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8 posts, 1440 views
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13 years ago
How is the ELO for games worked out? I've been playing a fair bit with some friends and not really anyone else yet although we've all won about half of our games our ELO always seems to increase even though I've been losing about the same amount when I look at the information after the game.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
You have less than 1500 elo. That means you are losing more than winning.

In a closed system (just playing with you and your friends) anyone below 1500 is below average, and anyone above 1500 is above average. Everyone starts at 1500.

So it looks like despite what you think, you have still lost more Elo than you have gained.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Everyone starts with 1500 elo, and a negative elo modifier of -250 to compensate for their newbness. This negative modifier will gradually disappear in about 20 games.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
So do we start with 1500 or 1250 ELO? Also pretty much all my freinds until very recently have been below 1500 even though we have been exclusively playing each other.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
You start with 1500 elo.

For the purpose of balance there is a modifier that starts at -250 for new players and gradually reduced (20 games sounds right).

New players have low reliability, this increases as well. Low reliability increases a player's elo variation at the end of a game.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
We track 2 values, ELO and "weight". Weight represents how well we know user's elo and it increases rapidly if you play with heavy weight players until you reach max weight. People with low weight get bigger change of elo in team games so they rapidly progress towards their value.

"Effective elo" used for balancing is real elo - weight based malus.

That way all people start at 1250 but after few games reach full weight and higher elo.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Yeah, it is a misnomer to say you 'start' at 1500. You are balanced as if you have 1250, and gain influence at a much higher rate than a 1500 player would.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Does somebody have a general bios-update for our human genom code?
We need some more IQ to speek english well and understand the math of our modern world...
Can we make the TrueBorn real? :P


> DisplayedElo

Elo + WeightMalus

1500 + (-250) = 1250

20 games will set your WeightMalus to something near zero.
If you get as many Elo from victories as you lose from lost games, your elo will remain 1500.

> DisplayedElo

Elo + WeightMalus

1500 + (0) = 1500

It seems that you got 250 Elo.
+0 / -0