide Revised v02
B2026965 4 on All That Glitters v1.2
First Login: 6 years ago, Last Login: 5 days agoForum karma: +0 / -0
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