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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.12.7.0
Engine version: 105.1.1-2511-g747f18b
Battle ID: 1969953
Started: 8 months ago
Duration: 28 minutes
Players: 30
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 2 Lost
Chance of victory: 52.4%
XP gained: 43
GBrankBLaNKMiND died in 28 minutes
CNrankFumica died in 28 minutes
USrankbbar97 died in 28 minutes
CYrankMedlazer died in 28 minutes
unknownrankhmp died in 15 minutes
IErankyanep died in 28 minutes
FRrankaccountio died in 28 minutes
RUrankBETEP died in 26 minutes
RUrankPrototypestill died in 28 minutes
CArankParallelLuck died in 28 minutes
GBrankJacky632 died in 28 minutes
BRrankRedComet died in 28 minutes
UArankOptimu55 died in 28 minutes
unknownrankGarfungal died in 8 minutes
USrankdohieu19 died in 28 minutes

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7 months ago
Can we take a moment to appreciate this work of art, I call it "The reason we need palladium".

+11 / -0
7 months ago
I hate having to explain to lobsters that 4 fusion does not make more energy than a Singularity... Wonderful video!
+0 / -0
7 months ago
that was beautiful
+0 / -0
RUrankBETEP whole game writing: "why are you building useless reactors? Make a singu! Why are you building fucking fusions on my nuke? Why are you building a singu on my nuke?" As a result, they were killed by Odin ahahhahah
+2 / -0
7 months ago
Artistic thought has no bounds.
+0 / -0