I had a question for the devs in a different thread, and decided to ask again for a more elaborate answer in this thread so we dont derail the other one.
So, what is the current ZK's legal status, what is its planned future legal status, and are there any plans for proper monetization?
Are you trying to set up ZK as a non-profit organisation, or a profit one? If it is a regular profit organisation, are there any potential problems with licensing for any of ZK's assets, which, i assume, have all kinds of licenses attached to them?
Are there plans to do more monetization options? I would love to see a cash shop with custom commander models, and maybe even custom unit models. This could be just reskins, or entirely new models. As i understand, the actual unit geometry doesnt matter for the game - all of the data, such as the hitbox size and shape, as well as weapon shots origin points are all stored in unitdefs and are not directly related to the model.
I could easily see ZK raising funds on scale from $10k to $100k over the 6-12 months after the steam release if there are cool-looking things for sale. That would certainly help maintain the server, as well as purchase high-qualty assets, possibly even hire some freelance assholes to make them.