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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.13.1.0
Engine version: 105.1.1-2511-g747f18b
Battle ID: 2079076
Started: 6 days ago
Duration: 55 minutes
Players: 25
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1 Lost
Chance of victory: 57.2%
XP gained: 48
AUrankAdminGoogleFrog died in 55 minutes
TWrankfriend930209 died in 55 minutes
USrankElectricboogoloo died in 55 minutes
unknownrankKobanous died in 55 minutes
FRrankruru died in 55 minutes
USrankLawesome9 died in 55 minutes
USrankHenryboiye died in 55 minutes
ATrankNanoPirate died in 55 minutes
USrankSRrIN died in 55 minutes
USrankNOOBB died in 36 minutes
USrankMrlong2 died in 55 minutes
ARrankpenguin94 died in 17 minutes
Team 2 Won!
Chance of victory: 42.8%
XP gained: 57
unknownrankaioeieoiao died in 9 minutes
USranksenor died in 25 minutes

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6 days ago
I think this was an early resign, even though we'd probably lost. I just think that by the time they fail to win after throwing a Det and a Paladin drop at us, they need to earn the victory. It was also unclear how much they had remaining, since we had just blown up a lot of their base with Shogun firing on a Singu. There was a lot of reclaim in our base to use.
+1 / -0

6 days ago
Yeah, I would agree with that now that you say that. I voted to resign at the time because I didn't know how we/I could do anything to take the game back. We probably could've won if we coordinated the reclaim as a team, but oddly enough I feel like often the hardest part about big team games is working together as a team.

I think the reason we had trouble in the endgame was that we didn't escalate well enough. We did have a nuke but it wasn't in the greatest location, so it was destroyed. We also didn't have any singus, but they might've caused more harm than good; I'm not sure.
+0 / -0
5 days ago
Have swung a few recent games just by having 10 or so cons across the map and reclaiming into excess so the team has metal to fight
+1 / -0